Hoe School Musical - The Dumb Girl Revue

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

Sadly, as of posting this article, I was asked to remove the naked images of Vanessa Hudgens due to copyright/legal this and thats (which I don’t really understand, since I have no say as to what people can and can’t do with an embarrassing photo of me fishing while naked)... That doesn’t mean we’re licked yet.

Spoilers Highlight to Read:
If you’re really interested, I have a companion file to go with this article. Email runningwithninjas(a)gmail.com and we’ll forward the link to you. Or you might have already figured out another alternative...

A couple days ago there was some huge internet news as there was a gallery of Vanessa Hudgens (Gabriella from High School Musical) floating around the web. While I normally don’t look at nude photos (even during the “Palmer’s Pleasure Cruise”) and I haven’t watched a porno since 8th grade or freshman year, I was compelled to check these photos out for some reason; mostly because Twitter and Facebook were set ablaze by the comments and postings regarding the leaked photos. Many of my friends said that they pictures were an amazing treat, much like Christmas in early August. However, when I finally decided to pull the trigger and download them; I was very disappointed and felt as if my time was stolen from me.

The pictures in the gallery really let me down. Perhaps it’s because I really like Disney’s High School Musical and had a celebrity crush on Vanessa Hudgens, but something really upset me about that gallery. I became so bothered that I had to take action, I had to make fun of these pictures to make things right. What better way to make fun of something than to do it through a posting on your personal website?

Some notes before you read on: These are only select pictures from the gallery as lot of the 20 some ought photos there are near duplicates of each other and would be pointless to comment on all of them. If you want to see the entire gallery, you can download it here. Aside from size formatting for this site’s layout, I did not: crop, edit, filter, adjust, enhance, or alter these photos in any way; this includes not covering up her more “sensitive areas,” since we’re all adults here or at least know how to hide stuff from our parents/boss.

Pretty harmless, so far so good, I guess. Nice to know she shaves.

Do you remember when Vanessa Hudgens didn’t look like a Puerto Rican exotic dancer? I think I do.

Again, I can see why no one knew this was Vanessa Hudgens at first.

Pic 4 (nude, sorry)

If I can give her a sliver of credit, she does have A+ nipples.

Pic 5 (nude, sorry)

What is that around your waist, tinsel from the Christmas tree at Macy’s?

Though it’s probably the reason why you have such a nice figure; you really should consider quitting that cocaine. It’s ruining your face.

My name’s Vanessa Hudgen’s... I made 3 Disney movies that became something of a worldwide sensation and I still don’t have: a decent phone/camera and lighting.

Sadly, this girl has more clothes in her closet than my ex-girlfriend had in her clothing store.

Pic 13 (nude, sorry)

She’ll tell you she was trying to be artistic... I think she was just tripped out on the coke.

Trying to prove she’s not a whore... It’s not working. But sadly, I will admit that I too want a Zac Efron pin.

We are sold out of BORT license plates. I repeat, we are out of BORT license plates in the gift shop!

So they make eyeliner that’s designed to make you appear cracked out... Weird.

::Chris Hansen voice:: And you decided to post these pictures of yourself naked, all over the internet. Why would you think that was a good idea?

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