A Little Revenge Anyone? - Afro Samurai

By: Gavin Mooney

This week I am going to change gears a little and try something different. Sorry to say that last week I did not see any movies new or old save for one and I’ll get into that in a moment. Of the movies that came out last week, “Underworld: Rise of the Lycans” and “Inkheart” definitely see Underworld and how bad can “Inkheart” be? Its got Brendan Fraser! That dude kicks ass and I’ll see just about anything he’s in. The dude can’t seem to land decent roles but he does do any role decently. What to expect for future updates I can’t say but I’ll try to make it out to the movies. This time of year my movie watching always seems to drop off even for the movies I want to see. Also LOST has begun and that occupies much of my interest right now. The show just keeps kicken ass!!! And if you’re not watching Lost, buy or rent the seasons and start! You won’t regret it.

But now on to the subject of today’s article. This weekend you may have been as lucky and entertained as I to take time to watch Spike TV’s premiere of a second installment of a bad ass samurai saga. I am of course talking about Afro Samurai.

"Fuck walk softly with a big stick, Afro just walks and kicks ass."

Afro Samurai: Resurrection - This is the second story about the character Afro Samurai created by Takashi Okazaki. In this tale Afro must confront another enemy from his past born from the path he treaded in order to become the number 1. He must again become the number 2 and seek out this villain before she can torture a revived form of Afro’s slain farther. This movie kicked ass! The first Afro Samurai was bad ass and I was almost saddened when the original ended because that meant no more episodes or story for this character which I had grown to love. But I can dry my tears because this second installment gave just enough of what I needed. The characters and story were just as engaging and interesting as the first Afro Samurai. One of themes I particularly enjoyed is who Afro is now and the price he must pay for wearing the number 1 headband. The fight scenes in this movie were just as good as the first except for one scene which proved to be better. The animation is awesome and the story telling is solid. The DVD will be available for purchase February 3rd. If you are a fan of the first Afro Samurai or you’re just into kick ass anime check out this movie and its predecessor. You will definitely be in for a treat.

"You better think twice before crossing this mother fucker."

Afro Samurai - I could not review the second movie without at least giving you thoughts on the first though you can probably guess what they are. This movie (or show whatever) kicks ASS!!!! “Afro Samurai” is about a samurai hell bent on avenging his father’s death at the hands of the now number 1 headband wearer Justice. Afro must now bear the burden of wearing the number 2 headband until he can finally live out his dream and avenge his father. The animation alone made this movie bad ass. It is a really cool sword fighting anime set in a post apocalyptic type world. The characters are very fascinating and the story is awesome. The character Afro is one bad ass mother fucker and who else can voice a bad ass mother fucker than the baddest of them all, Samuel L. Jackson. This is really a good story written in the old eastern style of story telling; the central theme, revenge. This movie upon viewing became a must have for my collection and I have not regretted it for a moment. Everyone needs to check out this movie if you haven’t already. No argument, no discussion, go see this shit and I guarantee you’ll love it.

And finally a little what the fuck?...

"This dude will fuck you up even in video game form. "

This goes out to the Wii console or the makers of the Afro Samurai game. What the FUCK?! It’s a samurai game. Wouldn’t this be a perfect opportunity for a Wii remote? So far games such as Lightsaber battles, The Force Unleashed, No More Heroes, and others for me at least are a bit lacking in entertainment for a sword slashing game. This would have been a perfect opportunity to feature a game I might actually really enjoy with not only characters and story I care about but awesome game play and controls. I am pissed that of all opportunities this one will be missed in the video game world. The day I heard there was an Afro Samurai game I was very “Fuck Yeah!” until I heard it was only for the XBox and Playstation. This was quickly replaced with “WHAT THE FUCK?!” This just goes to show that Nintendo will never learn its lessons of the past and make a console that is not a pain in the ass for developers to engineer games for. Constantly we are screwed over because developers won’t take the time to make a game for all 3 systems because the Nintendo is always a pain in the ass that requires work at square one. This is why I can’t play Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit, Soul Caliber 4, and now Afro Samurai. And now I like so many others will eventually have to break down and buy another video game console just so I can play the games Nintendo just never seems to get made, and for that I say WHAT THE FUCK?!

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