Cool Thought

By: Ron Basilio

Religion and drugs are a way for people to deal with insanity. Let me explain.

For fear of losing one’s mental grip of reality, many people elect not to ask themselves existential questions. Faith systems provide a convenient explanation for the nature of reality. On the other end of the spectrum, drug-users may use drugs as a mean to escape their perception of reality, and may even seek to detach themselves from that reality through substance use.

As far as belief systems go, there does seem to be an attempt to promote good-will, and they can hardly be faulted for their intentions. However, within these establishments contextual truth is often taught as Absolute Truth, revealing inconsistencies over time. For example, drugs once used for medicinal purposes may be regarded as immoral by future generations. Contradictions will be ever present in a faith system, as subjective truths rub against one another in a constant debate over an invisible entity. To join a religion is to accept this uninterrupted flow of incompatibilities as a natural balancing act in the quest for truth.

It is no secret that the oldest religions existed before the written word. Furthermore, printed media as we know it did not exist and exact duplicates of documents were hardly achieved. Many faith documents were subject to political influence as well. With all the difference in language and context, it is impossible for a modern reader to gain the same understanding of faith documents as their prehistoric scribes. Exactitude is impossible to maintain even between currently existing cultures. Until a TRUE universal language can be established and practiced, no argument is free from the problems of subjective interpretation. Despite this, and perhaps because of it, I recommend that you join the discussion of faith and the nature of our existence.

I also recommend that you smoke, drink, sniff, shoot, eat, chew, absorb whatever chemical you want. Do not do this out of a need to escape the reality around you. Instead, try to understand the ways in which chemicals have influence over your perception. Take your newly found understanding and apply it to a deeper understanding of the little instances in life. Your perception will manifest and multiply into multiple levels of thinking. Of course, practice moderation, as too much of anything is bad for you.

Because everybody’s perception is contextualized within their own realm of experience, currently, the best thing to do is to have everyone keep their senses available to the possibility of multiple trains of thought and ideas. Try to find your own natural balance of uninterrupted incompatibilities. Ask questions that lead to more questions. Answer questions that lead to more answers. In this way you are working for the future of mankind, and the day when we agree to a Universal Truth.

Believe in yourself and your abilities. Absorb what is given to you. Process, evaluate, and be willing to reconstruct your conscious, subconscious and unconscious. You may proceed.

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