Links and Affiliates

Here's some links to folks that we work with and like (well, that last point is debatable). If you're using Firefox or an tab enabled version of IE, I suggest that you open these links in new tabs. Because for some weird reason you navigation bar will still say if you don't. If you don't have a tab enabled browser, I guess you can open it in a new window (but that's just stupid... Evolve with the internet! Switch to tabbed browsing).

"I give this guy a really hard time in this IRC (internet relay chat) I frequent... I figure I can put his review site up here as a way to say 'You know I'm just fucking with you when I call you an idiot...'"


"A site run by my long time net friend, Sylvester Ink. He mostly covers Linux builds, open source, and indie games. check it out for some amazing little treasures."

The Inkwell

"Vivian's site... We just have it up here because she works for us."

Vivian Tam's Portfolio Site

"I shared a room with this guy during PAX, he turned out to be one of the most interesting people I ever met (I'd even go as far to call him Josh's Pacific Northwest counterpart). Check out his site, it's pretty damn interesting."

Omnicollective Journal

"A podcast about Kotaku (the video game news site), so it's basically a news feed about a news feed. I actually met the guys who ran this site on the smoking terrace at PAX."


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