Movie Week: 3/14/09 to 3/20/09

By: Gavin Mooney

Sorry a bit late this week with a review. I was trying to get one more movie in but was unfortunately unable to. Oh well. So I only have a review for two movies, one new and one fairly new and I do not know the next time I will be going to the movie so I will either have an oldie but a goldie review next week or none at all; stay tuned. For starters I would like to start out with what is becoming a bit of a regular bit which is my version of “buy or sell” (all you Around the Horn fans know what I’m talking about) for this week upcoming releases.

The Haunting in Connecticut - Sell this hype. I’m not a horror fan so of course I’m not gonna see it. If you like horror good luck.

Monsters vs Aliens - New Dreamworks movie. These guys usually know what they are doing. These movies are always funny and fun and the animation is always spot on. I buy this hype as fun for the whole family.

12 Rounds - New action movie out and one reason why I wanted to do this bit. SELL THIS HYPE! This movie looks God awful! I hear the dude is a wrestler but who the fuck cares?! He probably got this role because no real action star with any sense would do this movie. Plus I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this movie already… It was called “Die Hard with a Vengeance” and Bruce Willis (a real action star) kicked ass and killed the dude in the end. There I just saved you 11 dollars and 2 hours of your life. No thanks necessary. I don’t care if you’re a fan of action movies or not, avoid this movie.

And now for current events…

Miss March - New comedy out about a guy who on the night he was going to loose his virginity ended up getting knocked into a coma for 4 years and wakes up to find the girl he was going to sleep with has now become a Playboy playmate for the month of march. He and his best friend decide to suit up and head out to California in a hopeful reunion that will culminate with this kid finally poppin his cherry. Premise aside this movie was pretty funny. Trevor Moore, the dude who plays the best friend, was fucking hilarious. Keep an eye out for this dude cause if he can be even half as funny in other movies as he was in this one he’ll probably have a promising career ahead of him. I really don’t have a whole lot to say about this movie. It moves pretty quick, the humor was funny enough for me, and the casting was good with the normal cameos of a couple the comedy bigs of our time as always. Comedies these days are beginning to follow a specific formula which has begun to guarantee the success of many recent comedy movies but as I point that out I would not be surprised if the formula will begin to get old and fizzle out or at least the movies it produces. If you’re looking for a good laugh check this out, you’ll be entertained.

Knowing - New doomsday movie out starring Nicholas Cage. That’s all I’m going to say, “Doomsday” because I don’t want to spoil what goes on in the movie. But I’m sure if you watched the previews, I didn’t, and you have any sense you figured out what this movie is about. The movie itself wasn’t great but it wasn’t bad either. I was pretty entertained through the whole thing. I found the story pretty interesting and cool and the subject matter itself engaging. Nicholas Cage again plays himself which he has demonstrated so many times in the past is a hit or miss situation. Hit for this one but others might disagree. And the final scene of the movie or next to final one (If you see it you’ll know what I’m talking about) was AWSOME! The movie does tend to drag at some parts but overall it moves along pretty well. I wouldn’t suggest this movie for everyone but if you’re up for a different kind of movie I guess you could say check it out. For just about everyone else, check it out on HBO.

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