5 Worst Scenes and/or Actors I’ve had to Sit Through

By: Gavin Mooney

First things first. I am sorry I have been unable to post regular and all encompassing movie reviews like before. Unfortunately for you, and more importantly me, I have been unable to get out to the movies lately. I have seen Transformers though and will have a review on that in the next week for sure. I felt a pressure to get this article finished and posted rather than let it sit on the backburner a little longer. Plus, it’s done whereas I still have to write the Transformers bit and hopefully I can pad the review with a couple other movies as well (fingers crossed).

Now, I don’t know about you, but sometimes I am watching a movie and I am really enjoying it but every once in awhile there will be a scene or an actor who just brings the whole movie down. Sometimes it is a huge part of the movie that just takes a tragic turn for the worse and other times it is something small and trivial that just sticks with you for awhile like an annoying bug bite. Either way the end turns out the same, an awesome movie which ends up falling short because you are unable to let go of some small trivial facet. I personally try to let this happen as little as possible and most often times overlook these scenes or actors and simply don’t let them bother me. But there also those scenes which I just can’t let go and I bring them to you in my top 5 today. These scenes or actors single handedly ruined perfectly good, and in rare occasions awesome movies. Now not all of these movies are completely ruined for me, but the few which are just too awesome to let these things drag them down do bear these ugly stains on them.

5. James Franco in all the Spiderman movies: What can I say, James Franco sucked in these movies. I mean really sucked. Talk about being way over the top. I didn’t know who he was before Spiderman but let me tell you, if he hadn’t had a career before his supposed “acting” in these movies; it would have been finished after them. Luckily Franco does have acting talent and a continuing resume to back it up. I personally am glad I found out he can act because a lot of the projects he is connected to are really good and I could have missed them if I had allowed these movies to be the barometer for me on this actor’s talent. Now I would love to take the time and bash the shit out of “Spiderman 3” right here but unfortunately I will have to save that article for another day.

4. That kid in “Mars Attacks”: Personally today, couldn’t really remember why he spoiled this movie for me just know he did. When I thought of this article this kid popped right into my head along with number 2 and 1, but he isn’t nearly as bad as the rest. Honestly, he was just a miscast in my head. I get why he got the part, he does have that nobody, average Joe look to him. But in the movie he was pretty weak and never really did it for me. Every scene with him in it was just a tad flat, or boring, or not funny. In the grand scheme of the movie this kid just toned the rest of it down and kept hiccupping the pace and entertainment. Ultimately that is why he made the list because he took an awesome and hilarious movie like “Mars Attacks” and almost grinded it to a halt. Also, that is why I don’t even bother looking up his name. He just gets the title “that kid,” cause that is how small time he is.

3. The sword fight wedding in “Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End.”: Talk about a shitty and completely unnecessary scene, the sword fight wedding was one of the worst scenes I’ve seen in years and it nearly ruined the rest of the movie for me. Even today when I watch the movie I laugh, I smile, and I really get into the movie and enjoy it, but then the sword fight wedding comes and I nearly scream FUCK! Who in their right mind would have a wedding in the middle of a sword fight?! Also how could Disney think that was a good idea? I can’t believe test audiences weren’t screaming at the top of their lungs about how shitty and stupid an idea that was. Not to mention it is in the middle of an awesome pirate fight scene and just about ruins that entire ambience. I can’t express enough how much I hated that scene. IT SUCKS! Luckily the miracles of technology allow me to fast forward past it now, but still even that is annoying.

2. Pretty much a tie for 1st, Mitch Kramer in “Dazed and Confused”: Talk about spoiling a scene every time you’re on screen. Who cast this guy? “Dazed and Confused” had such an awesome and well rounded cast of many, many actors who went on to bigger and better, how the hell did this kid get in there. Also his little blond friend too, that kid was a douche. When I took drama in school I was told by every instructor clear and classic signs of bad actors and acting; this kid did them all. ALL OF THEM! That is probably why even to this day he can barely find work. You go on the internet and look up anybody from that movie and I’m sure they have a filmography that goes a bit longer than 10 movies, but not Mitch Kramer. Why? Cause he sucks! His scenes couldn’t end fast enough, and talk about nearly ruining a movie, this kid almost single handedly did just that. Fortunately for him and the movie the rest of the cast was AWESOME and made the movie just that. SO now when people think back on the movie all they remember are the awesome parts and only when they watch it are they reminded of the no talent hack Mitch Kramer (Wiley Wiggins by the way, but who cares).


1. Bill Pullman in his 4th of July speech scene before the big attack in “Independence Day,” and pretty much most of the movie: You know why we haven’t seen Bill Pullman for so long? It probably has something to do with this movie. At the top of the list, number one with a bullet is Bill Pullman in “Independence Day.” Do I really need to say anything else? We’ve all seen the movie. We should all know just how awful he was. I mean dreadful. The movie kicked ass until his mug popped on the screen and then it just went from bad to worse as the movie progressed. I mean he really acted like a no talent hack. It was AWFUL! The scene where he gives his “moving” 4th of July speech, I wanted to shoot myself in the head the first time I saw it. It was just dreadful. What on earth was he thinking? He is better than that, or at least I thought he was. I saw this movie when I was 14 and it was honestly the first time in my life where awful acting nearly ruined the movie for me. Today I don’t even watch the movie or consider it all that great because I cannot get his cheesy scene out of my head. So congratulations Bill Pullman, at the top of the list, with just one scene, you managed to completely ruin an alright movie with your atrocious bad acting.

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