The Top 5 Best NES Games (w/ Movie/TV Licensing)

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

As we’ve mentioned in previous articles, games that are based on movies, comics and TV shows are normally just game developers trying to cash in on a recognizable license. However, there are some license based games that are done quite well. Conan for Xbox360 and Transformers on the DS are notable recent generation examples; where these games would actually be marketable without their respective licensing (maybe not Transformers, since it would be hard to make a generic series of form shifting robots without copyright trouble).

We chose to make a list of the top retro era licensed games because we hadn’t done a retro article in awhile. And I really didn’t want to gunk up this list with a bunch of obscure anime references. So without further ado, on to the list!

"I did this just to piss you off... Most of you hate the dam level and that same number of you have never seen the Techodrome."

5) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Yes, you read this right, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This version is not the one based on the arcade beat ‘em up, this is the platformer with the damn dam. You may be wondering why I chose this version over the arcade port. To tell you the truth, this is really a much better TMNT game. Aside from the powerhouse challenge level (which Gavin and I actually appreciate), this game has a lot of variety to it. Not only is there a good deal of platforming, but there’s also some exploration aspects to the game (with the overworld map and its various routes) and that annoyingly awesome dam level.

"I like how they put 'The' in the title for no reason... Maybe it's time for a name change, The Running with Ninjas."

4) Bug Bunny’s Crazy Castle: This is basically one of those Mappy/Lode Runner type games; where you have to avoid enemies while collecting all the “treasure” (or in this case, carrots). The gameplay is very stock, since you see this type of game done in Adobe Flash all the time. In fact, the game is so stock its license changed whenever it was ported to another system or region (becoming Roger Rabbit in the Gameboy version and Mickey Mouse in Japan). Despite being done a million times over, games of this nature are still very fun.

"This is one of the best shooters I've ever played in my life!"

3) Ninja Kid: This is actually one of my all time favorite NES games. The japanese version of the game is based on an anime/manga called Ge Ge Ge Kitaro, which has nothing to do with ninjas and everything to do with demon slaying. The game is a run and gun shmup with occasional scrolling/space shooter levels. The object of the game was to try to find a pitchpipe/pan flute and whistle in the level in order to gain access to Shangri-La (the boss stage). The bosses were bizarre, such as a zombie that shot at you with a guitar. To tell you the truth, this game might have been the first heavy metal themed game, right down to its rocking soundtrack and hellish imagery.

"This game actually got me into Mega Mans."

2) Ducktales: I didn't want to clog up the list with a bunch of Capcom/Disney games, so I just picked the best of the breed. Ducktales is a Disney Mega Man. You have a level select screen at the start, you work your way through a pretty challenging level, and finally fighting some pattern based boss at the end. The major difference with Ducktales is all the side routes and hidden treasures you can find in a level. There's also a good deal of level revisiting, which adds quite a bit of depth to the game if you're aiming for high scores. If Ducktales isn't your thing, there's always the Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, and Talespin games.

"This game didn't even need a license... It could have sold millions being called 'Ninja Assassin.'"

1) Batman (Sunsoft): This game is amazing. It's so good, I sometimes forget that Batman is a licensed character. This is one of those rare licensed games where everything is done right. The game is based on the Michael Keaton/Jack Nicholson 1989 Batman and follows the story pretty well. The gameplay and controls are spot on and solid, making this game feel like a 5 star ninja platformer (on the RwN rating scale). There's a good level of difficulty, where it's very hard but not cheap at all. The cutscenes and soundtrack rocks too. I can kiss this game's ass all day, but I won't. I honestly feel I need to stop writing and try to find this at some used game booth... Now.

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