Nut Up or Shut Up! Zombieland

By: Gavin Mooney

I got out to some movies this week so get ready for a bit more of the same. Today I feature a movie which slowly won it’s way into my heart so much that come premiere day I had to go see it at midnight. Of course I speak of Zombieland. FYI, Rob totally pussed out and did not go see this movie with me, even though it would have been free and we saw it down the street from his house. So be sure to give him shit for that because as a zombie enthusiast I thought for sure he’d be down for some awesome zombie killing fun and I’m sure you all would have love to hear his thoughts on that. Plus what better way to start off the Halloween month then with a review on a zombie movie coupled with maybe a review on zombie games and what not. Personally I’m usually not much of a zombie fan but for some reason this year has totally become the year of the zombie for me.

Zombieland - You want some good laughs, funny dialogue, a hot chick, one bad ass dude, and all the fun of killing zombies? Well look no further! Zombieland is here to fill that order to the fullest. This movie was exactly everything I was expecting it to be. What better way to start off this Halloween month then with this hilarious movie about the funnest extracurricular activity of the Apocalypse, zombie killing. I don’t know what it is but killing zombies is funny. Everyone was hilarious in this movie including the awesome cameo by ……. I won’t spoil it. There isn’t a whole lot to this movie. Basically our four protagonists seem to be the four last people on earth living in zombieland as it has been affectionately named by Columbus played by Jesse Eisenberg. They meet and then go on killing zombies together rather than alone. Think of any funny joke, plot twist, or scenario that could play out in this world and they may or may not cover it. That’s the movie. Jesse Eisenberg was great playing that clever yet meek character usually played by Micheal Cera. He better watch out because Jesse is quickly gonna steal all his roles since he plays that part even better than Cera and is a lot less of wuss doing it. And Woody Harrelson was EPIC! Great character and the perfect role for him; no one could have played it better. Everyone should go out and see this movie. It is the perfect light start for the Halloween season and is full of great jokes, simple plots, hilarious characters, and most importantly, zombie kills.

I give this movie 5 out 5 decapitated zombie heads.

Surrogates - New “who done it” out starring Bruce Willis. This movie is about a world in which the majority of humanity lives, works, or gets on with their lives through the use of surrogates, robots made in the likeness of the operator. This is all about to change when the first homicide in over a decade occurs while operators are connected to their surrogates and die as well. This causes a stir and an investigation which could change the world everyone has become accustomed. This movie is alright. Entertaining enough but does tend to drag at times and when the end comes you’re ready for it. Bruce Willis performed well as could be expected, and the makeup fro Bruce’s surrogate was cool. It was like a better looking original Die Hard Bruce. The story was alright, with the “you’re never gonna believe it twist” not all that unbelievable. Plus I figured it out before it was revealed so no biggy there. Overall if you’re looking to be entertained, with a hint of a futuristic murder mystery then check out Surrogates. Otherwise wait to rent this one.

3 out 5 Robots approve of this movie.

The Informant! - New movie out starring Matt Damon. This movie was pretty funny. I enjoyed it a lot but it is not for everyone. This movie is about a guy who works for a prominent corn company who decides to inform on them to the FBI. Now it may not seem like much but the informant, played by Damon, is not your usual run of the mill type guy. This is where the hilarity ensues. One thing I loved about this movie was the excellent use of non-sequiturs. Damon was really good in this movie showing once again that he is a great actor who we will be watching for many years to come. As for the rest of the cast you really begin to realize as the movie goes on that everyone is trying to make this a funny movie since most of the cast are comedians or comedic actors from all over the comedy spectrum. It’s almost like a comedic undertone or a inside joke that unless you know who these people are it will go right over your head. The humor in this movie is quite subtle and often times jokes go right over the audience’s head, but who cares fuck ‘em for not getting it. So if you’re in the mood for some really good, underhanded, subtle humor along with some good acting and a pretty interesting story then maybe you should check out The Informant. Otherwise wait to rent this one, but definitely see it.

3 1/2 out of 5 stars.

The Brothers Bloom - This is a movie now out for rent and I suggest if you like well put together movies in a Wes Anderson sort of way you should definitely check this one out. The Brothers Bloom is about two brothers who are world famous con-artists. One of the brothers named Bloom, played by Adrian Brody, decides he is done with the con game and wants out. His brother and partner in crime agrees to let him go after they do one last con. The mark is a neurotic shut in played by Rachel Weisz. Once the job starts hilarity ensues. This movie was quite clever and kinda deep. All the actors involved gave wonderful and convincing performances. I was really saddened that I somehow missed this movie while it was out in theatres since I was waiting for it and then never saw it out. Just poof, straight to DVD or something; I mean it was out in theatres, just not that long. This movie is really not for everyone. It’s kinda of heavy, can be slow moving for some, and a lot of the dialogue and more importantly jokes can go right over people’s head. Personally I think that for those who are Wes Anderson fans (Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, Royal Tenebums, Life Aquatic with Steve Zizzou, Darjeeling Limited) this movie will be just your cup of tea. If you have no idea who Wes Anderson is or never heard of any of those movies then steer clear of this movie.

Personally I give this movie 4 out of 5 stars.

Sunshine Cleaning - Movie now out for rent starring Amy Adams and Emily Blunt. If you’re like “Who?” it doesn’t matter they were good. Not gonna lie this movie is an interesting chick flick about two sisters who decide to get into the crime scene clean up business. Like all good movies of its kind there are the ups and downs, sibling rivalry, and the heartfelt feel good moment at the end where everyone learns something prolific or life altering and the two sisters become closer than before. This movie really wasn’t all that bad. A bit corny at times but the acting was great, casting was really good, especially with Alan Arkin in there. He’s the fucking man! The story was really interesting and heartfelt and you really identify with all the characters trying to inch there way through the world. I really enjoyed this movie, and if you are looking for a movie to cuddle up and watch with someone, or are just in the mood for an entertaining heartfelt story, then I suggest you rent this one. It would definitely be worth every penny.

3 1/2 out 5 stars

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