Movie week: 9/11/09 to 9/18/09

By: Gavin Mooney

Well I’m temporarily back in action due to a plethora of free movie tickets which have come my way and hopefully if I can work things out right I can start bringing you regular reviews again, but unfortunately I must state to not hold your breath. I hope there are enough of you out there who wanted to see this first movie since I know of tons of people who talked of seeing it but the box office numbers speak completely differently. Shame on you.

Extract - New Mike Judge (Idiocracy) film out starring Jason Bateman (Arrested Development). Honestly knew nothing about this movie when I saw it except that it was Mike Judge film and it had Mila Kunis and THE LEGEND! Ben Affleck. That alone got me in the door. When I saw Jason Bateman I said “BONUS!” There were also other great comedy actors such as B.F. Skinner, that dude deserves a nod anytime I see him in a movie. Anyway, this movie is about this guy who owns a flavor extract company and is about to sell it when a freak accident puts the whole sale in jeopardy. Sounds like a boring plot line and let me tell you, that is not to far from the truth. By the end of this movie, unless I missed something, nothing happens. Someone asked me what it was about and I said “Literally nothing.” Again, not far from the truth, but for this movie it’s not the story that is interesting or entertaining but the jokes. There are some great and hilarious jokes. Also, there is a good chance that this movie just went over my head and is better than I think it is. Further viewing will tell. Affleck as always was well worth the ticket price and also was apart of some of the best jokes in the movie. I mean he was HILARIOUS!!! It is important we keep this man employed! Extract did end up at number 9 at the box office but don’t let that fool you. So did Idiocracy if not worse and that movie was EPIC! Final Destination 3-D got number one and I can tell you without seeing it that it was a piece! So if you’re a Mike Judge fan and you like to laugh definitely go out and see this movie. I may not be able to tell you if I thought it was good or not but I can say I’m gonna spend another ten bucks at the theatre to see it again and you should too. Donate to SAVE BEN AFFLECK’S CAREER!

9 - New animated feature out in a sort of classic Tim Burton (who is a producer) look but better than any movie he has made recently. Seriously, why do people keep paying to see the crap he keeps shelling out? It amazes me. Anyway this movie is about 9 little beings, creatures you could say, created by this scientist after a great war to serve some function. To tell you their function and purpose would of course blow the whole movie. That’s pretty much the gist of the movie. It was mildly funny, the animation was quite well done, and the story was entertaining enough. All the cast, and in cast I mean the creatures and things that made up the characters of the movie, were pretty cool. As I said before they were all well animated, but the creature construction was also very cool. Everything was practical looking and was very fluid and moved well. I love how animation has come to the point where even cartoons are given very real looks and appearances. When I saw the preview I wasn’t at all amazed or even enticed to see this movie but I can say that it delivered much more than I expected. I’m sure this movie is not for everyone, but it would be a good, fun family flick. Also if you have enjoyed such movies as Corpse Bride or even Coraline, both of which I am aware are Burton movies, then I’m sure you’ll be in for a good old treat with this movie. Me, I’m not even a fan of these types of movies and I still managed to enjoy it all the same. Good to view in the theatres or rent or whatever.

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