Cool Thought 3: Facebook Frustration

By: Ron Basilio (with pictures and captions by: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman)

If you're like the RwN staff, you've probably spent some time on Facebook. For some of you, maybe too much time. Here are a few reasons to hate Facebook. I know I do

"There was a time where the RwN page on Facebook looked semi-decent. Now, it's just some pathetic mess."

5. When they change it they force you to use the new interface.
- Sure make some changes to fix something when it's new, but every single time you start to get used to the format they change it. I mean, WTF? If it ain’t broken, why fix it?

"The english language must have been limited to about 200 words or so back in the day, since this poem really freaking sucks."

4. Does it really help you to remember friends?
- Are you that person that aimlessly adds people for the sake of adding people? Do you really have over 300 friends? Come on, we won't judge you, loser.

"I always feel like somebody's watching me."

3. Stalkers
- Creepy, 'nuff said

"Though this isn't an actual Facebook styled quiz, it is one of the funniest pictures I had in my 'from the net' archive."

2. User made quizzes.
- This one really pisses me off because people come up with some good quiz ideas, but just can't execute them at all. I took a Lord of the Rings quiz the other day and they wanted me to guess the correct spelling of a character name. How much of a nerd do you have to be to really take some of these quizzes? On top of that how do we even know if the author of the quiz knows what the right answer is? If someone thinks the answers are fact they might take it one step further and change a Wikipedia article and then we're all fucked.

"If this were true, RwN would not exist."

1. Advertisements
- If everyone could make $500 an hour; why the fuck would anyone really work, huh?

So frustrating

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