The Top 5 Cameos by Santa in Video Games

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

It can be said that Santa Claus is the most recognizable figure during the Christmas season. I’m even led to believe that St. Nick is more popular than Jesus (in a non-sacrilegious/Beatles way), as evidenced by a Japanese store displaying a picture of a crucified Santa to show that they support the theological aspects of Christmas.

Because of his iconic status, Santa has made many appearances in various video games. Though many of his cameos are small and not very noteworthy, there are quite a few instances of him playing a pretty significant role in a game.

In this list we won’t be mentioning any game in which Santa has a starring role (so no Santa Claus saves the Earth, here), since that’s too much of a given. We’ll only be talking about games where Santa makes a guest appearance.

"This isn't a hack... This is actually part of the game. However, playing as Santa is the one of the last things I'd think to do in a Star Wars game."

5) The Santa Bricks in Lego Star Wars II – The Original Trilogy: The Santa costume in Lego Star Wars II makes the number 5 spot because it’s more of a skin than an actual cameo by Santa. However, there’s something about fighting the Empire with St. Nick that makes the holidays come alive. The surreal feeling of having Santa wielding a lightsaber while reaching out with the Force just screams “Seasons Greetings” or “Man, I drank way too much eggnog.” Either way, it spells holiday fun for you and the Imperials you’re laying out.

"While, I never played any games from this series, I can tell you everything about Sandy Claws and Jack Skellington."

4) Sora’s Costume AND Sandy Claws in Kingdom Hearts 2: I’ll admit that I’ve never played a Kingdom Hearts game. However, numerous classmates and friends have, so I pretty much know the premise behind the game. In the Kingdom Hearts series, the main character Sora is to make his way through various Disney franchises in the style of a J-RPG. During the game, Sora enters Halloween and Christmas town ala the Nightmare Before Christmas movie. In this portion of the game he’s given a Santa costume and the chance to meet up with “Sandy Claws.” The fact that they added stuff from one of my favorite movies (Nightmare Before Christmas) wins this game the #4 spot.

"Ok... This is digusting, let's move on."

3) Sumo Santa in Clayfighter 63 1/3: One of the hidden characters in the cult classic fighter, Clayfighter 63 1/3. What better choice for an unlockable character in a surreal fighting game than a savage Santa in a sumo diaper? Despite his girth and weight, Santa was pretty quick for an old man. This'll lead to match after match of pwning your opponent with cheese moves and long chained combos.

"Despite your slow walk speed, you normally end up charging right into St. Nick and scaring him off."

2) Santa in Toejam and Earl: This is Santa done right in a video game. He’s not trying to crush you with the force of his fat and he doesn’t exist as a skin or costume for your main character. He’s here to give out presents to all the good children of the world (and 2 sneaky aliens). However, he won’t just flat out give you a present. In fact, he’ll flee if you try to rush him for his goods. Instead, you needed to do the old “sneak and flank” to get some love from Father Christmas. Oddly enough, getting a preset from Santa is one of the hardest challenges in this game (I’d even go as far to say that you’re more likely to beat this game than being stealth enough to get a present from St. Nick, unless you do it on accident).

"Who'd have thought that this benign looking elf would turn out to be one tough as hell boss?"

1) Santa in Secret of Mana: Looking for a legendary Mana Seed to grow the largest Christmas tree possible, Santa ventures into the realm of Secret of Mana. While Santa seems to be in control in our other entries, he’s totally lost in the world of Mana. After misjudging Mana’s power, Santa is transformed from a jolly old elf to a bastard of a frost monster. The fact that you actually fight a monstrous Kris Kringle as a boss makes Santa’s appearance in Secret of Mana our #1 Santa cameo in video gaming

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