Save Your Money/Points for Something Else - Crystal Defenders

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

While we normally try to review either really good games or really bad games, Crystal Defenders for Xbox 360/PS3 is neither (I can’t say much about the WiiWare version, since we don’t have it. But I hear it’s a bit different). Crystal Defenders is basically a tower defense game set in the world of the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance games. This alone should raise several red flags, as FFTA 1 and 2 were not very good games (at least compared to the original Final Fantasy Tactics).

"This is either a highly upgraded black mage attack or something... I'm siding with the former, since I was getting by just placing ranged defenders and upgrading them to all hell during the early maps."

The game supposedly takes place some time after the events of FFTA 2; however, you would never really know this as the story is pretty much non-existent. This makes a lot of sense to some degree, since the basis of FFTA’s story is pretty basic (and quite honestly downright stupid). A small group of friends are magically whisked away to the world of their favorite video game, Final Fantasy. I find the lack of story pretty sad, especially since the Final Fantasy games are known for having decent storylines at the very least. Even Final Fantasy Fable Chocobo Tales’ storymode was semi-engaging and the game was pretty much a mini-game collection by Square-Enix.

As I mentioned, before the game is pretty much a classic tower defense game you’d find free on the net. Enemies will come out from one side of the screen, working their way along a meandering path to get to the opposite side of the screen. You’re to strategically place your troops along the side of the road to deter the enemy from crossing the screen. If an enemy slips past your defenses and makes it to the other side, you’ll lose some life points in the form of crystals. Lose all your crystals and it’s game over.

"Some of the advanced classes shown here... We got dragoons and those weird dogmen who's race name I don't even remember from FFTA2."

The only major difference between this game and other tower defense games (aside from the fact that this one cost me $10) is your fighting force consists of the units available in FFTA 2. In the beginning, you have soldiers and monks available as your close range defenders and archers and mages as your ranged defenders. You also have specialty/advanced classes such as time mages (which will slow your opponents’ walk speed), thieves, and dragoons (that do that “jump” attack from other Final Fantasy games, if I remember correctly).

The graphics are all done in the style of the GBA and DS FFTA games; however, the sprite quality seems slightly upgraded for a television display. While the characters and monsters look decently designed, they don’t shine much in the animation department. In fact, the characters seem pretty static and unanimated when attacking or casting spells. All in all the game comes off as decently designed yet still very boring. It’s almost like looking at a Rembrandt.

"Just like in the main FF games, Tonberries are a bitch and a half to fight."

Though I normally bash video game soundtracks, Crystal Defenders’ music actually lives up to its Final Fantasy branding. While I’m no music critic (nor do I attempt to be one), the songs are all arranged very well; so much so that I didn’t stick to my usual habit of drowning out the game’s soundtrack with my own mp3s and CDs. I’m almost 100% certain all the tracks are from the original FFTA games. I believe all the songs have been remastered from the handheld versions, either that or GBA/DS speakers suck more that I had originally thought (I’m siding with the latter, since the Castlevania games, Space Invaders Extreme and Rhythm Heaven sound amazing with headphones on).

"Though we've never played it, I can't imagine the Wii version to be much better. Even with the new units and bonus maps."

At $10 (800 Microsoft points) it’s really hard for me to recommend this game to anyone. If you want to play a really fun tower defense game, might I suggest VectorTD on the web? It’s fun, moderately challenging and more importantly it’s absolutely free. The only reason I can see you getting this game is if you’re a diehard fan of the Final Fantasy series (more specifically, the Ivalice Alliance sub-genre). Even as a moderate fan of FF, I wasn’t really impressed. If you’ve been contemplating getting this game, I’d honestly have to say “just save your money/points for something else.”

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