Movie Week: 10/3/08 to 10/10/08

By: Gavin Mooney

Hello RwN. I will be providing you with movie reviews. I have no system for how I’m going to do this so it will be a work in progress. I am going to start out by just doing quick reviews of all the movies that are out now that I’ve seen.

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist - This little flick was alright. It’s about Nick, an aspiring artist who is dealing with a recent breakup, and Norah, the down to earth cute chick who has no guy and can’t figure out what to do with her life, and the night they and their friends spend together in New York looking for this band named “Where’s Fluffy.” Michael Cera does an excellent job playing the same role, yet again, that he has played in “Juno” and “Superbad.” The guy really doesn’t know how to do anything else. He’s like a young Kevin Costner or Kurt Russell but not nearly as cool. The movie has an alright soundtrack and was fun to watch. If you’re into high school, budding love story, coming of age-esque type movies then you’ll enjoy it, I did.

Choke - This is the new film out by the writer of fight club. That being said do not expect anything close to or like fight club other than it’s a pretty existential story. I can’t really tell you what this movie is about without giving away major plot points, or key jokes, or just plain ruining the movie. Just go see it! The movie itself is not for everyone. The humor is a bit dry and fucked up, and the movie itself is a bit of a slow pace. In fact if you are easily offended, and I'm assuming you’re not, (but if you are) don’t see the movie. All that said, this movie is FUCKED UP. Not “Devil’s Rejects” fucked up but more “Upside of Anger” fucked up (or maybe “Hamlet 2,” but I never saw it). If you’ve seen the movie you’ll understand and know my analogy is a poor one at best. Suffice to say if I ever see a movie as fucked up, I’ll be able to say “’s fucked up, like “'Choke,'” and people will know what I’m talking about. GO SEE IT.

Miracle at St. Anna - New Spike Lee movie. In true Spike Lee fashion we have a very well written, directed, and acted movie with a mostly black cast and all the white characters are portrayed as bigots, idiots, or assholes. Given the time period the movie takes place I can’t really blame him. The movie is about one of the first all black platoons that were used in the Second World War. Four soldiers get cut off from the rest of their platoon and an amazing story of faith, heroism, and war ensues. Though the movie is long with a running time of 2 hrs and 40 min it at no time lags or loses its intensity or intrigue. All the performances by Derek Luke, Michael Ealy, Laz Alonso, and Omar Benson Miller were phenomenal and their characters are really well crafted. I was quite entertained and moved by this tale and would recommend this movie for all.

Appaloosa - New western movie out that takes place in a small town named Appaloosa in the New Mexico territory. Ed Harris and Vigo Mortensen were excellent in this movie. Not a whole lot of gun slinging for a gun slinging movie but the characters and the story draw you in and keep you interested. This movie is much better than last years western “3:10 to Yuma” which was slow and lagged a lot at points. Vigo Mortensen was especially good in his supporting role to Harris, who just kicks ass! Not a whole lot more to say other than if you like westerns, this would be one you shouldn’t miss.

Eagle Eye - New movie from Steven Spielberg starring Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan. This movie is about Jerry Shaw (Shia LaBeouf) who is being guided by a mysterious caller who is making him commit a handful of crimes for who knows what reason why. The movie was pretty entertaining. I did not feel like I had spent my money foolishly or felt like I had been jypted. I would definitely recommend seeing it. Sorry, I don’t really have much more to say about the movie. It was cool, see it.

Burn after Reading - This movie was bad ass. The Coen brothers really know how to make an entertaining movie. This is the Coen brothers’ second attempt at a good cohesive dark comedy. If you’re wondering or didn’t know, the first one was “The Big Lebowski.” Like in Lebowski fashion we are again introduced to an array of oddball characters, each with their own unique quirks. The story was entertaining, the characters intriguing, and the comedy spot on. Clooney and Pitt both gave good performances as could be expected and Tilda Swinton was excellent as well. I personally thought J.K. Simmons, who only had two scenes, and John Malkovich made the movie. If you like dark comedies, “The Big Lebowski,” the Coen brothers, or just good entertaining movies then go see “Burn After Reading.” You won’t be disappointed.

Righteous Kill - New movie starring Al Pacino and Robert Deniro. These two names have single handedly generated all of the hype for this movie, and honestly it was for nothing. The movie is about two cops on a murder investigation looking for a serial killer who may or may not be a cop. In all honesty, I thought I had this movie figured out from the previews. Until the movie started and I realized I did, but the other way around. The performance by the two actors was alright, Deniro being the better of the two. Pacino just looked awful in the movie, like "way the fuck over the hill" awful. The story wasn’t all that interesting, but maybe it was just because the previews for this movie just ruined the whole thing, I don’t know. Personally, I was glad I didn’t have to pay to see it and I recommend you don’t either. Wait 'til it’s out for rent or watch it on HBO when it comes out.

My Best Friends Girl - This movie wasn’t bad at all. The critics trashed it like they do most Dane Cook movies, but I was pleasantly surprised. I myself do not normally see movies with Dane Cook, but I did see this one. The movie is about Dane Cook who plays an ass hole, and an awesome one at that, who is hired by his best friend to get his girl to come back to him but that backfires and chaos ensues. You know, like how the preview shows it. Anyway, plot line aside this movie was actually really funny. The previews managed to only give away maybe the weakest jokes of the movie and writing was pretty good. Alec Baldwin makes an appearance and he knocks it out of the park. Again maybe my favorite parts of the movie are held by a character that was barely in it. Don’t listen to critics and go see this, either with some friends or on a date. I guarantee a good time will be had by all.

…And finally a little ”WHAT THE FUCK?!”

What the fuck America! The number one movie of the week at the box office was “Beverly Hills Chihuahua.” You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I, myself would not be caught dead in that movie, so I have no review for what a steamy pile that was. Suffice to say if you saw the preview; you know, the one with the talking Chihuahuas and you thought to yourself “who on earth would pay to see that?” turns out, YOU WILL. I feel sorry for all the people who will have to say with a straight face “I went to go see “Beverly Hills Chihuahua.” The only merit I could give this movie or at least explain the phenomenon that was the number one movie, is that a movie studio made a movie so bad that it only appealed to small children and every parent in America decided to rip this band aid off as fast as possible. And you know some poor bastard lost a bet or an argument and had to take not only his kid but all his friends too. That’s one long, annoying car ride home. And for that man I say to you in America who dealt this man this cruel fate “What the fuck.”

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