What a Rip-Off: Voltage

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

Rehashes have been a growing trend in the entertainment industry. Why think of a new storyline for a film, when you can just take an old TV series from the 80’s and make a movie about it? Why create a new franchise in gaming, when we can just pump out another sequel (I’m looking at you SquareEnix and Nintendo)? Why create a new game at all, when we can take a classic idea that “works” and give it a graphic face lift?

Apparently, _No Company is _No Different. Standing in line at the PS3 booth for a chance to play Little Big Planet, I came across this game.

Now, rather than telling you what game I think they’re flat out ripping off; let’s take a guess together.

- It’s a futuristic racing game.
- The game has flying/hovering cars moving at simulated extreme high speeds.
- The tracks are suspended tubes, much like the tracks in the 2008 Speed Racer movie.

You know, this game seems a lot like F-Zero. Especially, the N64 to current versions... So much so, I was waiting for that little rocket car to do a spin attack or lateral slide. Well, I guess while there are some game companies working to make games that are cutting edge and innovative, some game companies are doing “safe designs” and pumping out recycled ideas.

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