Picture This: PAX

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

It's funny, while I normally don't like to take pictures, I did become one of those weird Asians that takes pictures of everything when I was at PAX. As always, you'll be getting picture commentary by me.

"A poster for the new Monkey Island game series... They really should start working on a Maniac Mansion episodic game."

"This game is like a really gory version of Castle Crashers. However, I'm a bit worried about this game, since Vivian broke the demo at the boot-up and the 360 version looks significantly junkier (it may have just been the monitor)"

"More Fairytale Fights signage. I think the stamp/stencil font is a bit stupid."

"While this was the entrance to the main exhibition hall last year, PAX had grown so much that this had actually become the middle."

"The Ninja Turtle 25th anniversary tour bus... And some guy with the face of Zangief."

"That's not a peace sign... EA and Left 4 Dead 2."

"This game was badassed! If I didn't spend all my money, I would have totally preordered this game for all the extra stuff they were giving out."

"I hated the 1st one... But I might actually give this series another chance, since it looks like it has a high chance of not sucking."

"The PAX 10 was a varied lot this year. You had amazing games like: Closure and Light; and then there were utterly retarded games like 'What the Fuck's Up with Carl' (or whatever the real name is)."

"The Privateer Press booth... I wish my friends and staff were smarter, so we can play tabletop miniature games as opposed to poker and board games."

"A semi-blurry shot of No More Heroes 2, even without the Motion Plus this game was pretty sick and showed a lot of promise."

"I feel like a tool, since I was totally bagging on this game when I first read about it. However, I really want to check the game out after seeing the demo."

"The Blizzard booth, it made me sad to not find a Lost Vikings sequel there."

"The Bioshock 2 booth... They actually built some sort of mock-up corner of Rapture."

"More of the Bioshock booth. I think this dude thought I was taking a pic of him, since he immediately turned the smile on when I was shooting."

"Nintendo didn't have quite the prime spot it did last year. However, aside from 3 awesome Wiiware titles there wasn't much to look at."

" Serious Sam HD was the only game worth checking out here."

"CCP/White Wolf too bad they threw a shitty party this year."

"Scribblenauts, the one game I wanted to play but was constantly crowded."

"I don't know what I was trying to take a picture of, but homeboy's hoodie is pretty cool."

"The Conan booth looked really cool when I first saw it, then got more lame as the days went by."

"I wish they had some Fallout: New Vegas stuff to show."

"The Conan booth trying to get 'a head' with its decor."

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