Cereal Serials: Nature’s Path Hemp Plus Organic Granola Cereal

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

As I mentioned in the first Cereal Serials, I spotted a cereal made with hemp (cannabis) at my local Trader Joe’s. Being quite the curious stoner, I picked up a box of the hemp granola with the hopes of “experiencing something” beyond a balanced breakfast. This particular hemp granola was made by Nature’s Path, a cereal company that specializes in organic cereal choices. They also have a line of breakfast foods and snacks for kids called, EnviroKidz (and as you can guess from the name, the prize is the fact that you helped save the environment).

I mentioned seeing this cereal in the previous cereal review... I should have just stuck with the Strawberry Yogurt O's.

This time around the purchase was more for the novelty of eating a cereal that had little marijuana leaves all over the box, rather than genuine intrigue with the product. While I am a fan of granola, I was more interested in the cannabis side of the cereal. Every good stoner knows that while hemp and marijuana come from the same plant, hemp is bred to grow with a very low THC content (the stuff that gets you faded). Even the cereal box had a sentence in large print stating that the cereal won’t get you high or cause you to test positive on a drug test. However, I wasn’t in the mood to let common knowledge and some box’s warning stop me from trying to get high off of a breakfast food.

As packed myself a bowl of the cereal, I noticed that it looked very much like regular granola. There was the copious amount of standard rolled oat nuggets being held together by a binder of honey or condensed sugar syrup and like the inside of my pants, there were no nuts. The cereal did have an abundance of hemp seeds throughout it, which to my disappointment turned out to be the only bit of cannabis hemp found in this cereal. My hopes for getting even remotely stoned off of a cereal were going up in smoke (as seeds are the last cannabis product anyone would use to get high off of).

This was more of the kind of hemp and hemp product I wanted in there.

I then decided to just work through this box of cereal and review it as an actual cereal, rather than a type of novelty cereal. While, I didn’t get high off the granola, I did feel slightly healthier every time I ate some. This could have been due to the fact that I was eating cereal instead of a microwave pizza in the mornings or the cereal could have been genuinely helping my body out (I kind of think it was me not eating the pizza, as I’ve read some literature about granola not being too good for people). The hemp granola was actually pretty good in terms of other store bought granolas. The hemp seeds actually gave the overall flavor some nice character, almost as if there were sesame seeds in there. It had that nice mildly toasted, nutty flavor from the seed with that classic sweet and wheaty granola taste.

The texture was a little too crunchy for breakfast cereal granola. It was almost like those rock hard Nature Valley granola bars that were served with school lunches. Though it's somewhat excusable, as it does take a very gifted Swiss or hippy to make nice firm, yet yielding muesli mix. And the overall appeal in the complimentary flavors of the: sweet honey, woodsy hemp seed, and grainy oats offset the semi-displeasing texture.

Aside from the novelty of having a box of cereal in your pantry that's decorated in pot leaves. There's not too much draw to this cereal. It does taste good, but in reality it does taste good for granola. Meaning, you'd have to already like granola to enjoy this. As you already know the cereal does not get you high in any way. It'll give you a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids and in theory should be helping your brain, heart, and other organs thus making you feel a little better. Sadly, the cereal won't be giving you any wicked head change or even a contact high.

Final Verdict:
5 to 6 (depending if you like granola in the first place of not) out of 10 hemp seeds

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