Cereal Serials: Trader Joe’s Strawberry Yogurt O’s

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

There was a long period of time in my stoner career where breakfast cereal was a staple in my diet. The blissfulness of sitting down and eating a crunchy bowl of heavily sweetened children’s cereal in ice cold milk was unmatched. Over time I began to lose that love for the part of a balanced breakfast that consisted of a large amount of refined sugar. However, recently while shopping at my local Trader Joe’s, I impulsively bought a cereal that turned out to be surprisingly good.

As Terry Bogard is the King of Fighters... Trader Joe's is the King of Markets.

It was a cold and stony Friday evening; I had just gotten off of work and decided to go shopping for the weekend. After getting the usual honey porter beer and myriad of frozen foods, I wandered to the cereal aisle to see if anything struck my fancy. If you’ve never been to a Trader Joe’s you’ll find that a lot of their food stuffs follows a somewhat healthier beat as compared to other chain markets (I’ll admit that their microwave quiches and pot pies do have pretty high amounts of fat, but they’re still somewhat better than eating the same by Marie Callendar’s or Swanson). The cereal section was no different in that I couldn’t find a single box of cereal with my daily recommended amount of sugar, dye, and candy bits (I did however, find hemp cereal which I would like to try another day). Being stoned and too lazy to want to stop at another market on the way home just for cereal, I grabbed a box of Trader Joe’s Strawberry Yogurt O’s. I didn’t think too much of the cereal. From the picture and description on the box I gathered it was going to be like some sort of cheerios with dried fruit. Little did I know I was about to eat my words and enjoy every bit of them.

The packaging's minimalist design made me want and not want this cereal at the same time.

Maybe it was because of the simple package design or lack of a toy, but I just didn’t feel like immediately attacking that box of cereal as I normally would have in the past. Later that evening, I finally got the munchies bad enough and caught myself subconsciously preparing a bowl of Yogurt O’s.

After taking the first bite, I realized this wasn’t cheerios with dried fruit. This was actually a very good “adult” cereal. It had a proper amount of sweetness to it, without making it feel like I was eating candies in milk. The whole grain wheat gave the O’s a solid yet non-abrasive crunch. Their crunch and texture was very reminiscent of standard Cheerios, but felt denser and not as airy. The dehydrated strawberries had a pleasant twist to them as some of them were covered in strawberry yogurt. In fact, the whole concept of only putting yogurt on some of the cereal (ie: only half the O’s are covered, while the other half are just plain whole grain wheat rings) was a good call in my opinion. Especially, since covering every bit of cereal in strawberry yogurt probably would have resulted in some sort of sticky strawberry cum block.

As I got towards the end of the bowl and began drinking the delicious strawberry milk that formed, I couldn’t help to think that I had eaten a cereal that tasted just like this somewhere in the past. Upon eating my second bowl it hit me. I discovered a Cap’n Crunch with Crunch Berries for a more mature group of cereal eaters. I saw the cereal in a totally new light. The little dried strawberries were like brittle crunch berries. Both the O’s covered in yogurt and the uncovered O’s were like those little yellow pillows of puffed corn meal, except they’re not trying to cut your mouth.

Sorry, Quaker... Me and the Cap'n aren't making it happen anymore.

All in all this was a very good cereal. If you’re ready for something that’s a little more adult, but still satisfies your sweet tooth, I’d highly recommend it. I’d also recommend this to my stoner friends that love Cap’n Crunch but have bad teeth (like me) or the fear of having the Cap’n and his motley crew of fruit flavored berries shank up their mouths.

Final Verdict:
8 out of 10 yogurt covered whole grain wheat rings

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