WTF Is This Game? - Puzzle Quest Galactrix

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

I've heard about the Puzzle Quest series awhile ago, but it never really intrigued me. The concept of playing a puzzle game with an actual story mode seemed kinda lame to me. I mean, how fun does "L Block's Story: Tetris Chronicles" sound (and if I see that game on the market, I'm not going to go after the developers... I'm just going to pity them)? The game basically plays like Bejeweled, but on a hexagon based board. You rotate pieces to link up linear chains of 3 or more colors, thus clearing them from the board. Sounds fine to me, I like Bejeweled, Columns and Planet Puzzle League... But why the hell do you need to tack a story mode to this game? Perhaps, it's to justify paying $30 for a game you can essentially play for free on flash.

Now I'm not saying I'd never play this game... I just would never spend my own money on this game. So if your name is Alejandra or Yumiko and you're stuck on what to give as an X-Men (I meant, X-Mas) gift for Rob Whang, remember this game comes out in October 08 (wink wink).

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