Tract Marks: Making Fun of Fundamentalists - Halloween Edition

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

I've pretty much read every Jack Chick evangelical tract that's ever been produced. One thing I've learned about him through these tracts is the fact that he absolutely hates Halloween. I never really understood why fundamentalist Christians hated Halloween so much, as I was always told that you could partake in the Halloween fun and still be a strong Christian. In fact, I kind of see it as how non-Christians expect me to buy them a gift on December 25th.

As you may very well have guessed, I'll be commenting on a Chick Tract that revolves around Halloween.

A group of teens learn the true meaning of Halloween.
Here’s the entire comic for your viewing “pleasure,” as I may or may not be commenting on each panel.

I love the uninspired foreshadowing in this comic. One can only guess what will become of those who lodge at Camp Basil Bub. At this point, Lake Lucifer would have been a more clever name.

13 people were murdered here?! The renting agent never told me that!

History lesson: Rasputin actually had several guns worth of ammo unloaded into him at point blank range and still managed to run away (albeit dying later by falling into a frozen river and drowning). However, this does go to show that riddling someone with bullets does not mean that they're dead.

Once again, Jack Chick is very misinformed about the subject he's bashing, as Halloween is not Satan's brithday. Though, I do like the fact that the devil is shown to own a pet snake.

This point is pretty accurate. Satan is not your friend or a cool guy to hangout with (even if you think you're down with evil), he's just out to torture you for eternity.

If only one person in that group was smart enough to get out of there, then the rest of those moronic kids at that party really deserved to die.

The design choices here are just terrible. The fact that Satan is wearing a Jack-o-Lantern is simply ludicrous. I also think it's stupid that Jack Chick made the police look like sheriffs from an old Western movie.

I just thought of this... If Satan killed off the 19 most popular kids of some local high school, that means that the whole social hierarchy is thrown out of balance. They should have called this tract, When Nerds Ruled the School.

I don't know who has a goofier look of shock on their face, scared boy or scared dog. Then again screaming action Satan looks pretty retarded.

If that moon wasn't so prominent in the background there, I would have sworn that Satan was attacking a lunar church based on the landscape.

Wait, didn't Satan himself say Halloween was his birthday? Jack Chick really needs to work on continuity in his stories.

Normally Jack Chick draws really cool images of Hell like stuff that should be on rock albums or in a Renaissance era sketchbook. however, this one is a little blasé and stupid looking.

This is grossly inaccurate! Ever since the rule of Constantine, Halloween has Christian undertones (chasing away evil and what not). Saying Halloween "is just another one of Satan's tricks" is as stupid and wrong as saying "Easter is also the work of Satan."

Actually, from what they teach kids in school now-a-days, I honestly believe they know more about the origins of Halloween than good ol' out of touch Jack Chick.

People actually believe this crap? Do they really buy into this trash that there are more human sacrifices now than there were during the time of the ancient: Aztecs, Egyptians, and Phoenicians?

I'm a little tired of pointing out how wrong this comic is... So allow me to say that the Druids in this comic must have been the biggest pussies on Earth, since they literally need a dozen men to kidnap on dainty girl.

I doubt teenage witchcraft is the big thing right now. I mean, I would have seen an offer to become a fan of Witchcraft and Human Sacrifice on facebook if it were.

I thought Satan's trick was sending the Druids to steal away young girls... This whole idiotic comic is convoluted and constantly contradicts itself.

Weird, Satan went from looking like a scrawny white guy to looking like a creepy Mexican, he really is the master of deceit.

Ummm, we get it, the guy is shown in Hell... We know who he is! Stop drawing Satan with that idiotic looking Jack-o-Lantern.

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