By: Steve L.

I was fortunate enough to be granted access to this year's E3 show in Los Angeles, California. E3 stands for Electronic Entertainment Expo and it is pretty much the Holy Grail as far as gaming expositions go. With all the awesome new games coming out this year, I knew that not going to this show was not an option. So I strapped on my camera and headed out the door.

"Booth for the new Batman/Joker game in development."



"Some pictures of the Square booth."

"Square had, by far, one of the largest sections besides Nintendo."

"People playing "Order of War," a new game by Square currently in dev."

"A new FF game."

"Some shots of the Microsoft section. Their newest release will be another Splinter Cell game."

"More MS"


"Playing with balls"

"Wipeout HD something"

"There are two new games from Bethesda that look quite promising. "Wet" and "Rogue Warrior." Look out for them."

"THQ Headquarters. I was given a demo to "Space Marine," a Warhammer 40K based 3PS/RPG. Looks very slick."

"One of the many sections dedicated to Nintendo."

"What I came to see. The Activision area was geared up for a demo of CoD: MW2."

"This guy wouldn't leave."

"Promotional wall art for COD: MW2."

"Watching the new trailer for Modern Warfare 2."


"Stay Puft Marshmallow man."

"West Hall Entrance of the LA Convention Center."

"A robot statue for the upcoming movie "Avatar," by James Cameron."

- Steve

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