Movie Week: 11/22/08 to 11/28/08

By: Gavin Mooney

Austrailia - Another possible Oscar contender that I did get to see opening week. “Australia” is about an English aristocrat who goes to Australia near the onset of World War II in order to sell her husbands ranch and ends up staying and getting caught up in all Australia has to offer. The movie is a little more complex than that but no sense ruining it now is there. This movie was alright in my book. I don’t plan on ever seeing it again but was glad I did and did not fell like I wasted my time or money either. The story was a little sappy but the scenery and the outback kinda make up for it. Hugh Jackman gave a very good performance I thought and did quite well. I wouldn’t be expecting any Oscars for him but a good performance none the less. Kidman on the other hand did give an alright performance and this is high praise coming from me since usually her starring in a movie is enough of a deterrent to keep me from seeing one. I just don’t like her on the screen. Don’t know why, can’t really explain it, but if I see her, a movie usually loses points right off the back. The movie was a bit long with a running time of two hours and forty five minutes but it only really dras in the beginning and you very quickly and casually brush over the parts of the movie you think are the end. I wouldn’t recommend this movie for everyone but if you’re in the mood for a kinda classic feeling movie this may be up your alley. Its no “Gone with the Wind” but does have a few redeemable qualities.

Transporter 3 - The time has come for another “Transporter” and they may have wanted to stop at two. “Transporter 3” is about our favorite odd job transporter and the jam he has gotten himself into this time, trying to get his cargo to its destination while at the same time trying not to be blown up by the explosives strapped to his wrist. I know this all sounds pretty cool but it’s not. Compared to the other movies this one takes a ride in the back seat as worst out of what was looking to be a very promising series. The formula for a “Transporter” movie is much the same as Bond minus the spy, a fight here, chase scene there, big explosion at the end. For the most part this movie still stays to formula except for one annoying and big difference; our main character breaks all of his own rules and is pretty much not the same character. You can’t decide in the middle of series that we’re just going to change all the rules. That’s BULLSHIT! This is blunder Hollywood makes a lot. They paint themselves into a corner due to rules they have written into there own stories and when the rules become an inconvenience they chuck them out the window. I have a better idea, don’t make the shitty movie. Even the occasional viewer will not be entertained by a shitty movie that has lost even the smallest part of what made other similar movies good. Only other complaint I have about this movie is the camera work. In recent years in Hollywood directors feel they can save time and money in action sequences by just shaking the camera. They think it gives the scene a bit more intensity and makes it feel like its moving faster. This could not be further from the truth. The truth is its annoying because not only is the picture fuzzy from some jackass shaking the camera but now I can barely make out the fight scene and what may or may not be a cool fighting move. Have you ever seen an Asian martial arts choreographer and/or director shake the camera? FUCK NO! You can’t see the scene if you do jackass! All that aside if you were a fan of the other two “Transporters” like myself then you will at least be mildly entertained by the third installment. I don’t recommend it for all and I wouldn’t go in with high hopes but this movie can be entertaining if you want it to. See it and judge for yourself.

Jason Statham kicks ass!!!!

Four Christmases - This movie was hilarious! I went in expecting a funny ass movie and that was exactly what I got. “Four Christmases” is about a couple living in San Francisco who due to a fog in has to spend Christmas with their families who they have been avoiding since they met. This movie has a little something for everyone. First Vince Vaughn was hilarious as usual with good subject matter for his manner of speaking. Reece Witherspoon was also exceptional with yet another funny, naughty but nice girl performance. The two had great on screen chemistry. The movie was full of funny jokes scenes and the like and it also had a more sensitive side for the romantic in you and it never lost it’s momentum from the opening to the end credits. So if you want to see a funny movie with friends, your girl, or that special someone or want a good holiday movie to start the season off with go see this movie. You’ll all enjoy it.

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