PAX 2009 Media Registration 12317 15th Ave. NE, Suite 108 Seattle, WA 98125 06/08/2009 To whom this may concern, It is with good tidings and high hopes for your exceptional health that I bring you this message. I would graciously request that you allow Mr. Robert Whang, debonair editor of to attend your convention/expo for media coverage. Robert had such a great time at your event last year that it would really break his heart if he weren’t allowed to cover the show again. In fact between you and I, I think he’s been telling all his friends and family that he’d be attending this year and I’d rather not make him out to look like a fool (he does that enough by his own hand). Here is a sample of some of the works that he has done for our publication in the last 6 months that are related to the video game industry: Our publication thanks you in advance for letting him attend as a media representative. And if you decide to decline for whatever reason, I didn’t want to use this card, but Robert has T-virus (yes, the Resident Evil disease) and the doctors say he may not see 2010. Just kidding, he's really NOT sick; we were merely trying to further persuade you with pathos. But in all seriousness, thank you again for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Robert Whang Editor – Running with Ninjas