Booth Babe Gallery

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

Booth babes... The girls game companies use as bait to bring nerds to their booths.

"In this picture: Hot THQ girl & a douchebag who thought he was smooth."

"This girl and this game can be called a bad Mrs. Smith knock-off."

"Judy Nails was there challenging wanna-be Guitar Heroes."

"That chick has a crab on her crotch too... We should've started a club."

"The ultimate enemy to the ninja... Female pirates."

"Nokia put them in charge of not only looking cute, but explaining the games there... It went over as bad as you would think."

"This girl makes me want and not want to buy X-Blades at the same time."

"Ummm... How did that get in here?"

"This girl reminds me of a character from Masters of the Universe..."

"For long time supporter of Rwn, Sylvester Ink..."

"And look, it's staffer Vivian trying to be a booth babe... Just kidding, but that pic is cuteness for the win."

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