Movie Week: 3/28/09 to 4/3/09

By: Gavin Mooney

Adventureland - New comedy out starring a handful of up and comers and a couple of no namers. It’s about a recent college graduate, played by Jesse Eisenberg, who due to recent financial strain on his parents part, needs to get a summer job in order to pay for New York living and graduate school the following spring. This leads him to get a job at a local amusement park Adventureland. There wasn’t a whole lot to this movie. That’s just about the whole movie. There is a cute and engaging love story that sucks you right in and make’s you completely overlook the fact that I went to see a movie I thought I was gonna laugh my ass off and instead I got this little feel good movie instead. There was, at times, a lot of downtime between jokes. Now don’t get me wrong the movie was funny but it was no “Superbad” or anything really hilarious like “Pineapple Express.” Bill Hader, who was a huge draw for me in this movie, again plays just a hilarious part but unfortunately still isn’t on the screen long enough in my opinion. I am curious though, when he gets a lead in a movie and I see a whole movie of just him will he be as funny? This is a problem that does occur with some actors. They are hilarious in short little burst and they are all you can talk about but once they break out on their own they suck. I dunno we’ll see. So if you want a cute little movie to take your girlfriend to so you guys can feel all warm and fuzzy at the end of the night, Congratulations! I found your movie. For everyone else the movie might be a little slow but was overall entertaining. You don’t need to rush out but I definitely say go see this one.

The Fast and the Furious - The long awaited actual sequel to the original “Fast and the Furious” has finally arrived. Now I am no fan of the movie or the series and other than the original I have not seen a single fast and the furious movie, so that begs the question “Why see this one?” Two words, Vin Diesel. That’s right, I love this dude and I am a firm supporter of his career and that is why I went and saw this sequel to the “Point Break” knockoff (more on that later). This movie takes place, as I was told by an actual fan who saw the movie with me, before Tokyo Drift but awhile after the first movie. Dom Toretto, Vin Diesel, and agent Brian O'Connor, Paul Walker, team up again when a notorious drug smuggling operation avoids not only being caught, but discovered as well and to top it off they murder Dom’s gal played by Michelle Rodriguez. I know I just spoiled that but who cares! It’s the Fast and the Furious. Is the plot really that important? Also I’d like to take a moment and say how sorry I feel for Michelle Rodriguez. No matter what role she seems to land they just kill her off real quick. First it was Lost and now every other role has just begun to follow. A real sure sign that your career is tanking is when even the roles you get they kill you off. So back to the movie. I slept for like the first ten or fifteen minutes but I woke up for the rest I swear. I really didn’t miss much anyway. The movie is slow to start but once it picks up it’s pace the movie is actually quite entertaining. The races were cool, more muscle cars this time, and the action sequences were kinda lame due to clearly visible CGI at work. Plot wasn’t all that believable but who cares! It’s a fast and the furious movie. If you’re a fan of the franchise then I’m sure you’re in for a real treat with this movie. For everyone else, it’s a crappy movie and I would avoid it at all cost. Wait! Go support Vin Diesel! This movie is awesome, ten out of ten, five out of four stars, two thumbs up, and all that jazz. You all know where I stand and I’m sure you can make up your own damn mind.

I Love You, Man - One word, HILARIOUS! Paul Rudd and Jason Segal were priceless in this movie. This movie is about a guy, Paul Rudd, who upon proposing to his girlfriend realizes he doesn’t have any guy friends. He sets out to remedy this by going out on a series of “man dates” in order to make friends. Everyone in this movie was great. The timing by all the cast was spot on making all of the jokes that much more hilarious. I probably laugh louder and harder than I have in awhile. Unlike “Adventureland” none of the good jokes were in the preview. In fact I think more of the lamer jokes were in the preview making the movie just that much more enjoyable. Honestly there is nothing bad I can say about this movie. Rudd and Segal are already Legendary and this movie just adds to an already impressive career. Everyone needs to go out and see this. I guarantee you’ll laugh your ass off.

A little blast from the past...

As mentioned earlier I referred to the first “Fast and the Furious” as a lame “Point Break” knockoff. Lately whenever I say this people say “What the hell are you talking about?” But it’s true; “Fast and the Furious” is “Point Break” but with cars. In fact I laid down a challenge to my friends and extend it to you the readers to find one scene in either movie that cannot be paralleled in the other. Examples from easy to hard:

Keanu Reeves FBI agent, Paul Walker FBI agent

Patrick Swayze bank robber, Vin Diesel truck load robber

Keanu gets heavy into surfing, Walker gets heavy into racing

Flea and gang get busted as supposed Dead Presidents; Asian dudes get busted as supposed truck thieves

Foot chase by Reeves and Swayze, car/motorcycle chase by Walker and Diesel

Keanu has to jump out a plane to chase Swayze, Walker has to race Diesel to the passing train

At the end Swayze is let go to ride epic wave, Diesel is given 10 sec. car owed to him

As you can see the list could go on forever but a fact is a fact, “Fast and the Furious” is “Point Break.” This is just part of an ongoing trend in Hollywood to repackage and resell you shit you’ve already seen. Other examples: “Three Amigos” “Galaxy Quest,” “Jumanji” “Zathura.” One of the key elements sometimes is just take a shitty movie and put into space. So look forward to that later on when they have another “Point Break,” but in space! So as you can see anyone who is a huge fan of the “Fast and the Furious,” guess what? You like “point break too, and vice versa. They’re the same movie and I defy any of you to prove me wrong.

And finally a little What the Fuck...

What the fuck? Did I not get the memo or something? Lately in a lot of movies one band has become the be all and end all of great bands and is constantly being referred to as the best band of all time. If you have no idea what I’m taking about I am referring to Rush. Yes, I said it Rush. Now maybe you’ve been like me and have noticed the constant reference to this epic band continuously popping up in great movies and even TV shows. But the greatest band of all time? What the fuck? I can think of a few, but not many bands that are better. The band must have one hell of a PR guy who has managed to hype the shit out of this band all over the mainframe of pop culture. Kudos to that guy. Now don’t get me wrong, I like Rush as much as the next guy but I do not think they are the greatest band of all time. Rush does kick ass, and does lay down some seriously sick tunes, but to achieve the status of greatest band ever? Not even the greatest bands ever can really claim to be the greatest ever cause hell we all will disagree on that one. But this fact is only obvious. But right now, at the moment it would seem that Rush is seriously trying to be the greatest band ever and are making a shit load of money in the process of trying to convince us. I mean seriously, at least one movie or TV show a month has a Rush reference accompanied by a Rush song. So, if you are like me and you just don’t understand what all the Rush hype is all about, get on the ball and check them out. And for all you out there who are like “Who the fuck is Rush?” or “Rush sucks!” to you I say WHAT THE FUCK!

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