What Does 420 Mean to Me

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

"I just had to show off this picture, since even Uno was in on the conspiracy today."

Most stoners know that the 420 tradition started as a sort of toker’s tea time for a group of students at San Rafael High School back in the 1970’s (hence, the pronunciation of the number as four-twenty and not four hundred twenty). The group of teens would meet at the Louis Pasteur statue at 4:20 pm (allegedly when campus detention would end) to smoke marijuana. Over the years the meaning of 420 has greatly changed. It’s not only become associated with a time to smoke, but now it’s also associated with a day designated to smoking.

For many of the people I know, 420 is the twentieth day of April; a day in which they can be stupidly destructive and inconsiderate using pot as their excuse for social irresponsibility. But does it need to be this way? Do people really need to put the pot smoking community in a bad light (and more importantly, why are pot smokers seemingly doing it to themselves)? I don’t believe so, nor do I believe 420 should have to carry any negative connotations (for both the smoking and non-smoking sections).

But what about the legality of marijuana? I find it strange how people will openly admit to doing various illegal things in conversation, but tip-toe around the subject of lighting up as if they’re plotting some act of treason. While I agree using a chemical that can alter your thinking and consciousness is very dangerous if done irresponsibly, but I also find speeding home from work every night to be potentially dangerous as well; yet people will still openly admit to speeding/risky driving (in fact, some people will even brag about it).

Along with the legality issue, I also believe that marijuana should be no more criminal that drinking a beer. Especially, since our society (by “our society,” I mean the US. I don’t mean to sound ethnocentric, but it’s most of what I know) has conditioned us to learn that there’s an appropriate: time, context and reason to be drinking (unless you’re a screw up like me that drinks at 9:00 am during the weekends). I also feel that cannabis should be legalized because it’s more of a matter of health care and protecting people from themselves, rather than an issue of criminilization.

420 for me, stands more as a day to be living example for stoners everywhere. In a way, it’s like me telling the world “I smoke weed, but I’m ok” kind of like some sort of “We come in peace” sort of thing. I want to tell the world that those who blaze don’t have to be pigeon holed into the typecasts of the loser kids in those “above the influence” commercials by the ad council. We can be responsible members of society, people that: hold down jobs, pay rent on time, and can have fun while sober.

So as you light that joint in celebration, remember that this may be our day (to blaze it up), but remember we do share this world with others… Also, don’t go try not to throw cold water on someone smoking out (not literally) even if you don’t agree/partake, since our general misconceptions on how the other half lives are the root of our problems.

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