Fiesta Gallery (car shots and J-Town trip)

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

With 100 people in this Ford Fiesta contest, there has to be at least 100 online galleries featuring the Fiesta. However, I'm pretty sure none of those galleries will have witty comments from a drunk (actually, some might).

"Though you're not really supposed to start a car photoshoot with a pic of a car from the back. I like the fact that the car has that website on it. I mean, just in case Ryan forgets why he had this car to begin with."

"While some people take pictures of cars against awesome scenery or in clean white studios, we chose to take pics of the car in front of Ron and Ryan's parent's house."

"I guess I could have made this the 1st picture of the gallery. However, it would've just confused me later on."

"Another front view pic of the car. Also, a very rare shot of Ron."

"I never understood why people insist on taking pictures of a car with all the doors open. It really looks stupid and serves no real point."

"One day I'll learn how to take a picture where the principle object is in the center of the picture plane."

"A fun fact about this strip mall... About a block away was that Ikea where they filmed the climax to Mr & Mrs Smith."

"Saturday afternoon at the Frisco's."

"Again, I don't understand that open door picture thing."

"The space age dashboard... I could have told you more about it, had not Ryan kept telling me to quit touching stuff."

"This is apparently towards the end of the shoot since the clock is reading just past 3:30."

"Under the hood, though it's not very impressive... Sorry!"

"The decal on the side. It's a pretty nice design; however, they could have done a lot more with it considering it is a printed sticker."

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