The Top 5 Hottest Girls of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

Due to the unexpectedly high sales of the original Phoenix Wright game, Capcom began to churn out a sequel to the Ace Attorney game the following year. Like many sequels, “Justice for All” was met with lukewarm reviews. Many felt that this second game was nothing more than a check cashing endeavor, as the music was far worse than the first game’s and the English localization seemed rushed being riddled with typos and poor grammar. However, the main draw of the game still remained, as “Justice for All” was still an exciting “literary” roller coaster of plot twists and crime mystery.

Just like in the previous game, the quirkiness of the story and situation wasn’t the only draw. “Justice for All” didn’t skimp on its usage of bizarre characters. Along with the regulars from the last game; we’re also graced with: a lady prosecutor who brings a whip into the court room, a flamboyant magician, and a shady doctor that tries to use spirit channeling to get a confession from the deceased, just to name a few.

So in the spirit of the first one, I give you a list of the top 5 hottest girls in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice for All.

"I am Mystic Maya's aunt, Morgan Fey."

5) Morgan Fey: Mia and Maya Fey’s aunt. She plays a significant role in the second case of the game and is also the mother of Pearl Fey (your alternate assistant in the last case of Justice for All). Morgan is supposed to be quite older than many of the other female characters in the game, but something about her design makes her look young and kinda cute. Plus, having that red hmong style hair is hot in a kinky sort of way.

"Do you think there are castles made of cake, and bunnies who can talk...?"

4) Regina Berry: The 16 year old lion tamer and daughter of the Berry Big Circus’ ringmaster. Being 16 alone would make you think that I’d rank her higher on this list. However, I don’t find Regina very attractive at all. The only reason she ended up on this list was the amount of new girls presented in this game was surprisingly very low. I would have even put the defendant in the first case (female) in this spot, had it not been for the fact that I couldn’t find any attractive sprites of her (she’s actually drawn rather stunningly in the end of the case stills, but that kinda ruins my animated sprite motif). Actually, Regina is really cute at the end of the trial when…

(Spoilers Highlight to View)
…She realizes that the murder happened because of her and she starts crying.

"Um... At the college, I'm researching and studying 'parapsychology'."

3) Ini Miney: The sister to the deceased nurse in case 2 and student of the occult. Along with Morgan Fey, Ini plays huge part in the second case. However, Ini’s cutesy design was almost offset by her ditzy “like, um, you know” dialogue. Perhaps if she was less of a moron in the case, I might have given her a higher ranking.

(Spoilers Highlight to View)
If you played the game, don’t come telling me who Ini really is and isn’t. I’m trying to write this thing as spoiler free as possible.

"Oh, how a foolish fool makes a foolish face while dreaming foolishly foolish dreams."

2) Franziska Von Karma: The domineering prosecutor who takes the place of Miles Edgeworth in this game. She’s not only fierce and a stone cold bitch, but she also brings a whip to the court room. Her aggressive never say die attitude may be part of the reason why I think she’s so hot. However, I also think it’s the blue hair and the fact that she looks like a 15 year old bishonen (pretty boy).

"If either one of them weren't so stubborn, then maybe no one would have needed to die."

1) Adrian Andrews: Manager to the stars, Adrian Andrews is one of the most “what the fuck?” characters in this game. She starts the fourth case off as a cool, unshakable trick and slowly folds into a ball of wet nerves weeping about a semi-unrelated incident in the middle of cross examinations. Part of her attraction comes from that nice bodice she’s wearing (and those tits they accentuate… Gawd dammit, I’m scoping pixilated breasts). But the way she sports those glasses (and the way they break when you catch her in the lie during cross examinations) really brings out some latent feelings of meganekko (glasses fetish). She’s one hot digital white girl…

No Rob, don’t do it… We know who’s left in this game, don’t go showcasing an 8 year old!

" That earnest look shining brightly in your eyes... It must be true love..."

Pearl Fey: Ok ok… I won’t, but you gotta admit… Pearl could be the cutest of all the Fey girls. Hopefully, they have an older Pearl in Apollo Justice (the Ace Attorney game that takes plays 7-9 years after the Phoenix Wright games).

The images used in this article are property of Capcom Co. Ltd. and have been made into animated gifs by various contributors of

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