Regular/Significant Content

Rob plays Punch-Out!! Wii while drunk. This is the start of Let's Play/Let's Drinks with better audio.

If you're a registered voter in CA, your state needs you! End the tax madness and stop letting legislators do as they wish leaving us with the bill!

Rob talks about where the updates and part of his eyebrow ran off to....

CALIFORNIA NEEDS YOUR HELP! Registered voters in CA, do show up to the polls on 5/19/2009. Even though it's "just" a proposition election these are very important props. Don't allow this tax hike to continue for 2 more years. Don't let our insane governor threaten to lay off firefighters over office workers while Santa Barbara burns. And don't buy into this trash hype that we're honestly going to release 30,000 prisoners because we can't afford to jail them. Don't get me started on schools and teachers, since school sucks anyhow. This is bull, we never asked for our government infrastructure to double in size over the course of 10 years. Nor do we really need it. I mean, the lines at the Montebello DMV still suck and my uncle who works for the city proudly dicks off most of the day and steals blank CDs and paper... It's insane and stupid. If this were a privately owned corporation, there'd be tons of streamlining and a budget with accountability being made.

Rob and Ron do 420.

Another Let's Play/Let's Drink, Skate It... Watch all the way until the end to see Rob fall off the balance board.

Rob doing what he does best: drinking, gaming, and making comments about stuff.

As a change of pace, Josh and Dan S. do a social commentary. Here they talk about reality and being cool.

Josh and Dan S. (not Haricot Vert) are back with more reviews on our favorite beverage, beer! (Watch the top video first)

A 2 part beer review by Josh and friend of RwN, Dan S. (Watch the top video first)

As you know, Toejam and Earl is one of the highest rated games at the RwN HQ. Here, Josh plays the intro song to Toejam and Earl on bass. He's pretty good too. Special cameo appearance by Josh's Tetris machine.

Ask the Editor... Part 2: Where do babies... I mean the name Running with Ninjas come from?.

Ask the Editor... Part 1: Pirates vs Ninjas and who would win in a fight, Rob answers the question.

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