An Inglorious Review

By: Gavin Mooney

First and foremost I again would like to apologize for laggin' on my movie reviews and the lack of them for that matter. I’ve explained it in the past and hope to remedy the problem soon. As for today I have two reviews on movies just out in theatres, and a couple reviews on movies I have had the pleasure to view out on rent. So.............. Without further ado....

Inglorious Bastards - The new and highly anticipated Quentin Tarantino war movie came out last week and I had the pleasure of viewing it, sort of. A pleasure is a stretch. With a run time of two and a half hours around hour two you really start to feel it. For a Tarantino film it was rather slow and unentertaining at times. This movie is about the Nazis’ in occupied France and a group known as the bastards they are hunting, sort of. I say sort of because, really, this movie is about the Nazis. What the Nazis are doing, where they are going, who they are afraid of, who’s afraid of them, who they are , and what they are like. There was a lot of Nazis in this movie and Nazi scenes that only served to push the movie to the inevitable conclusion at the end of the movie. Honestly the Bastards are only on the screen for maybe a half an hour total in movie time. Maybe longer and of course they make the movie, but you gotta wait from scene to scene for them to pop up and then it’s only briefly and then back to the droll of this, quite honestly, boring movie. As I say the only real entertaining part of this movie is Brad Pitt and the Bastards and I gotta watch the rest of this crap to get to them. I personally was a bit disappointed by Tarantino after making such awesome films in the past I thought for sure I was in for a treat here. Nope, screwed again! He really dropped the ball on this film. Now, I understand what he was trying to do and the film he was trying to make but honestly he was unable to deliver. This movie just fell short for me in so many ways. It wasn’t a complete disaster though, a lot of the actors put on very good performances, especially Christoph Waltz who shined through the whole thing, the story when you step back and look at the broad picture of it was alright, and the movie as whole looked pretty good. In the end for me it just wasn’t all that entertaining. I know for a fact that in the future I will not be watching this movie again and if I do I will simply just fast forward to all the parts with the Bastards in it. In the end if you’re gonna call a movie “Inglorious Bastards” in which there are characters in the movie by that name, the movie better fucking be about them, in whole, not 30 mins. Check this movie out but don’t rush out to see it. You should really send Tarantino a message and just download this movie so he can see if he makes a crap movie we’re all just gonna steal it rather than pay for it.

District 9 - Peter Jackson’s new film out about Aliens who take refuge on Earth. This movie was exactly what I thought it was going to be, imaginative and entertaining. Fortunately for me I hadn’t seen a single preview for this movie until a week before it was about to come out at which point I simply turned my head. The image of the city floating over a city looked epic for me and I didn’t want any part of this movie ruined for me. This movie is sort of a documentary look at the aliens who have been marooned on our planet for whatever reason and the refugee camp they now inhabit called District 9. One of the best parts about this movie was not only a look into this scenario but more importantly the parallels already present in today’s society in our treatment of each other and refugees from our own neighbors. Also a very real and probably accurate prediction of how we would handle such a situation and the results of such a particular interaction with others from another planet. This movie was great, entertaining and worth every penny. The world created was deep, and colorful, and completely thought out. No holes anywhere in this story and the lead actor, Sharlto Copley, gave a believable and spectacular performance. This movie is not your typical sci-fi flick so if your not a fan, it doesn’t matter, check it out anyway. I recommend everyone get out and see this movie.

During my movie hiatus I have had been able to rent several movies I, for whatever reason, never got around to seeing or they simply were not out long enough for me to notice or make it out. Today I have two such movies, one I wanted to see and simply didn’t and one I wanted to see but simply forgot about. Now these movies are available to all at your local movie rental store and I suggest you fetch both of these right away. Enjoy.

Hamlet 2 - The number one joke I’ve heard from everyone when I mention this movie is “I never saw the first one.” For those of you who don’t get that joke, first a: you’re an idiot, and b: it doesn’t matter. “Hamlet 2” is about an actor who has a pure and extreme love of the craft who has been reduced to a high school drama teacher in Arizona. On top of his pan-ultimate failure in Hollywood his class has just been removed from the curriculum and he has one last chance to save the drama dept. He decides to do this by writing a controversial sequel to Shakespeare’s Hamlet. This movie is laugh out loud HILARIOUS!!! I couldn’t stop laughing. It was really well written, the comedy spot on, and the jokes were constantly coming, some times obvious and clearly set up and others slipped in real quick with a good punch but just as equally funny. Steve Coogan and the rest of the cast were spectacular! I just really enjoyed this movie. To this day I am completely unaware as to why I missed it in the theatres but I am sad I did. This movie is on par with “Team America World Police” and “South Park” mainly because it was written by some of the same writers which pretty much accounts for much of the movie’s humor, pace and timing. If you are looking for a good belly laugh of a movie then you should really check out Hamlet 2.

Nobel Son - Another flick which some how slipped in and out of the theatres without me noticing. I had seen previews for this movie and had planned on seeing it but for some reason just never got around to it. This movie is about a guy, Bryan Greenberg, whose dad, Alan Rickman, wins the Nobel Prize. On the eve of this event Greenberg is kidnapped and held for ransom. Rickman refuses to pay and chaos ensues. That’s pretty much the jist of the movie. There is a bit more to it but then I’ll just be spoiling the movie. Suffice to say I thought this movie was very entertaining. I thought it was dark and twisted and deep. The character development in this movie was great with awesome performances by all involved including Shawn Hatosy, he plays Elvis in “Alpha Dog.” A little side bar, Hatosy is another up and coming actor who I feel is not as big as he should be by now. That dude has been in TONS of movies and still he keeps getting little bit parts despite the phenomenal job he always does. Keep an eye on this guy because one day we are all gonna watch him receive an Oscar. “Nobel Son” may not be for everyone because at times it seems silly and way over the top, but I assure you it’s a good movie. Highly under-appreciated this movie slipped in and out of theatres and now it is available to all. I suggest if you like twisted and slightly dark detective type movies you should check this one out.

Echelon Conspiracy - One more movie to slide in and I almost forgot it. Again another movie I missed while it was out and “THANK GOD!” This movie kinda sucked. It would have been better if I hadn’t seen the movie it was almost exactly like but I did, so it wasn’t. For the quick and easy rundown this movie was “Eagle Eye” but the computer is WAY smarter and easier to reason with. That’s it. Movie over. I really have nothing more to say about this movie. Crappy cast, crappy writing (kinda), same crappy story, and it all ends with relatively the same crappy ending. I wouldn’t suggest watching “Eagle Eye” but I sure as hell wouldn’t advise you to waste your money or your time on this. If you already have, which I doubt, sorry; everyone else avoid at all costs.

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