The Top 5 Hottest Girls of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

While many have called the third installment to the Phoenix Wright series more of the same, I come from the opposing school of thought where we think "Well, how else did you expect the game to be?" I guess you could have expected just a great game in general; however, Trials and Tribulations delivers in that way as well. Our favorite spikey haired attorney is back with more hunches and desperate legal "reaching," this time he's supported by an even zanier crew than ever before. Not only does Phoenix Wright try to take down the mafia in a heated legal battle, he also plays defendant in a flashback case starring a slightly less curvaceous Mia Fey.

So to cap off the Phoenix Wright trilogy (and more importantly, to leave the door open for an Apollo Justice list), we bring you the top 5 hottest girls in Phoenix Wright - Trials and Tribulations.

"I'm sorry. That data is SuPer-Admin Restricted Desktop Access password-protected."

5) Lisa Basil: The head of Blue Screens Inc. and employer of the victim in case 3. Lisa is strangely robotic in her interactions with the rest of the cast. And not like a Lost in Space type of robot, but more so like a friendly animatronic puppet. Her warm yet controlled demeanor makes her the perfect candidate for 5th hottest girl in Trials and Tribulations or 1st on the list of likely candidates to work for Disney.

"You are all so nice... I almost feel right at home."

4) Dahlia Hawthorne: Dahlia is the strangest character in the entire Phoenix Wright series. Actually, Dalhia is like the otaku's perception of a woman: cute and demure, yet scheming and vile at their core. Not only is she a key player in 3 out of 5 of Trials and Tribulations cases, she serves as a sort of villain throughout the game. Despite her really cutesy and innocent design, she's really a grade A bitch and downright awful person. If I didn't want to sock her in the face, she'd probably rank a lot higher on the list.

"It looks like I'm really evil to begin with, which is promising, but it turns out that I'm really being used by Tigre. Oh woe is me... Hee... hee... hee..."

3) Viola Cadaverini: Granddaughter to the powerful mob boss that Phoenix Wright goes after. Viola stands as a fleshed out character with no depth. Despite trying to force her elaborate backstory on you, Viola is never seen as anything more than that creepy girl who tried to kill Phoenix Wright. However, her character teaches us 2 things... One, video game characters can be very well developed yet not at all noteworthy. And two, Italian mob bosses can have grandchildren that look totally Taiwanese.

"Roger that!"

2) Maggey Byrde: The defendant in case 3. I feel like I'm cheating including her here, since I didn't included her in the Justice for All list stating she was a bit homely. However, all my opinions on her changed in Trials and Tribulations. Maybe it was because she wasn't a cop in this game. Though, I think the main reason has to do with her wearing that sexy little orange waitress outfit (the still of her passed out in the restaurant is so cute... It makes me feel kinda bad for wanting to poke a sleeping anime girl... Only kinda bad, though).

"Even if you did run away, I'd still catch you. I have the worlds fastest bike, remember!"

3) Desiree DeLite: The beautiful wife of the defendant in case 2. Desiree is an adventurous thrill seeker and shopping whore. Her uncontrollable spending even forced her husband to start doing some unsavory things; however, if I had a wife with a cute face and tight little boobs like that I'd shoot the entire RwN staff in the face for her. Her character is typical "nice" archetype where she's honest to a fault (she even ends up incriminating her husband by showing hidden evidence she thought would help the case).

We always do an honorable mention slot, but this is a bit different...

"I trust you know how to stay out of the way."

3) Older Ema Skye from Apollo Justice: Wow, looks like someone was drinking their milk. Anyhow, we all know I love Ema Skye as much as Rebecca Chambers from the RE series. However, did you know that she replaces Gumshoe as your liason to police HQ in Apollo Justice? Does this mean we're going to be doing an Ema Skye article when I finish Apollo J? Or did I just want to hint that we are doing an Apollo Justice - Hot Girl list? You never know... You never know.

The images used in this article are property of Capcom Co. Ltd. and have been made into animated gifs by various contributors of

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