We Can't Wait to Buy This Game: NinjaTown

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

To bash one turret defense/real time strategy game on the DS and to praise another in the same week could be seen as a bit hypocritical. However, NinjaTown seems to be doing everything right. The game plays out more like a true turret defense game, where the enemies come through your town along a set footpath. It's your job to lay down buildings in strategic plots so you may lay waste to your foes. The only twist that sets this game apart from being a true blue turret defense game is the fact that you dispatch the enemy with cutely stylized ninjas on foot instead of ordnance. This system not only makes the game more interesting than a free flash based turret defense, but also allows the game to have a “stats and level up” portion as well. Thus, you'll find yourself being extra selective in where you need to place your beefed up ninjas later in the game.

It's like a turret defense mixed with an RTS and an RPG.

The developers actually wizened up with this game and had an alternate control scheme for us left handers. However, I'd expect nothing less from a game developed by a graphic designer/artist (since the art community is full of lefties).

You watch the battle from the sky as the old ninja master. What a puss...

Speaking of the artistic style, the designs by Shawnimals are simply darling (and yes, I said darling like adorable). It was somewhat of a “trip” to see cute costumed versions of the basic black ninja and the demon henchman walking around the convention (and even more surreal smoking a cigarette with one in the upper smoking area). While, the artistic style may seem a little too juvenile for some of you; the actual gameplay is not.

"The design is kinda over-the-top cutesy. But we like it anyway."

This game had a fair challenge in it, even in the first few levels of the demo I played. I definitely recommend picking this one up when it hits the store in late October. And though the price tag of $30 seems a bit high for a DS game, us 20 somethings will remember when old school grayscale Gameboy games used to cost $45 retail. In closing, we can't wait to buy this game (and not just because it has the word “ninja” in the name, but it doesn't hurt).

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