Movie Week: 11/8/08 to 11/14/08

By: Gavin Mooney

Only one movie out this week and unfortunately I did not see it. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have something to say about it. This week I’m gonna change things up a bit so I hope you all enjoy.

Quantum of Solace - A new James Bond movie is out and I’m sure if you were a fan of “Casino Royal” you’re gonna love this. Me personally, it takes a lot to get me into a Bond film and this movie and its predecessor, in my opinion, lack one thing, James Bond. I have been saying it since they announced the new Bond Actor, “Daniel Craig looks more like a villain than a Bond!” Craig in my opinion doesn’t have the Bond look. You all say “Oh, you gotta see “Casino Royal” and then you’ll think he’s Bond.” But the fact of the matter is I don’t. Just look at the guy!; thin angular sharp looking face, thin physique and figure, and a sort of darkness hidden behind the eyes. Bond has hard distinctive and charming attributes in a better attempt to lure you into a false sense of security. You see Craig at a party and you know, “Oh shit! There’s a spy at my party!” A true Bond would make you think, “Who is this kick ass guy at the party and how is he running off with the hottest chick?” Craig simply lacks that look. That alone is why I have refused to watch Craig as Bond. For me personally if you’ve seen one Bond film you’ve seen them all. The formula is quite simple: show the villain cracking a scheme, have a party where Bond can infiltrate the scene and get some recon, have a couple of chase scenes fight scenes and seduce a hot chick, finally a final fight with the bad guy usually ending in some sort of epic way of dying or huge fucking explosion; roll the credits. There I just saved you 2 hours and 10 bucks. A thank you, please! But if this formula is just what you are looking for in a movie than look no farther, it will probably be another year or two till the next disappointing Bond film so get your kicks in now. So enjoy the movie and hopefully next week I will be able to give a review of a movie I did see and hopefully I will enjoy.

And for a little change of pace this week I’ve decided to give you some consumer advice on which movies to buy, rent or watch on HBO that are coming out the rest of this month. Not a whole lot to choose from but if you’re looking for a good gift for someone this Christmas or just want to know a good way to waste some money on something to watch I got your ass covered. I’ll make sure your hard earned cash doesn’t go to waste.

Wall E - Didn’t get a chance to see this but was definitely up to the task. Just how it goes sometimes. I’ve heard nothing but good things so if you got kids or just like animated movies this would make a good addition to your collection.

Tropic Thunder - This movie I did have the pleasure of viewing. The cast, which was a brilliant one, did an excellent job in this movie. The movie itself has more of classic late 90’s early 2000’s feel to it given the casting of Ben Stiller and Jack Black in there typical comedic roles. Personally Ben Stiller’s humor has almost become a thing of the past being replaced by the more modern style of Apatow and company. I think this movie is best to be rented but there is no need to make it a part of the collection. If you saw it and think differently, well then... eh.

Hancock - Action summer blockbuster starring Will Smith. That about has all the drawing power necessary to get me into the movie seat but unfortunately, as with a lot of Will Smith movies, that’s about all. Once I get to the theatre and see the movie I’m entertained or enthralled and I may even go see it again in the theatres but I find that once it comes to DVD and I watch it has lost much of its wonder (wrong word but it escaped me as to how to spell the correct one). Summer blockbusters are really only good on the big screen. That is why again I have to say rent this one and watch it on HBO, like a lot, and if you’re always entertained then buy it, otherwise take my tip and exclude this movie from your collection.

Bottle Rocket Criterion Collection - This movie is a personal favorite of mine. Because of this movie I watch anything, and I do mean just about anything, starring one or both of the Wilson brothers. Their acting talent to me is priceless. I am never not entertained watching those two and this movie is where it all started. This movie is Wes Anderson’s first film as well as both Luke and Owen Wilson’s (Wes Anderson is known for such films as “Bottle Rocket,” “Rushmore,” ”Royal Tennebaums,” “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zizzou,” and “Darjeeling Limited”). I personally am a bit happy to see this DVD release because I foolishly loaned out my copy of the movie and as of yet have received it back. Now a better DVD is out with bad ass special features and I could give a fuck about my lost gem. Once again my DVD collection will be complete and whole and I will again rest easy at night knowing one of my favorite movies is again easily watchable. I recommend for the fan and the newcomer alike to buy this movie you won’t be disappointed.

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