Intergalactic Fighting Robots!!! And a look at the future.

By: Gavin Mooney

Sorry for the hiatus everyone and the total lack of a timely review for Transformers but I went camping with family and haven’t gotten around to this review. So I have a couple things in store for this article. First and foremost will be a review on Transformers the epic summer blockbuster featuring the coolest sounding thing on screen, Intergalactic Fighting Robots! Second I’ll just do a quick buy or sell for current movies out and soon to come. And finally I want to talk about a movie I am looking really forward to seeing next summer and was given a teaser trailer for when I saw Transformers. Honestly that made the movie worth it right there for me.

Transformers: Rise of the Fallen - First and foremost I have one thing to say about this movie, INTERGALACTIC FIGHTING ROBOTS! I don’t care who you are, how old you are, or where you’re from, that sounds AWESOME! Why wouldn’t you watch a movie with Intergalactic Fighting Robots? Well, unfortunately in this movie’s case there were a few reasons. But fuck em’, Intergalactic Fighting ROBOTS! So, first thing its two and a half hours long and at times you can tell. I did like how for every lame subplot and needless human interacting scenes in the movie there was an equally long if not longer scene of fighting robots, which I personally think is why the movie runs thirty mins longer than it really needs to. No need to check, anytime robots aren’t fighting on screen is a good time to go. Nothing of interest ever really happens otherwise, most of the time. Second, way more attempts to add humor to the movie for that all around fun for the whole family feel. LAME! It takes away from the movie, slows down the progression of the story, and adds needless dialogue and scenery to a, lets face it, an ACTION film about intergalactic robots who fight each other. We want to see that awesome fight, and explosions and shit! Not watch Sam’s parents bumble about (but I have to say that mom was hilarious!). There were a lot of cool new robots in this movie as well as some cool transforming going on. This movie has really got their fighting robots down. No need to delve into the plot into this movie since it is simply there to entertain the fan and move the story along for everyone else. The fighting robots were AWESOME! The battle scenes are way longer and totally done better in this second movie. All and all it’s a pretty epic action flick and a perfect summer blockbuster. So if you’re in the mood for a good action flick, and purely just that, Transformers is right up your alley.

Due to current financial restraints and a friend quitting at my local theatre I have been unable to attend movies as frequently as I used to. That is why Transformers was the last movie I was able to attend and I have had such few reviews of late some of which don’t even talk about movies currently in theatres. I apologize and hope to remedy this soon. So, I would like to think I am a good judge of movies and have at least some descent taste in them and feel that based on preview hype alone I can tell what movies you should look into and which not. This is my buy or sell…

The Ugly Truth - Sell. Chick flick and it looks a bit lame. I dunno you may like it but you won’t catch me dashin out to see it

G-Force - Sell. Um………… It’s a movie about fighting hamsters right? You be the judge.

Orphan - Sell. Horror movie, and that’s not my thing. Looks like a pretty lame one too.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - This is easy even for you. You a fan, buy, not sell. Me I’m not so I will not be attending.

Bruno - Buy. This is a new movie out by Sasha Barron Cohen featuring his third character from the Ali G show, Bruno. Wasn’t my favorite character but I love Cohen’s humor and can’t wait to see it. Warning! I hear there is a lot of dick on the screen. Watch at own risk!

I Love You Beth Cooper - Sell. Teen coming of age movie featuring the cheerleader from Heroes. If you’re a teenager, yeah go see it. It’s probably a bit funny and you can find a way to relate. Everyone else, you know what you like.

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - Sell. Fuck, they made a third one. Aren’t these animals dead yet? They apparently survived an entire Ice Age. You got a kid, go see it. They’ll probably get a kick out of it.

Public Enemies - BUY. Johnny Depp movie… how bad could it be? I am sad I haven’t seen it yet. Its about bank robber and criminal celebrity John Dillinger.

Cheri - Sell. Chick flick, and it doesn’t even sound like a good one.

My Sisters Keeper - Sell. Touchy feely movie, not really my thing but if I watched it I’d probably feel good about myself and the world after. Stars Cameron Diaz so right there is a reason not to watch.

The Proposal - Buy. This is the good chick flick, I’m sure. Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds are both adequate actors for this kind of role. She’s a bit old for him but eh. Poor Ryan Reynolds, he’s getting stuck in the “pretty face in a chick flick” zone for his roles.

Year One - Buy. I want to see it and I’m sure it’s funny.

Moon - BUY! I know nothing about this movie. Nothing! My friend told me about it and I have heard nothing about it. No preview, no trailer, no info. My favorite type of movie. I can’t wait to see it and I hope I don’t miss it.

The Taking of Pelham 123 - Sell. I don’t want to get into it, but it looks like a shitty movie.

The Hangover - BUY. I have heard if you want to laugh your ass off, this is the movie to see this summer. Go see it.

Drag Me to Hell - Sell. I’m not a horror fan, sorry. But Sam Remi directed it so it can’t be bad. He did Evil Dead and if you followed my advice you know how bad ass those movies are. So horror or Remi fans BUY!.

And finally a little look to the future. Sorry for the long update but I don’t know when I’ll get around to another one and it’s almost done! When viewing Transformers among some of the previews for the epic movies that will be arriving in theaters in just a few weeks, I got one for a movie that is gonna make the next year of waiting all the more sweeter. Enjoy!

M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Last Airbender” looks AWESOME! That teaser is all I plan to watch of the movie until it premiers. I cannot wait to see this movie. That teaser alone made me go on an epic search, which funny enough came to a quick end once I asked Rob for a source, to find a site to watch the Nickelodeon cartoon series Avatar the Last Airbender. It is a story about a young boy named Ang who is the last of his people, the Airbenders, who were killed by the fire nation, an empire whose indigenous inhabitants are called Fire Benders. Catching on? There are four types of benders: water, earth, fire, and air. Ang is also the Avatar, a reincarnated being who can bend all four elements. Ang meets two teenagers, one of which is a water bender, and they must go on a quest to help Ang learn the other three disciplines of bending in order to fulfill his role as the Avatar and bring peace and balance back to the world, which is almost under the thumb of the fire nation. This cartoon was awesome. It was funny and interesting and the characters were so engrossing. A live action version of this awesome well told story is going to be EPIC!!! As far as I can learn it will be a three movie series which coincides with the cartoon’s three seasons which made up the series. Everyone should go out and watch this cartoon. It is great. If not, don’t worry you’ll be doing yourself a favor because you won’t know how it all ends. Small price to pay to be exposed to this great and fantastically told tale, though. Shyamalan has a lot to live up to but given his previous movie history he just might be the perfect director with the right style and vision to make this cartoon really come to life. I can’t wait to see this movie and I think you should all join me!

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