The Top 5 Dumbest Predictions for ‘08 That Might Actually Happen

Rob Whang's List

5) Duke Nukem Forever gets released this year.

Normally, I wouldn't say something so ridiculous. Not even as some sort of joke. However, with the recent release of an actual game footage trailer; I'm somewhat led to believe this may not be a joke game after all. At the very least I hope they release Duke Nukem 64 for virtual console with some added content... On second thought I'd even take the game as it was 10 years ago.

4) Lakers win 2008 Western Conference Playoffs

Their recent performance has been proving this one true already. Though the absence of Bynum from LA's finest might very well bring on 2 months of excruciating games, near losses, and an overall realization of the people as to just how shoddy Odom is as a player (he used to be top notch when he was on the Clippers roster). Despite the fact that this season’s Lakers are a great team on paper, they just can’t seem to shine on the court.

In my heart of hearts, however, I do believe that the Lakers can turn that heat from 2000-2002.

3) Ron Paul gets elected to the presidency

Ron Paul is a man after my own heart. Being a very liberal thinking conservative I truly hope he is at least voted in as our Republican candidate this year. Though it seems Romney’s going to take the lead in the GOP. I have a lot of hope for Ron Paul, since I found more stoners have been going to the polls.

2) The storyline for JJ Abrams' “Cloverfield” is a compilation of his complete works, including Felicity.

I felt very compelled to do some research on this movie after seeing the very vague trailer for this. Despite the fact that I've seen that trailer 7 months ago when I went to see Transformers, I still have no idea what this film is to be about. I know the key points: a party literally gets crashed and New York is burning. But is it monsters? Terrorists? The marooned survivors of a hideous plane wreck coming back to let society “get theirs?” A bitter college girl who chose to follow the man she loved rather than her dreams? Maybe all of these and more… I honestly wouldn’t put it past good ol’ Jeffrey, since he did write “Forever Young” and “Regarding Henry.”

1) The Beijing Olympic Games occur with no incident.

This prediction, among the rest, I find to be the least likely. I do want to clarify what I consider an “incident.” Naturally, an athlete may get caught for breaking the rules of his or her sport (ie. doping, scale rigging, etc.). Though significant, I feel that they are in a way part of the games themselves.

The incidents I speak of are more in line with the recent concerns expressed by the general public about China’s location and production reputation (especially of foodstuffs). With Afghanistan and Pakistan as neighboring countries, the possibility of a terrorist attack at the games seems very real to me. The fact that there was a bombing at the Atlanta Olympics solidifies my fear even more.

For the last year or so China has been showcased in numerous occasions for having dangerous food and consumer products. The contaminated batches of wheat gluten that made its way into pet foods across the US last March had the people calling the safety of China’s food sources into question. Not more than a season later were Chinese foodstuffs the culprit in another chain of deaths and injuries. This time however, it affected humans through the addition of glycol, a poisonous product with a naturally sweet taste in toothpaste.

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