Movie Week: 10/18/08 to 10/24/08

By: Gavin Mooney

Rock N Rolla - Newest film out by Guy Ritchie writer and director of gems such as “Snatch” and my previous favorite (replaced by this one) “Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.” Like the previous two this film is about characters, both big and small, who make their living as part of London’s criminal underbelly whose stories all intertwined in some fashion. This movie blows the previous two out of the water. That being said at the moment it may be hard to find this movie in theatres seeing as how only one of my local theatres had it and it wasn’t that local. Guy Ritchie did a fantastic job of creating great, interesting, and engaging characters very much like but unlike before. The story was very well developed and in true Ritchie fashion it was funny, violent, and more than just skin deep. The entire cast gave great performances and all had great chemistry on screen. There was never a dull moment in this film. If you are like me and you love Guy Ritchie’s films then this movie is a must. For those of you who have never heard of him or seen the prior movies you couldn’t have a better movie to jump on board with. Everyone, GO SEE IT!!

Saw V - It’s Halloween again and you all know what that means, time for another Saw movie. First I was already disappointed with the fact that this year they did not go with a Halloween release in true Saw fashion. Not only that but Halloween is actually on a Friday so what better day to be generating hype for a horror film, good or bad, and people will still see it. On to the movie! Saw V is a movie about a serial killer who subjects his victims to a life or death game in order to rehabilitate them. There is of course more to the movie than that but in the end it’s a horror film so who cares. The last two Saw movies (III and IV) were getting pretty slow and boring with long drawn out stories, and a whole plot, and less games. This movie unfortunately follows the same formula but unlike it’s predecessors it doesn’t suck (at least I didn’t think it did). Still there was only five games in this movie, four of which were all part of the same game and one that wasn’t even a good game (If you have seen or will and are true Saw fan like myself you’ll understand.) As said before I am not much of a horror film fan but Saw has always had a rare ability to draw me in with a story telling tactic rarely used; being able to make me the viewer feel like or visualize myself in a rare psychological situation. I personally would have seen this movie whether it was good or bad because I, like a true movie fan, have to see this movie series to the end no matter how bitter or sweet it may be. As it compares to the other Saw movies it would be third simply because all the story telling bullshit from III and IV come together to make a somewhat interesting story for this movie. Also as for games go I and II have taken the cake for most games both interesting and challenging. On top of all that I have said above, for a horror flick this movie was a bit lacking in gore and shit. If you’re in the Halloween mood, a fan of the Saw movies like myself, or want to a good toned down horror flick Saw V may be what you’re looking for.

Pride and Glory - This will a be first time thing but I am reviewing this movie ahead of time for a number of reasons. One is I might not see it; doesn’t look interesting to me at all. Two the preview really looks like it gives away all of the movie’s major plot points either because they think that story would be really interesting or they think they have now cleverly set you up for some plot twist you never saw coming. Hate to break it to you morons out in Tinsel Town but you haven’t. I still will see it coming I now I’m looking for it. Edward Norton and Colin Farrell are two actors who have a lot of draw for me and that alone might get me in the theatre but the last time only two good actors working together drew me into a movie was “Righteous Kill” and that wasn’t worth it at all. Personally I will be waiting to see this for free, rather than spend my hard earned money on it, and hopefully will be able to give a more informed review for it.

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