
By: Gavin Mooney

Watchmen – Well, by now most of you have probably seen this movie. If not, GO SEE IT! “Watchmen” is a big screen adaptation of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ graphic novel by the same name. It takes place in an alternate 1985 where the world is constantly on the brink of nuclear war and superheroes are of course running the streets fighting crime. Honestly more than enough info for you to know. Personally in a story like this I like to see it unfold on the screen. Prior to seeing this movie I had only see one teaser and that was when I saw “Batman the Dark Knight.” The movie is a bit long with a running time of 2hrs and 43 min but it is quite entertaining, at least I thought so. The material isn’t for everyone but I can tell you do not be expecting your typical crime fighting movie where the good guys and the bad guys are clearly distinguished, there are over choreographed fights and car chases, and in the end you already know who is gonna come out on top. That is not this movie. This movie takes the Dark Knight to a whole other level. If you felt the Dark Knight peered into the inner psyche of Batman get ready to see an illustration of what the true psyche of a crime fighter is. On top of the mystery that unfolds in this movie there is very colorful and entertaining commentary on the life and mental state of a super hero. One so clearly painted is that of the character The Comedian, played by Jeffery Dean, which is engrossingly twisted. Another well played and fascinating character was Rorschach played by Jackie Earle Haley, the pitcher in the original “Bad News Bears.” These two performances as well all the other actors involved in the movie added to the complex and fascinating experience that was “Watchmen.”

Now before I leave you thinking that I yet again have nothing bad to say about a movie I liked here are some of the downsides to this movie that a lot of people feel make this movie an awful movie. First and foremost, and I say this to everyone who asks me about this movie, lots of dick. I mean a lot. You only get 30 sec of boob to make up for all the dick you see and it really ain’t all that satisfying especially after seeing all the dick. Second as I said before it’s a bit long and too long for some. Personally with the rising price of tickets and the diminishing value of money, longer and entertaining movies are nice I think because I’m getting more bang for my buck. Paying 10 bucks and then leaving the theatre an hour and half later seems almost like a rip off even if the movie was entertaining. But then again you do always get stuck sometimes in a movie that just will never end like “King Kong.” Fuck that crappy movie could have ended 2 hours earlier and I would have never complained. Third, there’s not a whole lot of action for a comic book movie. The movie itself is story driven as opposed to action driven which like I said before makes for an entertaining and engrossing film but for others it causes it to drag on and take forever to get to the end.

So for the fan and newcomer alike I feel “Watchmen” is a definite must see for this year. Everyone who has read the graphic novel has told me that everything that happens in the movie happens in the book. So, if you have read it than SURPRISE! you know how it ends. For those who haven’t check out this interesting peek into the twisted psyches of superheroes and the world they live in. You just might enjoy it, I did.

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