“Come With Me if You Want to Live..." Terminator!

By: Gavin Mooney

There were a couple of new movies out this week but one only worth seeing or talking about for now. I am of course talking about “Terminator: Salvation.” I have done so much in preparation of this movie. I didn’t watch a single preview, or listen to one, and I had a Terminatorathon in which I watched all three movies in order one right after the other the Saturday before the movie. Now on top of everything I wish to say about this movie I would first like to take the time and chronicle the previous movies in the now epic Terminator series. Also, if you haven’t seen the first three movies yet one, I’m gonna tell you how they end; and two, it doesn’t matter when you go to see the new Terminator movie.

The Terminator - This movie is about a futuristic cyborg is sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor, played by Linda Hamil, mother of the future leader of the resistance army against the computer entity known as Sky Net. One man is sent back in time to protect her and his name his Kyle Reese, played by Michael Biehn. This movie was pretty scary for it’s time. I use to remember having dreams about these fucking robots chasing me. Anyway, the movie goes on to have gun fight scenes and A LOT of chase scenes as these two run from the Terminator, played by our governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The action was pretty cool, and for it’s time the special effects were cool. Today you’re like “that’s totally fake!” but c’mon love it for what it is, WHICH IS AWESOME! The story is really interesting as you can see since they made three other movies and is well thought up. Personally it is still the best movie in the series just because of how original and creative, yet still ominously scary it was. Anyway movie goes on and they eventually kill the Terminator and Sarah Conner is safe, yea! No more Terminators!

Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Or so you thought! It’s been 10 to 13 years (no one knows and the movies contradict themselves) and another Terminator is sent back in time to kill John Connor as a young child. Another protector is sent back in time but this time it is a reprogrammed Terminator. Awesome! Two Terminators fighting each other? Battle galore! This movie has way more action than the first and less ominous running for your life feeling. Still it is one of the best movies, only to be surpassed by its predecessor. This movie keeps this epic series rolling and allows you delve even further into the history of the war, who John Connor is and was, and the fate of mankind as they battle to prevent the very catastrophe that leads to the end human civilization and the rise of the machines. In the end they are successful by destroying the new Terminator, the old one, the one sent to protect Connor, and all the research which led to the invention of the Sky Net system. Hooray for us! We won!

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines - OR SO YOU THOUGHT! Dammit! These fuckers just don’t give up. That’s right, its been another 10 years and Judgment Day has arrived. On the eve of the event the machines send one more Terminator back in time to kill all of Connor’s Lieutenants before the war begins since they are unable to locate Connor himself at this point in history. Of course, Connor sends another reprogrammed Terminator to protect himself and others from this event occurring. This last Terminator locates Connor and all hell breaks loose. Again lots of action and chase scenes, and lets not forget two Terminators fighting each other again. Makes for some pretty cool action scenes. Again we have a lot of frantic running that is no where as ominous as it was in the first movie. But this movie is far from perfect. One, the Terminator is a chick which doesn’t really matter but it makes her, or it, less scary. Two, and this is the biggest thing, they BROKE THE RULES! In the very first movie one of the best and very famous quotes is “…you can’t bargain or reason with it. It will not stop EVER! until you are dead.” In this movie Connor reasons with a reprogrammed reprogrammed Terminator leading to his survival. No No NO. I’m sorry, it’s a huge rule to break. The effects, though state of the art, do make the movie look a little cheesy and the story wasn’t completely well thought out like the first two. It is the worst Terminator movie but because I am so drawn into this story I was almost forced to go see it in order to find out how it all happened. I had wished they would make a movie about the war itself to round out the series.

Terminator: Salvation - Awesome! My wish came true! I am of two worlds when come to this movie. There is my movie goer side and my movie fan side. This movie is about the war. Judgment day has come and gone and the machines are now working on eliminating the remaining survivors of humanity. John Connor is soldier fighting in the war and only he holds the key to humanity’s victory in the war against the machines. This movie is full of action and cool fight scenes and explosions. Just action all the way through. The movie does have its story driven scenes and with well played roles by Christian Bale and Anton Yelchin. Anton Yelchin plays young Kyle Reece and knocks it out of the park. I’m telling you this kid is going to go places. Such a well talented actor and smart enough to draw inspiration and direction from the character created in the first movie. I am so glad to see this kid in two of my fan favorite movies. Everyone should see everything he’s in. It was really cool to finally see the war I had been hearing about all through these movies. The machines looked really cool and I did get that ‘all hope is lost feeling’ during the movie from the world and people portrayed in the movie. Also, I like how they tackle a great story theme that has been prevalent through all the movies being “there is no fate but what we make.” The struggle and sacrifice the main character must deal with in this chapter of this epic story. It was kinda well done. My geek side may have something else to say. Now for the die hard fans expect a bit of disappointment since honestly they should have stopped at 2. But in you’re looking for an awesome action flick to celebrate the end of finals or the beginning of summer or you just want to see a kick ass movie, go see “Terminator: Salvation”

You know what’s here, me geeking out. I got some shit to say. Watch the movie and then read this. (spoilers, please highlight to read)

What the fuck? ...A little What the Fuck?

There were parts in the movie I was “What the fuck man?” Not quite the outrage that deems a lead such as What the fuck, but necessary none the less. First, how the fuck do the machines know to look for Kyle Reece? I mean the only person who knows that he is Connor’s father is Connor and his wife. The machines couldn’t possibly know. Second, Connor is like a scrub in this movie and not the leader so how would the machines know to kill him in their current time. Third, in all the other movies the war seemed way more bleak and hellish with all the fight scenes at night. This movie takes place majority of the time in the day which in the first movie Reece said you couldn’t do. He said you’d have to lay low in the day because of hunter seekers and at night it was safe to move about. In this movie he says safe in the day and dangerous at night because of hunter seekers. What the fuck! It’s so lame when writers or directors can’t get simple details from the original movies right just because they don’t want to go through the pain in the ass of shooting always at night or how it doesn’t look pretty. It’s an apocalyptic movie. It’s not supposed to look bright and sunny. The robots were cool though. I also like how the movie is about Connor meeting his father the first time and the struggle Connor has to go through to keep his father alive. Of course this leaves it open to continue the series to where they send Reece back in time which would round out and complete the series. Also, this new Terminator was clever and ridiculously stupid. Clever because for all the other movies you have had a time traveler from the future going into the past, but now it is for lack of a better word the present so they have a man from the past come to the future. I get it. But it’s ridiculously stupid because now we have a robot protecting Connor again and really for no reason. They explain by saying he was the prototype for the infiltrator that they eventually create that we know as the governor of California, Arnold. And what the fuck is up with digital Arnold. We know what the thing looks like with skin. If he ain’t in the movie don’t go out of your way to put him there. So if you think they just butchered this movie, which surprisingly a lot of fans do, then sorry dude it’s gonna get worse. Personally the movie goer in me was entertained and even though they keep changing the story and details around I did like it. In the end it is the story that draws me in and even though they fudge a bit of the details, what the fuck I like it cause it’s the Terminator.

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