Movie Week: 2/7/09 to 2/13/09

By: Gavin Mooney

I have good news to report, Lost is kicking ass as always! If you’re not watching this show go to Blockbuster, catch up, and enjoy. Two big movies come out this upcoming Valentines Day weekend, “Friday the 13th” and “The International.” Don’t see either of them. First off, isn’t Jason dead? How many people does this guy gotta kill? We get it, he’s scary but he’s also dead. Let’s bury the hatchet and move on with our scary lives. Second “The International” looks boring and lame. I’m sure it’s got all the makings of an international corporate thriller but who cares. Describing it sounds boring enough how much better can the movie be, Next. Plus the preview already has given away the entire plot and twist of the movie and I dare to predict the final scene. Also I’m guessing that Naomi Watts is snitching on him for the other side. But if my friend wants to go see it and it’s free you may be getting a review on it in the future. One more thing, you know who should be Bond? Clive Owen. That dude looks like an international man of mystery. Hopefully, two more Bond movies and then who knows. But on to more current events; here is the list of movies I have decided to waste my time in the recent past. I suggest you check out the ones that apply. Enjoy.

Push - New movie out starring Dakota Fanning, Djimon Hounsou, and Chris Evans. It is set in modern times and is about people with really strong psychic powers and the secret war they wage with an agency bent on turning these psychics into their weapons. Now as interesting as this sounds a word from the wise. This movie does kinda drag. It was an entertaining movie for a sci-fi nut such as myself and if you’re into movies with a well developed “world” I guess you could say, then definitely check this out. Again this movie isn’t for everyone but I would not go far as to say it was bad. I personally hope there will be a sequel to this movie because I would like to see more of this world that was created now that I have a good base to build on, and I would like to have a faster more in depth movie to enjoy. I thought the characters were very interesting and the story well thought out and engrossing. Also I was happy to see Chris Evans in another movie. People may disagree with me but I like watching that guy act on screen. I always find his characters very a part of the movie going on around them. He makes for one kick ass Johnny Storm (Human Torch). Anyway if you’re a bit of a sci-fi nut or are into slow but well thought out movies, with some good action to kinda make up for it’s pace, then give it a try and check it out, either in the theatre or later for rent or HBO.

Fanboys - New comedy out starring a bunch of guys that even if I said their names you’d be like “Who?” But trust me we all know them and love them and have seen them before. It’s about a group of friends who are total Star Wars fanatics who plan to storm Skywalker Ranch and steal the unscreened “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.” Now you might be thinking “That doesn’t sound very funny,” but trust me the plot has only a small part to do with the hilarity of this movie. Now for the huge to the small fan alike, even if you have just a base of Star Wars knowledge, like only the original three movies, you have everything you need to know to get just about all the jokes in this movie. This movie takes every iconic scene, memorable quote, and trademark image of the Lucas film enterprise and remixes them into one funny movie. During this time of the year good, truly funny movies are few and far between and I recommend all should check this flick out. Unfortunately this movie is only in limited release so even though it will be a hassle I suggest you find a nearby theatre that has it while you still can.

He’s Just Not that Into You - Yeah! That’s right I saw this “Chick Flick.” And I’m not ashamed to admit so, why? Two words… Ben Affleck. Yeah that’s right. Say what you will but this man will be a legend. Ben Affleck is the man, and because of this we all need to go see this movie. It is our sacred duty, no our honor to keep this man gainfully employed. Ben Affleck needs work and the only way he’ll get it is if we support his career indiscriminately. All that aside, this movie is a textbook romantic comedy that shallowly scrapes the inner workings between men and women in the dating world. This movie did have some pretty funny moments along with utterly predictable and sappy moments. Ladies, if you want a good movie to laugh at and “Fanboys” isn’t anywhere near your alley, I suggest you detour on over to this one. Take your boyfriend if you want, he’ll dig it. It’s funny. And for you guys who are dreading being dragged to yet another chick flick with your girl you have nothing to fear. This movie is quite entertaining and you’ll be laughing through a lot of it. So if you and that special someone are looking for just the right movie to check out this Valentines Day might I suggest you stop in on this one. It will be enjoyed by all.

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans - A little rehash of the past. If you haven’t checked this movie out yet you might want to. The Underworld series has been quite entertaining so far and they didn’t miss with this one. This Underworld movie is about the rise of Lucian the first werewolf who could become human again and the breed he spawned named Lycans. When I saw this movie my friend summed it up exactly how it is and I will repeat it to you. I had mentioned that this movie seemed short only running to almost and hour and a half and he replied, “It’s just the right amount of time, any longer and the movie would have sucked.” A bit discouraging I had thought but after seeing it he was correct. The action was cool, the story interesting, and more of the history and evolution of the Underworld universe. As the movie neared its end I was well satisfied and as it ended even though I wanted to see more I knew that at this point you would just be dragging on a good thing. If you’re into the Underworld movies check this one out. Michel Sheen and Bill Nighy were superb as always and are one of the great treats of these Underworld movies. I find both of their characters engaging and interesting and a real treasure to watch. After the so so sequel to Underworld this new prequel made up for everything lacking in the prior. So if you want to see a cool action movie with vampires and werewolves fighting, you’re in luck this movie is for you.

Defiance - As I like to sometimes say “the other Jews, Nazi movie of the year.” “Defiance” is about a settlement of Jews hiding out in their local forest in Germany during the height of World War II. This movie was epic. These guys went through a lot of shit and because of their courage and strength did an extraordinary thing during a dismal time. Daniel Craig was awesome as usual and always a pleasure to watch on the screen. I know in the past I bashed him for being a piss poor excuse for a Bond, other than that he’s the man. I wish there was more to say about this movie but it is good enough that it really doesn’t need much hyping. If you haven’t seen this movie yet I suggest you take the time and go check it out while it is still fresh in theatres. If you don’t catch definitely rent this one. I know usually movies about Jews in Germany during the war always sound depressing but this one is very uplifting and inspiring. Check it out.

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