The Top 5 Video Games that features (an) Under Aged Girl(s)

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

As you may or may not know, I have a thing for cutesy girls. I’m not a big fan of overtly glamorous women; I really like those innocent looking demure girls. The ones that are cute and compact in a 16 year old way (sort of like Vivian and her sisters).

Apparently I’m not alone in my preferences, as many games seem to have characters that feed these urges. It makes sense, if you want to sell a game to teens; give them a character they can fantasize over. And if you want to sell a game to an old man; give them a character they can fantasize over.

Like our other top 5 lists, I wanted to put a restriction on the nominees. Ultimately, I decided that the game can’t be based on a licensed cartoon, anime, comic, etc (but they can have a cartoon based on it), it’s just too easy to include the Evangelion and Lucky Star games in a list like this.

"Even though it's not the case... I still call this The Kancho (ass poke) Game."

5) Mekuri Master: In this Adobe Flash game by Nigoro you play as the titular Mekuri Master, champion skirt flipper. Yes, skirt flipping as in lifting a girl’s mini-skirt to expose her underwear. The game is very simple, you move the Mekuri Master up to an unsuspecting high school girl using the mouse. Once you become close enough to her, you quickly drag the mouse upwards to show that beautiful butt footage. Doing well in the game depends on how close you are to the girl when you flip her skirt. The overt perversion helped this game make it on the list; however, the lack of being one of the girls in those sailor suits brings it down to spot number 5.

"I'd include the Wii games here, but it's like every other Wii game that's a sequel/spin off of another IP, a decent game riddled with minigames!"

4) Lost in Blue (DS versions): This game satisfies a secret fantasy of mine, being stuck with some young girl that doesn’t like me much on some deserted island. Though Lost in Blue focuses more on the survival aspect of being stuck on a deserted island, it does dwell pretty deep into the relationship part. You’ll find that as the game progresses your characters will no longer hate each other and if you’ve been playing pretty well, they may actually start to like each other. Despite being cliché all around, the game surprised me in that the survivors on this island are only 14 and 15. This really makes my sexual imagination run wild when I think of 2 hormone filled teens romping around on some island alone. The fact that they could have used college aged kids (which would have made the game a little more believable, since what 15 year old could figure out how to make an explorer raft that held 200 lbs), makes this seem like this is partial “loli” fanservice.

"Yes, Touhou games are known for both of these things."

3) The Touhou Project: Over the course of 10 years, a one man development team called “Team Shanghai Alice” has been releasing manic shmups with an home written anime type storyline. The games play like typical space shooters with 2 notable quirks. First, the screen is normally littered with enemy bullets, often covering over 2/3s of the playfield; thus, making these games ridiculously challenging. Second, aside from 1 male npc all the rest of the game’s cast is a bunch of under 18 year old girls. There are under aged girls for every fetish, they have: school girls, shrine maidens, and cute little girls in witch costumes.

"Shake yo' ass! Watch yourself!"

2) So Blonde: Even though this game hasn’t been released in the US, I’ve heard a lot about this one from Vivian. This game is basically Lost in Blue without the emo boy (so, it’s already a huge step up). You play as Sunny Blonde (yeah, this game seemingly oozes cleverness), a spoiled teen bitch who is somehow separated from her family’s yacht while on vacation. In point and click adventure style, Sunny is to explore the island and find a way off using the all the resources the island has to offer. Though that’s all I can say about the gameplay, the girl is smoking hot at 16 (and existing as pixels). She’s so cute, I probably would have put her first; however, I would feel really lame and guilty making the number one game on the list one I never played before.

"Every type of school girl under the sun: innocent, slutty, gangsta, and nondescript/cross styles."

1) Rival Schools: Since Capcom makes so many fighting games; I can only see this as sexual fanservice. This game is a 2.5-D tag team fighter, with the standard classic Capcom fighting styles and special moves. Not too much is done in terms of innovative new modes or techniques, further leading me to believe this is nothing but a game for us perverts. Another point to this case is the decision of using a primitive 3-D graphics engine, since what’s better than having a school girl in a skirt fight some dude? The possibility of seeing up that skirt as she does it! As you may have already guessed from the name, Rival Schools has a high school setting to it, so pretty much every character is under 18 (aside from the teachers, but the even female teachers are designed for maximum arousal yield). The thing I like about this game are the types of costumes these girls wear; from sailor suits, athletic gear, to some “gang” attire; Capcom didn’t skimp on giving us greasy fanboys what we wanted... Young virginal, innocent girls in sexy costumes making an erotic “kiai” every so often. Despite, aging quite badly these last 10 years, the game still shines, even if it’s just for those sexy load screens.

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