The Top 5 "Hawttest" True/Mate1/ Ad Girls

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

If you’ve ever been on a social networking site, you’d find various advertisements for ridiculous online dating sites featuring very attractive models in stupidly suggestive poses. The sites use the models in a sort of bait and switch practice by implying those are the types of females frequenting those sites. While these ads are stupid and outright hilarious, some of those girls are very cute. With that being said, let me present to you my top 5 online dating site ad girls.

Sidenote: I know we now have quite a bit of female readers here. So if you’re easily offended or don’t know the way that I operate, I suggest you check out another one of our great articles. Also, I have no clue on how to label/identify these girls, so it may end up getting more offensive than normal.

"You're horny, let's do it! Riding my pony!"

5) Straw Hat and Perky Tets: Maybe it’s the fact that I like girls in cowboy hats. Or maybe it’s the fact that this girl half naked here, since I don’t find her all that cute in the face. In fact, if I were to break her down, I could point out how her eyebrows look way too over plucked and her nose has this weird slope going on. However, I’ll stop now, since that’s causing me to dwell too much on those quirks and making me second guess as to why I even put her on this list. Oh right, it’s because she’s showing off that sexy midriff and her perfect boobies.

"That's so fetch!"

4) The Poor Man’s Lacey Chabert: You may not know the actress I’m referring to’s name, but I’m sure you’ve seen something she was in. I saw Lacey Chabert in Mean Girls and boy was she hot playing a stupid high school girl. This girl in the ad is not as attractive, but shares a similar face and bone structure as Ms. Chabert and that secures her a place on this list.

"Even if that girl really is a little big, I'd still hit it."

3) Mod Haircut in Pink: Even though this isn’t the case, I’m kinda led to believe that this girl is pretty thick (borderline chubby). I think it’s the angle of the photo and trompe l’oiel perspective of her pose, since I once drew a very fat girl with flattering perspective and just made it look like she had big hips. While there are a lot of things I don’t find very attractive about this girl (like her stupid bob haircut and her dumb pink ballerina style slippers), I still find her very attractive. This probably has to do with the fact that she looks more like a real girl who happens to be very attractive, rather than some amateur internet model.

"My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all."

2) Dido Clone: Funny, I was calling her the Dido Clone since I first saw her picture, even though I had near completely forgotten what Dido looked like. After doing a quick google search for this article, I’ve got to say that girl does look like Dido. Perhaps one of the reasons she ranks so high on this list is her innocence. Even though she has her legs kicked up on the couch like she’s in some eroge (erotic game), she’s sort of doing it in a non-slutty way. It’s almost as if she’s just innocently relaxing and she just happens to be doing something provocative. So remember girls, if you want to get ahead with your good friend, Rob; I suggest you inadvertently act like a little slutbag.

"For some reason she's one of the finest girls I've ever seen... Does this mean I have 'white goggles?'"

1) Mate1 Girl: I originally was going to call her Donna from That 70’s Show, but I’ve been making to many celebrity references already. I do find it funny though, that my top choice in this list barely shows off any part of her body aside from her face. And that’s ok too, since I’ve read some statistic that men are actually more interest in faces while girls are more interested in body shape and fitness. I chose this girl to be the hawtest ad girl because I do have this thing for Donna from That 70’s Show (I’m not going to lie, I’m not a big fan the blonde Laura Prepon… Just the red headed one). She has this very elegant and beautiful face, but at the same time she has this naïve and stupid look of dork going on. However, that kind of stupid look on her face makes her that much cuter, sort of like making Mandy Moore or Rachel Leigh Cook look dorky in A Walk to Remember or She’s All That.

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