Tract Marks: Making Fun of More Fundamentalists - The Revenge

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

Here we go again. We're making fun of the evangelical Christian comics by Jack Chick.

In an effort to reach out to the African American community, Jack Chick proves how out of touch with reality he really is. Using dated stereotypes and caricatures, he essentially insults the audience he's trying to reach.
Here’s the entire comic for your viewing “pleasure,” as I may or may not be commenting on each panel.

Believe it or not, this comic was written in 2008. But for some reason both that cop and Jack Chick are stuck in some sort of 1970's time warp.

The guy in do-rag has some serious balls. He's smoking a joint right in front of that cop.

What the hell? There's not a single non-black person in this community? Honestly, there's normally at least one Latino or Asian family somewhere in these neighborhoods.

From the way that the kid with the afro puff is drawn to the typed ebonics, Jack Chick acts like he's never met blacks in real life before.

Homeboy on the right could be from those old overtly racist Warner Bros. shorts.

Rev. Lovejoy from The Simpsons is not a modern theologian.

Hey kid, Han Solo called... He wants his outfit back.

Is this supposed to be a play or something? There's absolutely no scenery or background anymore. It's like these guys have transcended time and space.

Samuel L. Jackson really is in everything. He even made a cameo appearance in a Chick Tract.

I figure he's talking about eternity and the after life, but 2500 years is such an obscure number... What's he going to do, forget the day after 2501 years?

"Cool it?" "Work him over?" People haven't used "jive" like that for 20 years.

I like how the guy's suit pattern doesn't turn with the folds of the fabric. Whoever did the coloring for this comic was a total Photoshop newb.

I want to know who just lays down and dies like that regarding what they believe. I mean, shit like that only happens in Chick Tracts and Star Wars prequels.

This panel is really visually interesting. It's like Jack Chick did a line drawing over a CG image.

Ok, if you have to ask if you should cross the tracks when a train is 5 feet from you; then you really don't deserve to live, let alone drive a car.

Exactly, you idiots...

This offically beats panel 4 for title of "Most Racist Caricature." This may even beat Mr. Popo from Dragonball in terms of blatant racism.

If I took out the word bubbles, this would make a really cool party flyer.

This is cleanest graphic I've ever seen in a Chick Tract. It's almost appealing, despite being about Hell.

Ah yes, it turns out he was Satan all along... That really disturbs me to think that one of my friends could be Satan incarnate.

I guess Chick feels that it's more of an effective outreach to make the devil look black too.

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