We Can't Wait to Buy This Game: Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

While we had heard about this game a few months back; seeing the video trailer almost us cum our pants (for more than one reason). Here are the reasons why we can’t wait to buy this game.

- Josh has been looking for a katana based game on the Wii ever since we learned what the Wii was all about.
- Rob is a pervert.
- Both Rob and Josh have been fans of the zombie killing goodness that is the Resident Evil series; and think that the video game industry can’t get enough Japanese survival horror titles in its ranks.

Busting out in early 2009… The next few months will be going by quite slow in anticipation for this game. But let it be known, that we’ll be jerking our Wiimotes in joy when this bitch comes on the scene.

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