Tract Marks: Making Fun of Fundamentalists

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

Before I go on with this article, I must clarify that I don’t hate God or Jesus. In fact, I do have pretty deep roots in my Christian faith. However, I do find the messages in the comic book tracts drawn by Jack Chick to be utterly ridiculous. Though they’re meant to “evangelize” to the lost in a non-threatening manner, they actually come off as pompous “holier than thou” books constantly hammering in the fact that you’re an awful person. While acknowledging one’s short comings is part of spiritual growth; having a comic that says everything someone does and likes is wrong may not be the best way to spread the love of God.

In this article I’ll be showcasing my 2 “favorite” tracts, mostly because they’re based around 2 things that I really like (music and games).

In this comic a local Christian rock band, not only sells out but they also slide down a slippery slope of sin that only hard rock music can bring about.
Here’s the entire comic for your viewing “pleasure,” as I may or may not be commenting on each panel.

Honestly, what kind of “stewards of the earth” are you idiots? Even Josh Adachi has a job that is not band related to pay his rent. I know we should live by faith, but this is more like living by stupidity.

The pastor stopped you because you guys suck and are ugly. And seriously, name one Christian group that is not Switchfoot that’s hot (since I listened to them in the 90’s when they were CHRIST-ians and still rocked, sorta).

Let go and flow?! So you mean they should do hip-hop?

Continuity error: the shadow man had a hat on.
I’d be seriously creeped out if some shadow man wanted me to rap for him. I mean, the $500 sounds great, but his creepy proposal makes it sound like my cornhole will be singing by night’s end.

What a bunch of half asses… As much of a jerk and a fuck up I am, I can honestly say that I would die for my beliefs. That’s half the fun of Christianity, waiting for the reward of death (or is that bushido?).

Why the hell would this dude use drugs and booze as incentive? Maybe I’m out of the loop, but I never heard of Petra kicking back shots and passing a doobie.

In the world of spiritual contracts there is no ink… Only blood.

Spoilers: Hahaha I get it, this guy’s name is Lew Siffer… Lucifer… The Green Angels are screwed.

If the devil controls music, then what are hymns? And why does God ask us to make a joyful noise in celebration? Music is just another means of man’s expression…
But on a sidenote: I want to listen to some unadulterated “killer rock” I bet it would sound like System of a Down on even more drugs.

Ok, this is where the comic is not even realistic in a Christian sense. Since God created Satan/the devil/Lucifer/whatever his powers can easily overcome the “forces of evil.”

And on an opposite note, I will agree with that, since I do feel guilty for liking the dark imagery of heavy metal and even singing certain lyrics of Blue Oyster Cult songs.

Oddly enough this tract was made in the late 80’s or early 90’s… It’s like Jack Chick saw the future and knew that gays would eventually be allowed to get married (and receive AIDS as a wedding gift).

I really don’t get these two panels… I know what’s going on in them, but I don’t know if Jack Chick meant to say that the Green Angels are absolutely no longer a Christian band anymore.

You dirty rocker! You have it all and you don’t even wash your clothes, as evidenced by the fact that you have a week old Chick Tract in you pocket (it’s “The Contract”?! But that one is made to tell Catholics that they’re not really Christians and they too are going to Hell... No wait, "The Contract" is about a man making a deal with the devil, how appropriate).

Tom, you’ve been a Christian for at least these last 3 years… Why didn’t you do that at the beginning of the comic? At least you learned a pretty cool life lesson, albeit long and tedious.

Acts: 19:19 - A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas.
I have never summoned some sort of beast or demon listening to KISS, Styx, or even Queen… So I don’t know what kind of sorcery music this guy is talking about.

A young girl finds out that the stakes are higher than you think when playing Dungeon and Dragons.
Here’s the entire comic for your viewing “pleasure,” as I may or may not be commenting on each panel.

Shut up, you androgynous child! Just let those idiots finish for the day, make a new character, and join them again when they make a campsite or stop at an inn.

"Personality" meaning, you’re dumb/naïve as hell.

As much as I love the forces of justice and righteousness, I would have seriously played Heroes’ Quest, Warhammer (and 40,000), and even the Star Wars RPG way more; if they were really primers for crazy wizardry type hangouts like this.

I like to play games to escape reality, not to eventually have them permeate into my reality (though I guess running a site where we talk about video games in every other article, is somewhat letting them become my reality).

Holy crap! I don’t know if pen and paper RPGs or dabbling in sorcery makes a girl look like she has Down syndrome, but that is one of the creepiest caricatures of a person I’ve ever seen (or she could possibly have Down syndrome).

Jack Chick obviously read a generalized article or heard a butchered synopsis of the game mechanics somewhere, since that is not how “Dungeons and Dragons” works. The biggest flaw here is that you can’t play the game by yourself.

It must be sorcery that causes her semi-alien look, since Debbie/Elfstar looks like a normal human being here (or she could possibly have Down syndrome).

Once again, Jack Chick predicts the future… This time he foresees the emo movement.

I change my mind, sorcery practice seems like too much hard work. They don’t even let you mourn the death of a close friend.

She thought being some RPG fanatic would solve all of her problems? I think every hikikomori and parasite single in Japan can disprove that.
And to the letterman of God, rather than praying and fasting for that girl, why don’t you just befriend her then eventually ask her out?

Fun Fact: That man with the moustache speaking about the evils of the occult (John Todd) was actually convicted of raping girls in some college campus outreach program.

I must have been really lucky and/or blessed that RPGs didn’t ruin my life.

Don't let him put his hands upon you Debbie... They'll find their way into that skirt suit somehow!
Sadly, I think that drawing of the evil spirit/demon leaving Debbie’s body is the coolest drawing in the entire comic. It’s so Castlevania!

Left half: John Todd looks like he’s about to start freakin’ (which I wouldn't put past him).
And again with the burning of “evil” paraphernalia; aren’t there laws against releasing so much carbon matter in the air? And aren't breaking such laws considered evil themselves?

This article is dedicated to the memory of George Carlin, since these seem like something he'd want to make fun of.

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