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News Archive

June 23rd, 2010 | Supplies, Supplies

Wow, what a surprise... I actually came through with another article for you all as I said I would. Well, good to see I can be a man of my word when I'd like to be. So as I mentioned LAST NIGHT, I got a beer review done here for the update. Check it out, since I reviewed a beer that I feel very few people would be brave enough to try. And that of course is the 7-11 brand beer.

As for the nearer future, I may be back this week with that game review or I may be back sometime next week on Monday with something totally different. Either way, I will be doing another Reading With Ninjas update before the weekend is here, so check that out! Until then, I'll be seeing you...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 22nd, 2010 | Grad Night

Lately, I've been quite busy with work as I do advertising and we're just coming out of the Mother's Day/Father's Day/Graduation season. But I'm sure you don't care about that and are wondering where the hell the updates have been. Well, they'll be coming a lot more consistently as we do have quite a few great ideas for new material (maybe we'll even get a beer review or a game review tomorrow). In fact, we will get one tomorrow, since I know I could do it. I'll also be doing the server change in the near future (honest), since our contract on directnic is going to expire soon. Aside from all that's been going and not going on, we finally have an article up today. And as I mentioned last updat, it is a recap of the Ghostwriter comic book arc (you'll see why it took me so long, since this is a very long read). Perhaps, when I do the other Ghostwriter recaps, I'll actually just break them down and do an episode per session (as writing about the arc as a whole also contributed to the article's delay). Either way, I'll see you folks tomorrow with something that's not Ghostwriter related.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 18th, 2010 | Catch Me Ridin' Wordy

So because of a bunch of stupid setbacks, I never got to see the Diary of a Wimpy Kid. This makes me really angry, since it genuinely was the one movie I wanted to see in the theatres. Either way, it doesn't matter much anyhow since the film has officially plopped into the budget theatres, therefore making it pretty moot to do a review on it. We will be starting a new article series based on Ghostwriter (yes, that show from the early to mid 90's that promoted reading and amatuer detective work). i'll pretty much be following the same format i have in my Saved By the Bell retrospectives and doing episode/story arc summaries and commentary. I decided to wait just a bit more for the update since our subscription to directnic will be expiring in the very new future (and I also need to focus more on saving for a car, as I'm in dire need of one). I'll be back later this week with an overview of the comic book episodes of Ghostwriter and with that I'll say "I'm out!"
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 30th, 2010 | Diary of a Stupid Stoner

I'm going to keep this news update short, since I'm finally going to see that "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" tonight. We'll probably have a review of the movie up on Monday or so. As for today, I did a review of a game I had recently got for the Nintendo Wii. The game is actually very fun, which was somewhat of a surprise for me as I had bought the game mostly for the bundled controller. I also realize we haven't done the update yet, but soon (and yes, you'll probably be rewarded for your patience somehow).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 21st, 2010 | Metal Man

So we got some money for the new hosting and are on the verge of switching servers soon. This really excites me since I think I can soon start using the site as sex getting leverage (I'm not sure how exactly, but I'm sure we can capitalize on it somehow). Today, we have the Mega Man 10 article up and I already assume most of you clods have already purchased the game, but I guess it would be a wash if I didn't put it up here eventually. Hopefully, you're inarticulate and have a friend who hasn't purchased the game so you can forward them the article and help them out.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 12th, 2010 | Rob Whang - Back from a Nice Break

Hey guys, thanks for letting me take a break these last few weeks. It was pretty refreshing. I got to do a lot of fun stuff while I was away from here: I organized an epic April Fool's joke with a couple other online friends that ended up baffling our corner of the internet, I wrote an awesome comedic style roast in the form of an awards show, I had my heart decimated as I found that my secret crush will be getting married soon (to not me), and I relearned how fun it is to be a great Pokemon breeder and trainer. I've also been playing a lot of WarioWare DIY on the DS and will probably be devoting sections to new site to Pokemon Trades and Tricks as well as WarioWare DIY; however, we'll still keep our regular RwN quirkiness so don't go mobbing out just yet.

Today, I found an old article Josh had sent to me around my birthday and figured if I don't upload it soon, it won't be relevant anymore. We'll probably be going back to our 2-3 update a week formula as well, since I've done all the foot work for the revamp and just need the money to put it up. With that said, see you on Wednesday with an article Gavin and I should have had up since early March (but that's my fault).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 23rd, 2010 | Overdue!

So this will be the last time you'll see the site looking all shitty like this. In the next few days I'll be back with my first back from designing article and a new site layout. Overall the site layout is pretty much donw and looks more like one of those trendy blog sites that those emo kids use. However, content wise we should be the same old RwN with witty jokes, funny commentary, and tales of general debauchery. At this point I've been basically just reformatting all the old articles and content along with doing some light editing to them; however, this seemingly takes forever when you're trying to revamp the 150+ articles here on your own.

If you're really itching to hear some Rob Whang thoughts, since it's been nearly a full month without an article from me. I have been updating Reading with Ninjas quite a bit, so there's some stuff there for you to check out. Also, today we have an update by Gavin as there's some movie that's seemingly done in the old Dolemite style that he's recently fallen in love with. And as I mentioned before, I should have something up by Thurday here. Thanks for being patient, the new site will totally be worth it (plus, it may even look prestigious enough for people to want to contribute more and actually plug it).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 8th, 2010 | AmWay

It's been a long week and actually quite refreshing to have a nice break away from here. However, that doesn't mean I hate this place or won't be coming back. Today we have a Sodios article by Josh up. This time he wrote about an episode of American Dad that's actually pretty decent. This week, Gavin should be coming through with a movie article (or so he told me via Facebook). And I might do a surprise article on an Xbox Live Arcade game that was released 4 nights ago or I might just keep it in the archives and make it our first article of the new layout. We'll see how we're doing with the revamp and such.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 28th, 2010 | Back On with Bacon

So my internet went down last night around 10ish and I couldn't do the update. However, we finally got it up here this morning. I'll probably be rounding the week off with a PC game review and maybe some sort of video/photo thing from my upcoming birthday party, since I love to see pictures of random drunk people. I'll be keeping the news short today, mostly because I'm hungover from watching the Simpsons and drinking beer in excess last night.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 20th, 2010 | Let's Get Physical

As promised I got the Crayon Physics Deluxe article up today. As for Friday I'm not really sure if we'll be doing anything, since I have to submit a comedy roast I'm working on as a side project. However, if we do, I'm thinking of doing a food related article. But if we don't you can be sure to check that one out on Monday. The new and way easier to navigate layout is also coming in the next 2 weeks, so be on the look out for that (I might even upload a beta version here, just to see how you guys feel about it).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 19th, 2010 | Stay High

So after a busy weekend and totally drunken 3 day weekend, I finally got an article up. We should be back in our groove from here on out (probably until my birthday next week), so be assured that I didn't die or am quitting the updates here. As for today, I did a review on an online shooter I've been playing pretty extensively. I highly recommend it if you're a fan of old school arcade shooters and frantic competitive games. As for tomorrow, I'll be doing a review on another PC game, so be sure to come back for that as well.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 12th, 2010 | Blinding

Sorry for no update last night, I was really busy at work and honestly had no energy to finish the update. However, today we did get the review of The Blind Side done and let me say you need to check out both the review and the film as soon as you can. As for tomorrow, I should be doing a video game related article, which will be specifically related to the PS3 (I hope). And on Friday, maybe one of my writers will come back because Josh, Gavin and vivian have all seemingly died in the last 2 weeks. Well, I talked to Gavin a couple days ago and I think he's been in a writer's slump or something. So realistically, I hope Vivian comes through with her lost and forgotten article or that Josh remembers how to watch TV and make comments about it again. Either way, see you guys tomorrow!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 8th, 2010 | Friday's as Good as Thursday

So work finally started picking up for me and it's honestly been a pretty damn hectic week. I have the Phantasy Star 0 review up, so take a minute to see what's up with that. I'm also very tired from work and need to shower, so I'll be cutting this one super short.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 4th, 2010 | Assholemania

Happy New Year, guys! Glad to see we all survived the holiday weekend. Today, I have the Castlevania: Rebirth article up and you seriously should check this out if you were thinking about getting the game. I'm honestly not quite sure what's in store this week, but we should have something on Wednesday and probably a whole lot of Reading with Ninjas stuff (since I'll be working on a cute on going art project). On Saturday you should check the site or the Little Big Planet community download center, since Ron and I will be working on the first RwN LBP project and that should be pretty interesting.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 30th, 2009 | Dragon Tales

Well, it's almost the end of the year. I won't be seeing you guys until 2010. However, I got a lot of hope for this coming year, since I think we're going to be doing a huge graphic overhaul here (making the site way easier to navigate and giving it RSS capabilities). So you can expect that late in January or in early February. As for today, I got the PSN game article up, so as always be sure to check that on out. On Friday, I may have a review for the new Castlevania game that recently hit the Wiiware service or I might do something else (like no article, it's really going to depend on if I'm drunk or not and if I'll be going to work on the 1st). Either way, I hope you guys have a great New Year's. Party hard, but be safe too.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 28th, 2009 | Scene It!

So I got the Where's Waldo?: The Fantastic Journey review up, which works out good seeing as there were very little reviews out there for the game. With Christmas being officially over, we'll be going back to our normal routine of debauchery around here.

In case you haven't heard, we now have a PS3. So you can expects reviews on Sony products and games in the near future. In fact, I'm probably going to do a review on a Playstation Network game on Wednesday, so be on the look out for that.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 23rd, 2009 | McDowell's

Unfortunately they cancelled the showing of the Christmas Shoes, so I didn't get to write a review on it. I was kind of hoping they would play that film, since I've been told it's actually a very heartfelt movie (despite the fact that the title song is a big joke). So instead of doing no update like I originally planned this morning, I decided to finish up the McRib article I was working on. We should be back on Friday with another holiday article, unless Christmas gets unreasonably hectic (which rarely happens).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 21st, 2009 | Heavy Petting

Another short news update today... I got a Christmas toy article up, so be sure to check that out. Vivian's in town tonight, so I'll be eating Love Letter with her family. On Wednesday, we should be doing a Christmas movie article and Friday will be something on Christmas video games (so we think). Ron also owes me an article from when he covered the LA Auto Show last week, so be on the look out for that (since it should be up by late next week).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 20th, 2009 | Better Late than Dead

Just telling you guys I did get the Water Warfare article up afterall! I'll see you kids tomorrow with another Christmas article.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 16th, 2009 | Toy Story 2

As promised, I made commentary on the remaining toys from the dangerous toy list. Friday, I'll be reviewing Water Warfare and next week will be totally devoted to Christmas with our updates. I also started to get back on the stick with Reading with Ninjas, so be sure to check that out when you get a chance (and keep checking it, since I want to start doing more posts there too). I'm a bit hungry and I desperately need a shower (and a bowl), so again I'll be cutting short.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 14th, 2009 | Crack Addict

I'm going to keep this one short mostly because it's almost nine and I haven't eaten since noon. I did the Crackdown article late, mostly because I was busy playing games all weekend. However, I did get to beat an interesting WiiWare game and I'll be posting the review on Friday (I hope). As for Wednesday we'll be doing the second half of the Christmas toy article and will be going strong for Christmas all next week.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 10th, 2009 | Toy Story

So I'm back in action, not 100% well but back. Today I decided to do a Christmas article, I'm keeping it a 2 part article since I started to run a little long. I'll have the second part of the article up Monday. As for tomorrow, I should be doing a game review (since I like to get at least 2 updates here a week). If it is the game review, it'll be on some sandbox style Xbox360 game. And if it's not about a game, it'll most likely be an article about some type of holiday food. Like I said, I'm still not feeling that great, so I'm going to call it a day and chill until bed.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 8th, 2009 | Place Holding

Hey guys, I think I may have gotten swine flu (is that shit still going around?). I'm sick to the point where I felt I had to take Nyquil, which is weird since I normally think every disease/ailment can be solved with a combination of booze, weed and/or aspirin. I may have an article up tonight, but most likely I'll have one up tomorrow, since I'm still kind of out of it. I do like the support you guys have been showing in my absence, especially someone's random "ARTICLE TODAY?!!" message that was sent to me last night via Xbox Live.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 2nd, 2009 | Rally Caps

So today we got a review on the recently released Excitebike World Rally and the game surprised me in a lot of ways. I'm going to keep things a little short tonight, since I have a dinner date in a bit and really should be getting ready rather than writing out today's update. That's ok too, since you guys are important to me (in your own way). On Friday we should be updating with something related to Christmas and next week I'll probably be doing a review on Left 4 Dead 2 (since I found it for pretty cheap).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 30th, 2009 | Snikt

I got to play through a lot of games over Thanksgiving weekend, so I have much to write about here. I chose to do a review on a bad game, as I recetly got through a real stinker of a game and honestly had a lot to say about it. On Wednesday, I'll be doing a review on Excitebike World Rally (the Wiiware remake of the NES classic), so be sure to check that out. If no one has anything to submit on Friday, I'll probably round the week off with something that has to do with comics (or more realistically, I'll post nothing).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 26th, 2009 | It's late and I need sleep

See above... I got stuff to write about, I might do another update tomorrow.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 23rd, 2009 | Utility Belt

So I didn't get the weekend update up. And quite frankly, I really regret not updating, since I now have a lot to talk about. Today I decided to do an unconventional article on Batman Arkham Asylum. I chose not to do the straight up review because it seemed as if many people have already purchased this one and played through it since its release. I know it's been some time since I've done something with Reading with Ninjas, so I'll probably be posting an article that has something to do with the Batman mythos on Tuesday. On Wednesday we'll be back here with a review on Pokemon Rumble, since I pretty much spent the entire weekend (aside for sleep) playing that game.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 18th, 2009 | Bob Hoskins and Capt Lou

As promised we have the New Super Mario Wii review up. I gotta give Gavin credit for putting up with 3 other people and giving the game a significant playthrough via co-op mode. i think a lesser man might have gone insane. Either way, I'm doing a super short update tonight, mostly because I need to get some personal stuff ready for tomorrow and I also want to ensure I have some time on the 360 before bed. We'll most likely be doing a Friday update as I actually have something to write about so make sure you come by to hold me to it.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 16th, 2009 | Kremit the Frog here

I had this article in my inbox since Friday afternoon, but kept putting the update off all weekend. Either way, I got my copy of New Super Mario Bros Wii in and will be doing a review on it Wednesday. This may be a collaboration review since I think Gavin got the game as well (or will be getting it tonight or something). As for Friday, I'll probably be doing another game review on an 360 game that came out a few months ago (even though it seems like everyone and their mother has already beaten the game). We should be getting a bit more consistent with the updates (or so I hope), since I haven't been as busy in my real job and have actually felt like doing stuff recently, so we'll see how long that lasts. On a sidenote: Nintendo released the Indiana Jones Trilogy game on virtual console this morning, so be sure to check it out as it's a pretty sweet SNES game.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 11th, 2009 | Passing the Torch

As promised I did the Torchlight review and for some reason it took a really long time to finish. It's almost 10 pm here and I'm going to make this update extremely short as I want to play some Phantom Brave: We Meet Again and smoke a bowl before bed. i'm hoping to get my assed saved on the Friday update as I really want 3 a week again, but am stuck with a really half assed idea for an update that I'm sure no one will be happy with.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 9th, 2009 | Peanut Envy

So I did a food review this time, as I've severely hurt my right index finger from extreme mouse clicking while playing Torchlight (laugh all you want, but it does sound like how my friend described the time when his girlfriend had nerve trauma in her hand from playing House of the Dead excessively). I'm currently taking it slow in Torchlight, which is okay as I only have a handful of floors left to explore. Either way, I think we've played enough at this point to give an accurate review as I don't imagine the gameplay mechanics changing much from here on out, we should be posting that one up on Wednesday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 4th, 2009 | Report Card

Today, Josh came through with another Sodios article. I must admit, I'm digging them quite a bit, mostly because I'm not a big TV watcher so this is like watching TV without having to waste time. Josh's article came with the most amazing timing, as I made a grievious error in Torchlight and was forced to start again. We should have the Torchlight review up Friday, so be sure to check that out. I'll be doing a short news update today, since I need to get back to slaying monsters and get some personal stuff done around here too.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 2nd, 2009 | Shadow Warriors

Due to me being idiot there was no Halloween update. This had to do with me realizing that I forgot my camera halfway to the Halloween/birthday/house warming party we were going to. Hopefully, I can get some pics from Steve and others that attended and will be posting them to Reading with Ninjas as they arrive.

As for today, I posted the Shadow Complex review. I chose to review this game because I didn't felt that it hadn't revolutionized the Metroidvania genre of games as many other reviewers has claimed. As for Wednesday, I should be doing a review on Torchlight, a Diablo clone that was released last week. And hopefully, Josh or Gavin will update with a movie or television show review on Friday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 28th, 2009 | Hot Chicks

Keeping up with the Halloween season, I decided to do another commentary on those fundamentalist Christian comics. The one I chose to bash this time specifically bashes Halloween, so I figured it would only be right to bash back. I'm going to keep this update short because I really want to get to playing Shadow Complex (which I intend on reviewing next week). I'll see all you guys back here on Friday or Saturday when I wrap up our series of Halloween updates.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 27th, 2009 | Decapitatioooooooooooooooon!

So we got the Brutal Legend review up and it's really our most epic review up here (but that really isn't saying much). So be sure to check it out today. As for tomorrow, I'll probably do another Halloween related article, since the big day is coming up. I'm also going to try my damnedest not to be a lop on Friday and actually lay down an update.

Next week we'll be hitting you hard with a few console game reviews that I've been putting off, be on the look out for those. Hopefully, Josh and Gavin will be doing their regular updates too (since I think they're pretty cool reads). Who knows maybe Vivian will take some time away from work and playing Borderlands to shoot me that Top 5 article she promised me (and yes, I'm calling you out).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 23rd, 2009 | Admin Weekend

I'm going to say that there probably won't be an article up until Monday. However, I'm going to spend the weekend doing some admin stuff, like: updating the link pages, debugging, minor format and content editing, and fixing up the blog & facebook pages. If I do upload an update it'll probably be some low rate/cop out art project I'm showcasing. On the sidenote: I did manage to update Reading with Ninjas with a new little series I'll be working on, so be sure to check that out.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 21st, 2009 | Best.Episodes.Ever

So I got the Halloween article up. Today, I did a top 5 list of the best Treehouse of Horror skits/segments (whatever they're called). As for Friday, I might do something related to the DS or I might just be lame and not do an update (I'm trying to see if this reverse psychology thing works out). And some time in the future, I should be doing a full on review of Brutal Legend (probably next week, since I've been making great headway in the game).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 19th, 2009 | TV Funhouse

Unfortunately, there were a couple things that kept me from updating the site this weekend. Most of them related to drinking and Rob's birthday, as we celebrated his 30th birthday from Thursday to Saturday night. So here we are Monday, fully recovered (I guess) and updating the site with an article Josh submitted last week. Seemingly, he's going to be doing Sodios regularly, so between him and Gavin I guess we have some consistent support with the updates here. Will Vivian, Ron and Dan Wang come back from where ever the crap they went and start submitting articles again (this especially applies to Viv, who has an article on her desktop she's been meaning to send me)? Only time will tell...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 14th, 2009 | Anniversary

I didn't realize Gavin's been working with us for a year now until he mentioned it in today's update. It's funny how time flies when you kind of stop caring about things (just kidding). Anyhow, today Gavin did another movie week and this time he covered some films that have been out for awhile (but sometimes it's good to see a review on something that might have flown under the old radar).

As for Friday, I should be doing an article that's semi-Halloween related, so be on the look out for that. Tomorrow, I'll most likely be adding something to Reading with Ninjas involving gummy bears (yes, you read that right). Until then, have an awesome hump day and remember that both Toys R Us and Amazon.com are having a "Buy 2 Get the 3rd Game Free" sale until the end of the week.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 13th, 2009 | Round 1, Fight

I was just too damn tired to update last night. I actually became so tired that I ended up falling asleep in the middle of my Diablo 2 online quest thing (which kind of sucks, as I have no idea as to what I should be doing now to further advance the game). Today I came through with a review on SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters DS which actually plays kind of like Magic the Gathering with classic video game characters as creatures.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 9th, 2009 | PCU

So I just barely made it, it's still technically Friday! Anyhow, I did an article on Dungeon Fighter Online... And I'll probably be rounding the night off with Diablo 2 or something. There might be a slight chance for a Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Board Game video/written review next week, but we'll have to see who's up to play tomorrow.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 7th, 2009 | Turtle Power

An exciting day today as our long lost co-editor, Josh has come through with an update. As I mentioned last update, Josh wrote about a pretty creepy episode from the semi-recently made Ninja Turtle animated series. It also seems as if this may be a series of commentary that he has planned, so hopefully we'll be seeing more of him around. As for Friday, I'll probably do an article on Dungeon Fighter online (the 1st MMO I've played in over 4 years) or I'll be doing an article on something Halloween related. Either way, it's pretty much guaranteed that we'll have 3 articles up this week, and I'm pretty psyched about that. So with that being said, have a great Wednesday and we'll see you Friday!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 5th, 2009 | Brains!

Unfortunately, only Gavin went to see Zombieland. This was my fault, since I've been falling into this habit where I make plans with people, forget those plans, and then I normally just end up hanging out with Vivian's sister. I really got stop doing that, but sometimes I think I'm subconciously letting it all happen because that girl is so damn cute and I'm just trying to steal time with her. Either way, Gavin got the Zombieland article up and from what I read of it, I'm kind of sad that I missed the movie.

This week is actually going to be really cool in terms of the updates, since Josh rose from the dead and submitted and article about the Ninja Turtles. We'll be putting that up either Wednesday or Friday. Since I only have to do one article this week, it's pretty safe to say that we'll actually be doing 3 updates this week (which hasn't happened in like a month). Speaking of updates I managed to add a quick little think piece on Lego to Reading with Ninjas, so you should most definitely check that out.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 30th, 2009 | Snack Time

I finally did a review on Gamer Grub, something I wanted to do since the beginning of summer. I'm really glad that we were able to get a bag of it while at PAX, since I doubt I'd have gone out to the store to get it. We should be rounding off our month of PAX soon and will probably have our last PAX update on Monday or sooner. Sometime next week we should be kicking off our Halloween season stuff with a review on Zombieland (it'll either be by Gavin or me, since we'll both be checking it out opening night).

As I mentioned in that Big Kahuna Reef article, I've been buying a lot of PC games, so be on the look out for a PC game review explosion coming up soon.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 28th, 2009 | Life's a Beach

So I got that hand thing resolved and was that ever a really uncomfortable healing process. I think I got a bunch of the crab juice and seasoning really deep in my cut or something. Either way, today we did a rather unexpected review on some Bejeweled clone and being not a fan of Bejeweled type games at all, I had much to say about it. I'll probably be doing the PAX question article soon (Wednesday or Friday), since the development teams I've been emailing have finally started to get back to me.

As you may of may not have noticed I spent some time and actually did some much needed admin stuff to the site. We're now completely updated on the article pages and I even got Gavin's blog link at the bottom next to mine. Speaking of blog links, I finally updated mine after leaving it to fallow for nearly 2 weeks. I'd check it at your own risk, since I do talk about something kind of creepy there. I'm going to cut the news update off here, since it's margarita Monday at my local Acapulco's Restaurant and I could really use a drink.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 23rd, 2009 | Itching from Crabs

I'm really drunk and I cut my thumb really deep with a piece of crab shell during dinner... I did an update on Scribblenauts and I seriously need to stop bleeding since it's like a waterfall of blood coming out of my hand. I'm going to tape my hand up and play Dungeon Fighter Online for a spell. I also got school tomorrow and check out Gavin's blog since it's pretty funny (I'll link this later, when I'm not in such a crap situation).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 21st, 2009 | Sick with It

So we had kind of a weird weekend this weekend. Aside from playing the hell out of that zombie board game, Last Night on Earth, I seemingly got a 24 hour head cold or something on Sunday which made my dinner date really interested (and somewhat excruciating). Either way, Gavin came through with his movie review which is good since it allows me time to stare off in space and wonder why I feel like I'm on dope (and I assure you, I'm not on anything not even cold medicine).

I still got some PAX stuff left to cover, but I'll probably be mixing it in along with regular updates until the end of the month (and then we'll probably start doing Halloween stuff, since I love that holiday) On a personal note, I should be taking some classes at Cal Poly starting Thrusday, so we'll see how updates go (I'm sure they won't be any less frequent than they are right now). Hopefully the rest of the staff can step up and handle doing an article more frequently than once every 2 weeks (or more). Speaking of which, I think Vivian owes me an article that she had even read to me while I was in Seattle but never submitted it to me for whatever reason.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 16th, 2009 | Nerf Herder

Not only did we do a main site update, but I managed to put an article up on the supplemental blog. In the supplemental blog I talk about a stupid public restroom I found at the convention center during the show and here I posted an article about the underdog game of PAX.

Tomorrow, I should be updating the supplemental blog with the questions you guys had me get answered for you at PAX and will be doing mild admin stuff on RwN main (mostly updating the article pages and adding some stuff around the site). Friday, I'll probably finish the week off with an article about PAX as a whole or do throw out a total screwball of an article (we're still deciding). Though there probably won't be an article or video about this, but this weekend the RwN staff and some close friends will be working on the Running with Ninjas Drinking Card game. Hopefully, we'll have some semi-production ready models of the game out in the next couple weeks and since I'll be misappropriating the decks from work I'll be offering Beta decks in the near future (I'll keep you guys posted on when they'll be available). I'm going to wrap this up, since I got a couple of achievements to unlock on Marvel vs Capcom 2 and I want to sneak at least a couple hours of Batman Arkham Asylum in as well.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 14th, 2009 | Center Stage

Wow, so much PAX stuff left to talk about and the show's already been over for a week. I didn't get a chance to do a weekend update as I was busy this weekend playing Last Night on Earth: A Zombie Board Game with the RwN staff and ensuring that my 360 had not officially RRoD'd. Today, I did an article about the best game at the show which actually turns into a mild rant about the booth showing the game towards the end of the article. On Wednesday I'll be either talking about the worst of show game or the underdog game (the game you wouldn't think to buy, but turned out to be pretty cool). And throughout the week I'll also be updating the supplemental blog on Tuesday and Thursday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 11th, 2009 | Deadly Towers

I wish I had something poignant to say for 9/11; however, all I can think about are really bad/offensive jokes. I'll spare you the pleasure of hating me over something like that, especially since there's so much more I can do to make you think I'm an ass.

Today we have another PAX posting, I decided to do an article about this contest's weird cult following during the show and will post some actually game stuff over the weekend (I'm serious this time, I think). In case you were interested, I don't have the Swine Flu and I feel perfectly fine and must have just needed a full 8 hours of sleep to recharge my batteries. I'll be cutting this update short today, as I do have a dinner date with my "Tsukasa Hiiragi" and seriously need to sign onto Xbox Live if just to add friends I met while at PAX (who am I kidding, I'll probably be on playing MvC2 and SF4 with my new arcade stick. So hit me up if you see me on Live).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 10th, 2009 | H1N1

I meant to post the PAX pics last night, but I've seriously been in high demand upon coming home to Los Angeles. Last night it was pizza, beer and the Dodger game with Ron. And I think tomorrow, I'll be eating Indian food with Vivian's sister (and possibly giving her a foot massage, we'll see). Either way I'll be doing another PAX article tomorrow, as we have lots to cover. I'll also be posting PAX stuff to the supplmental blog over the weekend and throughout the week, so keep on the look out for that.

If you haven't heard there were several confirmed cases on Swine Flu at PAX and I'm really paranoid that I may have it. I keep telling myself I'm tired from the rigorous vacation schedule and hungover, but I'm starting to think that I seriously came down with something. Either way, here's hoping that I'm not sick and hopefully I can discipline myself into getting some quality sleep/rest tonight.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 4th, 2009 | PAXing It In

I'm back on the net with some sort of update. Throughout the weekend I'll mostly be adding stuff to the Reading with Ninjas blog. Mostly because I'm keeping a pretty hectic schedule at the convention and I don't have much time to do full articles. However, we will be doing a full PAX update where I'll be sharing all my photos of the show and even several initial thoughts articles on the games there along with an article recapping the expo. With that I'll let you make your way down and check out the supplemental blog so you can see what we've been up to so far.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

August 31st, 2009 | Star Light, Star Bright

I'm going to be truthful, Vivian didn't do very well in the Ninja Warrior tryouts and she asked that I not show her run here. However, I'll be posting some pics of the course and another person in our party's run on the wordpress tomorrow, since he actually did really well and the course seemed really fun. Because Vivian told me not to post the video, I desperately had to leave some sort of update here, so we got the Lucky Star one 2 days late. "I need to let you guys know that I WILL NOT be doing an update on Wednesday, as I'll be on a train to PAX until Thursday. I'll update Reading with Ninjas once or twice up until Tuesday night' and then I'm en route to Washington. Wish me luck, pray I'm safe, think good thoughts, whatever well wishes you got for me, I'll take! See you at PAX!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

August 28th, 2009 | Wordpressing Issues

So, I decided to get a wordpress account (which is linked here on the main page) for stuff that I just can't write fullblown RwN articles on. This may be: comments on magazine covers I see at the store, strange staff incidents, mini-reviews and commentary on products, etc. Keep in mind, we WILL still be updating here normally (or as normal as it is for us) and will be using the wordpress site for supplemental content (and RSS compatibility). We'll be doing a full blown update tomorrow afternoon as it has been confirmed that we can and will be filming Vivian trying out for Ninja Warrior. Because it is very hot tonight (still in the high 90s/low 100s), I'll be wrapping the news update early so I can chillout, cool down and play some Fallout 3.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

August 26th, 2009 | The Inglorious BIG

Gavin's got a multi-movie review up. This works out good in many ways, mostly because I'm busy getting stuff ready for going up north and haven't been playing games as hard as I would like. We're at exactly a week from when I take the train up to Seattle and I'm quite excited to get a cool view of the California coast and Oregon's natural beauty. I'm honestly a little worried about dying on the train trip (mostly because of all the Amtrak stories in the news about the engineers texting and going to work faded), but I'm pretty sure we'll be cool.

Friday, i'll be doing an update for sure, as we have a bunch of stuff in the works. It might be of Vivian trying out for Ninja Warrior (if they let us film there), otherwise it's going to be about some game on Xbox Live Arcade or Wiiware/Virtual Console. Either way, it'll be a rocking good week with the regular 3 updates you've grown to expect from us in the last year.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

August 24th, 2009 | PAX Prep

As you can see today we have a very special article up. I'll be letting you guys ask pretty much any question you want to your favorite (or less than favorite) developer at PAX. We got about 2 weeks until PAX so keep this update boomarked and show your friends, as I'll be your liason to the socially inept video game developers and publishers that will be at the show. I'm really going to try to do 3 updates this week (I know I've been saying that for the last month and a half, but this hot office really makes you not want to do anything); however, this week I think we can, since Gavin recently saw Inglorious Basterds and will be reviewing it. I think he said he'd be submitting that to me by Wednesday, so I'll probably post a game review of some sort on Friday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

August 19th, 2009 | I Like Turtles

We got a surprise update today, which means not too much work for me other than doing the admin and news stuff. Vivian crawls out of the woodwork and updates with an article about the recently released TMNT game on Xbox Live Arcade. I for one am psyched about it because it means I don't have to rant on and on about it in chats and on AIM. As for Friday, I might do some random article or maybe a video over the weekend, since most of RwN West will be in town. We'll see.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

August 17th, 2009 | Magic Johnson

So today we have an article about a recently released Xbox Live Arcade game, Magic the Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers. I don't think we're ever going to talk about Monkey Island soon, but I did get my second review copy so we might do a ep 1 & 2 double header, we'll see. I'm not sure how we stand in terms of what I'm going to update with in the coming weeks and that's mostly because I'm trying to get ready for PAX. I want to make a stronger PAX showing this year and am even offering to ask questions that you guys may have for the various developers and publishers that will be there. So just be patient with us and keep checking in. Remember, your patience will pay off around Labor Day weekend when we hyper combo you with tons of PAX goodness. Until Wednesday!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

August 12th, 2009 | Chaan Ho's Chicken and Pizza

Though I said I was going to do a review on some game today, I had recently gone to a really amazing restaurant and felt I needed to share my experience with you. Today, I did a my thoughts article on that Korean pizza and chicken place I've been talking about on Facebook and Twitter. There's quite a few branches scattered around the US, so this one might be a worthwhile read for you non-Californians.

I'm going to keep the update short, since I recently got that Magic the Gathering game on 360 and I really want to try it out. So with that I will leave you folks to your Wednesday nights. Have a great one and see you Friday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

August 10th, 2009 | The Legality of It All

No sooner had I posted the article, I was asked to take it down and forced to figure out how to work it for you. I decided to do a Rob Whang style commentary on the Vanessa Hudgens' pics that were leaked the other day; however, due to stupid legal reasons I've been informed by the starlet's lawyer that I'm violating some sort of copyright and legal matter displaying the pictures of her nude. This is all fine and well, as I'm going to put the article up without the pics. This shouldn't be a big deal if you're web saavy enough and see what I did when I set up the article.

I chose to do this article, since I think I'm going to start doing a series of articles on other girls whose slutty actions have gotten them in trouble. I'm probably not going to be doing a follow up in the too near future as this incident had me sweating profusely and really made me think of what is exactly legal on the net. As for Wednesday, I'll be doing some sort of game review/article as I've had a lot of time to play this past weekend. And on an administrative sidenote: we're all caught up in the archives so you can now read any article we wrote there and we now have readers on every continent (aside from the South Pole, but I think they're too busy doing research than to care about video games and weed) which I think is pretty neat.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

August 5th, 2009 | Sporty Spice

Hey guys, I'm back from the dead and ready to serve you. So it turns out that I might actually have brain inflammation, which is actually something that happens when you have a long term infection that works it way to your brain. I'm kind of on the fence getting this checked out because I'd be really sad if I spent money on a brain scan and it turned out I really am just crazy and depressed. Then again, it would give me some piece of mind finding out what's really wrong with me. Anyhow, I'm sure you can care less about what ails me.

I decided finish up the Wii Sports Resort stuff by doing an in-depth review of the game and its various sports. Unfortunately, I didn't upload my article pics since I thought I was going to post another article today, but I'll be sure to add those on the 6th when I get back to the office. As for Friday, I'll probably be doing something on GI Joe and how this upcoming Joe movie looks like GI Joke. For next week, I don't have too much planned but I've been playing enough games to do some sort of review.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

Aug 1st, 2009 | I Forgot

I actually finished the article at about 2 something last night, but then just went to sleep without uploading it. I decided to give you my initial thoughts on the Wii Motion Plus and Wii Sports Resort. I'll be doing a full review of all the sports in the game some time next week. I'm going to keep my new update really short today, as I'm very tired and am going back to sleep as I need to do some errands later on.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 29th, 2009 | Smoking Pot and Pans

I'm trying to balance the updates a bit and figured we're pretty much due for another classic movie article by me. This time I decided to review a bad movie for a change; however, I'm quite sad to say that it's a review on a Cheech and Chong movie. I cannot begin to tell you how bad this movie is, mostly because I had addressed all of its faults in the article. So do yourself a favor and check it out.

I recently picked up Wii Sports Resort and will probably be doing a full thoughts article on it this Friday. I hope to not only be addressing the game, but also how the Motion Plus (the new Wiimote add-on) works. As of right now, we have quite a bit of articles and videos in the works. So in theory, it should be a pretty interesting rest of the summer here at RwN. Until Friday (and I mean it this time)...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 27th, 2009 | Line Rider

So as you can see, I whipped my ass in gear and got a welt. Actually, I got the Bionic Commando review up, mostly because some of my Xbox360 Live friends wanted to know about it. I'm going to keep this update short, since I ate some Li Hing powder (Chinese fruit preserving seasoning) and now feel as if I can see through time. To avoid saying anything stupid and/or incriminating, I'm going to wrap it up and just let you read the article.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 22nd, 2009 | Punch Drunk Love

I've been really tired lately and didn't have much drive to finish a written article, so today I decided to pull a video from the archives. I put up my Let's Play/Let's Drink of Punch-Out!! for Wii. This may be the first video of two, as I'd like to make of video of me playing the game with the motion sensing technology while drunk.

As for Friday, I'm not sure what I'll be putting up since we now have 2 potential articles in the works. However, I'm sure you guys would be psyched for either one (because I'm cool like that). I'm going to cut this update short, since I'm really tired and would like to lay down. Until Friday...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 20th, 2009 | Summer Vacation

We're both not stupid, so I know you've noticed the lack of Friday updates... Well, maybe you are stupid (I'm not though), but I'm sure you've still noticed that I've been slacking. I'd like to blame: my work, the heat or having to take care of my grandma, but it's mostly because I'm lazy (it might actually have to do with the heat, since I'm normally more "up" when it's cold). I'll be trying to cut that shit out, especially as we get ready for PAX.

I chose to let Gavin have the update today, as his review is a bit more time sensitive than the Monkey Island review, but fear not... I'll have the Monkey Island article up Wednesday come Hell or high water. As for Friday, I'll be doing an article on the 3-D Bionic Commando that was released not too long ago. Or I'll be doing a Bionic Commando retrospective, as it's one of my favorite game series.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 15th, 2009 | Obsession for Men

I'm pretty psyched about today's update. Mostly because I wrote it and think it's awesome, just kidding. Well, though I really did write it and it is pretty awesome, I'm more psyched because this was actually supposed to be one of the first articles to be posted to RwN. I think it's even kinda fitting for me to post it today, since we'll be celebrating our 2 year anniversary (of owning the site, since we actually start posting to the site in October 2k7).

Either way, it was pretty fun doing this article after all this time. Especially since I got to see how I've grown as a writer (which actually turned out to be not that fun in the end, since I totally revamped the article to make it sound like how I write now). As for Friday, I'll be posting something that has to do with video games (possibly the Monkey Island article) or quite possibly food. If that Monkey Island review doesn't show up then, I'll be posting it on Monday guaranteed. Until then, have a happy hump day.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 13th, 2009 | Off Beat

I don't have really have a valid or even good excuse as to where the article went on Saturday, so I'll make one up. Shortly after I posted the temporary update, space pirates invaded my household and took me hostage. It was a frightening weekend, one in which I truly felt that I had to fight for my life. I don't want to get into the details too much as they're too real to me right now, and quite frankly very frightening still. However, I will share the story of my close encounter with death and my triumph over her grasp another day. I will say, that I do feel very bad for that band space pirates. If there are any from that strike force that are still alive (which I doubt), I'm sure they pretty much wish they were dead today.

Just barely escaping the clutches of an untimely demise has left me with little time to complete Monkey Island, let alone even play it this weekend. That's a damn shame too, since it's not like I hate the game or something (it's just hard finding PC time, as the decent PC in my house is shared). I did however update the site with the Rhythm Heaven review and I suggest you check it out if your on the fence about this game or even if you simply own a DS.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 8th, 2009 | Nuttin'

I've still got a bit more to go on the new Monkey Island game, but I assure you I'll get the review up before it becomes the old Monkey Island game. Today, I updated with an article on game from a semi-classic game series that I never really got into. While many of my friends say I should look into the first two games of the franchise, I kind of don't see any point as they look like run of the mill 3-D games of the late 90's. I could be way off, since it was made by RARE (and they're pretty decent developers.

I still have a review for Rhythm Heaven coming up and that might be coming out Friday, if Monkey Island doesn't get done. But hopefully that won't be the case.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 6th, 2009 | Pleasure Cruise

While I was going to do an article about nerds. I decided to instead do one last Michael Jackson article (I swear this is the last one). Thanks to the long weekend, I got a significant amount of gaming in. So you can be expecting a Street Fighteresque combo with reviews on: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, Rhythm Heaven, and the new Monkey Island game by Telltale Games. I'll probably be putting my Monkey Island review up on Friday (or possibly Monday, I'm know and I'm sorry), since I want to make sure I actually beat this episode before reviewing it in full (especially since it's seemingly a short game). I'm still taking care of my grandmother, in case you're actually interested in some old Asian lady (though I don't know why, since I wouldn't be if she wasn't related to me) and she's doing pretty okay... She's doing well enough to want bitch about every little thing. I guess that's kind of a good thing.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 1st, 2009 | Clear as Crystal

I realized we haven't talked about video games lately, part of this has to do with the fact that I haven't had time to play too many non-DS games. And the games I have been playing lately are games that I've already covered on the site. Today, I figured to update the site with an old article I meant to finish and post about 2-3 months ago. We'll be back in the video game reviewing mode in the coming days (and hopefully, we'll stop talking about Final Fantasy games, as this is the second Final Fantasy spin-off article in about a week).

We'll most likely be doing another video game related article on Friday, I'd like to stay away from doing a 4th of July article if at all possible (this is mostly because we now have a significant amount of non-US readers and I'd rather not alienate them). Sometime next week (most likely Wednesday), I'll be posting an article on the Monkey Island game coming out, since we'll be getting our review copy tomorrow or Friday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 29th, 2009 | Jam

Hey gang, I posted the Michael Jackson article today, I hope it does such an amazing and legendary performer justice. As you may notice, this article is being posted 6 hours later than normal. This may be a regular thing for a month or so. My grandmother fell down and broke her hip on Saturday and I'll probably be visiting her in the hospital and the rehabilitation center near nightly. I hope you folks bear with me until I get my groove and I'll try to post early in the afternoon whenever possible. Until Wednesday!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 26th, 2009 | No Action Jackson

Unless you're one of those naive and sheltered Asian girls I hangout with, you should know that Michael Jackson, the legendary King of Pop passed away yesterday afternoon. Though you may have your own views on his legal troubles and his eccentric lifestyle, you can't deny his music was pretty damn good. We'll be giving him a tribute article on Monday, I just wanted to make sure I give one of my heroes the proper respect he deserves.

As for today, Gavin came through and delivered that Top 5 list we were hyping, so kudos to him. He chose to do an article based on bad movie scenes and actors. Though I only agree with half his list, I appreciate our difference in opinions. I mean, if I wanted all my writers to write about stuff that I totally agree with, I might as well not have a staff. Next week should be fun as I've been playing a lot of games in the night, even console games. So we can expect some non-anecdotal updates again. Tonight, I have to make some sangria and get all my produce chopped for my paella tomorrow, as it's going to be date night featuring The Princess Bride. In short, have a great weekend, since I know I will!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 24th, 2009 | Green Giant

I did a more personal, almost bloggy style article today. As many of my friends online wanted to hear some situational anecdotes about the staff and I, so I chose to write about the strangest drunk night of my life (which ranks right up there with the night I got kicked out of Ron's old house on New Years Eve). I'm going to keep it really short tonight as I want to play some NBA Ballers on Xbox and make some sort of digital Rob Whang/PoisonRamune to jam on Kobe Bryant and Yao Ming (amongst others). At this point, I'm not really sure if Gavin is going to do the top 5 or not... I'll use this as some sort of beacon to call him out. Until Friday...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 22nd, 2009 | High Times

This weekend Ron's brother came over and thus we spent the whole weekend playing a bunch of multiplayer games that went nowhere. I also had a bunch of Father's Day stuff going on during Saturday and Sunday. So I didn't get to make any progress in Knights in the Nightmare. I'll probably do the review soon, since it is a really kick ass game. As for today, I chose to post my famous recipe for pot brownies. This was sort of a cop out article, since I didn't really have a backup plan for today and just had to wing it. This kind of works out, as I haven't done a food update since the burger article. I really want to play Crackdown tonight, since several people have now told me that game is amazing. I think I'm going to wrap up the update and be a digital cybernetic cop.s
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 19th, 2009 | Uppers and Downers

We got the Up review... up. And I think this actually worked out pretty good, since Gavin doesn't seem to review those cartoon movies that are out. This makes me feel good that I got to do another movie review not about an 80's movie or a bad Street Fighter film, but actually got to see and review a pretty awesome film. I want to try to do a video over the weekend for Monday; however, I'm not sure how much time I'll have as I'm busy with Father's day stuff on both Saturday and Sunday.

If I don't make the video I'll probably write about Knights in the Nightmare, as I've made some pretty decent progress in that game and finally figured out what's going on with the story. Sometime in the not so distant future, Gavin will be presenting a top 5 article (or at least that's what I gather from his facebook message). I hope you have a great weekend because I kind of hate my family and am dreading hanging out with both sides of it through the weekend. So hopefully you guys have some fun for both you and I.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 17th, 2009 | Up Up and Away

Hey! I decided to finish up the article during the night, since I'll probably be busy tomorrow and I really want to get more consistent here with the updates. It's really late now and I kinda want to play Star Wars: KotOR or Castle Crashers before bed, so I'll keep the update brief. I ended up doing a top 5 article, since I hadn't put one up in awhile. This time I chose to list the top 5 best Final Fantasy spin-off games. I honestly chose to do so because it's a really easy topic to write on and I've pretty much given up on the main series Final Fantasy games. I'm going to say I'm going to bed, but I'm still pretty awake from seeing Up. I blame the sour patch kids candy and the soda I had.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 15th, 2009 | Lake Show

What a weekend guys! Since we're headquartered in Los Angeles, I'm proud to say that the Lakers won the best city in the US contest (I mean, the NBA Championships). Other than that I don't really remember much as I got really faded Saturday and Sunday.

As you can see I got the Lucky Star article up. It's basically just an overview of what the show is, since I spam a bunch of clips on my facebook and I'm sure a lot of you wonder what that's all about. I'm not quite sure what I'll be writing about on Wednesday, to be totally honest. I might go with another bad game review, since I seemingly picked up a budget beat 'em up game today that's gotten fairly shoddy reviews. As for Friday, I'll probably write about Up because I'm watching it on Wednesday night... That's right, I'm watching a movie in the theatres.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 10th, 2009 | Spire Driver

Finally, I get to post the Dark Spire article. I feel really empowered for some reason, even though I just made a pretty regular update. Maybe I can use some of this empowerment and finally write about how much I hate Madworld. Yes, you read that right, I don't like that game very much. We'll see, since I guess that would mean I'd have to play the damn game again to review it (and that's probably not going to happen unless I start drinking again).

I got my confirmation from Penny Arcade last night, so it looks like I'll be going to Seattle at the end of the summer. And on a related note, I think we can expect at least 2 new articles from Vivian in the near future as she'll need them to get a media ticket for PAX. Also, if you're in the Seattle area or going to PAX yourself let me know... Maybe we can chill or even "hook-up" if you're a girl (even if you think you're an unattractive girl, since I want to make sure my bat and ball are still game ready). On second thought, I'm reminded of the stalker "friend" I made last year and how that really creeped me out. Anyhow, hopefully we'll see you guys Friday when I unleash my inner pedo bear and talk about Lucky Star!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 8th, 2009 | Milk Duds

So Gavin came through with his Whitest Kids U Know article a little sooner than anticipated. This worked out really well, since it gave me time to fill out my Penny Arcade Expo application and create a letterhead and other required professional documents. I also left my screen caps of the Dark Spire at home and didn't feel like using pics I found on the net (since I want to show off my awesomely weak exploration team). Anyhow, if you guys want to see my application letter for PAX, I think it came out pretty funny as I didn't take it very seriously. I mean, they had me write a recommendation letter for myself... How seriously was I supposed to take it?

I'll be sure to post the Dark Spire article up on Wednesday for you guys, since I'm sure a lot of you have been wondering why I've been so obsessed with a game that's done in the style of an 80's RPG. On Friday, I'll be posting an article on Lucky Star, since I'm sure a lot of you have been wondering why I've been so obsessed with an anime about little girls (then again, maybe you already know why). See you in the funny pages!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 5th, 2009 | E-Tards

I could easily act like today's article was totally planned and that I was just messing with everyone when I said we weren't doing any E3 coverage at all... Or I could just be honest and say that God really looks out for the dysfunctional ninja family and worked suff out somehow. Either way, Steve provided us with beautiful pictures taken at E3 in LA and I for one am really glad he did.

I guess this means that my Dark Spire article is going to be delayed again, but this time I actually want to submit the article (so we'll probably see it on Monday). Gavin is also working on some article about a comedy troop that's absolutely hilarious so we can expect that in the near future as well. Hopefully, you guys have a great weekend... I know I'll be since Knights in the Nightmare was finally released yesterday!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 3rd, 2009 | Estar Guars

Instead of the DS game review I chose to do the Star Wars article. Mostly, this is due to me passing out rather early and not getting a chance to brave the unlit corridors of the Dark Spire. However, I'll probably get that one up on Friday unless someone around here submits an article. I'm a little down today since I found that Knights in the Nightmare (a tactical RPG and shoot 'em up hybrid) has been delayed and I was really hoping to play this game as of yesterday. I also could have used the $40 I put down on my preorder, but we'll make due. Hopefully the dudes at the local Gamestop know what they're talking about and the game will arrive after lunch tomorrow. Either way, see you Friday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 1st, 2009 | Alpha, Rita's escaped!

While I did the ALF article, I decided to put a different spin on it. I was originally going to make it an ALF retrospective; however, I'm sure you could just read the ALF wikipedia entry and get more than enough info from that. I chose to write a more autobiographical type article today, since I know a few of you have actually suggested that I write about more personal/anecdotal stuff. And if you guys take to this one well, I might do other stuff about my life and adventures or perhaps even write about RwN staff stuff like the time Josh got sick from trying to eat the world's spiciest ramen.

On Wednesday, I'll bring you another game review (most likely on some DS game, since I've been chipping away at a bunch of them). Friday will be the Star Wars article or another video game article. In the near future we may have some new articles from Gavin, since I know he was working on a LOST article last week and Daniel Wang (HaricotVert) should be back with something fresh and new (or so he keeps telling me). Either way, have a great week and we'll see eachother on Wednesday (or sooner, since we do have a healthy article archive here).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 29th, 2009 | Gotta Catch 'em All

I got the Pokemon Pinball article up... However, I still want to do the article on ALF. Mostly because I'm starting to see what a badass he was (since I always saw him as a cute puppet when I was a kid). I may do it this weekend, but more likely I'll post it on Monday. I'd also like to do another Let's Play/Let's Drink video soon. But I have to admit, these videos take a lot out of me to make. I got so sick from getting dehydrated doing several take on that balance board and only drinking beer, I ended up with really clammy skin and feeling nauseated until the following Monday. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to not make those videos, I'm just saying you better damn well watch and like them when they come.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 27th, 2009 | The Long and Short of It

After a nice vacation from doing an actual written article, I've returned from my icy tomb with a review on Punch-Out!! for the Wii. The game is pretty fun, but is just a touch too easy for a Punch-Out game. I know I said I'd be back Monday, but I was having so much fun doing my single pokemon playthrough on Pokemon Emerald and watching ALF. Plus, I didn't realize that Monday was a holiday and was then stuck with a computer that lacks the imaging editing software I like to make screenshots with. Excuses aside, I'll be updating with an article on Pokemon Pinball either late today to sometime tomorrow. And on Friday, I'll probably talk about ALF or this one scene from Star Wars: A New Hope.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 22nd, 2009 | You Have Been Governated

So Gavin comes through with the Terminator movie overview and review. His article actually makes me want to watch this movie, since it sounds pretty bad assed. I think I just might too, especially since I learned of a new website to help idiots that don't do well in the theatre. RunPee.com is a net community that gives you time markers and scene cues from movies now in theatres telling you when it's safe to use the restroom. For example they note a good time to go to the bathroom in Star Trek is about 1/4 way when Chekhov is told to watch the helm. A cool thing about this is they also offer a list of stuff you have missed while misting, so you never really feel like you'd miss a part of the movie. I'm excited that someone thought of this, since this was actually the reason I never saw Slumdog Millionaire as I was too afraid of having to take a classic Rob beer piss in the middle of the film. Either way check out the Terminator article, then check out RunPee.com on when it'll be safe to take a piss, and go out and enjoy that movie drunk... Hell, I might as well too! Until Monday, have a great weekend guys.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 20th, 2009 | Love is a Battlefield

As promised, we have the Josh Adachi article up. He chose to review a game that's seemingly fun. However, everytime I go and visit this lop we never seem to play it. Either way, the Battalion Wars 2 article is up and we hope you enjoy it. Like I mentioned before, Gavin is going to be coming through with a review on that new fangled Terminator movie coming out... I hope it was as good as the first 2 Terminator flicks.

In more personal news I just got PUNCH-OUT!! for Wii and will be doing a review or humorous Let's Play/Let's Drink article on that. Until Friday, I'mma be playing PUNCH-OUT!!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 18th/19th, 2009 | Erection Problems

Today I did another voting guide because the state sucks and can manage it's money. If this were my life, I'd be living on the streets. However, the state has a better option to being homeless, just taxing you to all hell. I'll probably post some old pictures I drew before the Wednesday update because hearing about election stuff is stupid. Speaking of Wednesday, Josh will be posting a review on some war game I think. And on Friday, Gavin is going to talk about some war movie.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 15th, 2009 | Updated Update

So as fate would have it, I decided not to do that puppet show video. Instead I did something way funnier as I was trying to part my eyebrow and it went terribly wrong (well, a few girls said it still looks nice and that kinda makes me happy). Aside from me talking about my eyebrows in the video, I also mention what's been up with the inconsistent articles. Hopefully, in the coming weeks we can find our grooves and get back on track for you guys.

I really appreciate the concern you guys have shown in the last few weeks. It's really because of stupid readers like you, that I choose to keep working on this site.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 12th, 2009 | Not Paid Public Announcement

Hey gang! I decided to do a video update about my thoughts on the special election coming up in California Tuesday, May 19th 2009. I'll be doing the puppet show Wednesday and it's actually a comedic explanation of what's been happening to the updates and such. Hopefully it's as funny as it was in my imagination (though, I kinda doubt it, since I got a really good imagination). Friday we should be back on the video game groove or if Ron's bro gets back to me in time, we could possibly be doing more Ford coverage. I kinda do hope we do the Ford stuff, since I was told we would be going to the free aquarium by LA Harbor and I'm pretty excited to stare at fish and stuff all faded.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 10th, 2009 | Gavin Saves the Day

I'll be posting the video as the Monday update. It's a pretty funny video done in the classic Rob Whang/PoisonRamune comedic style, but also has a nice message and explanation as to why we've been kinda slacking. Today, Gavin turned in an article about some of the movies he saw last week. And this time I can honestly say that these are probably movies that an regular RwN reader would be interested in. Take some time to check out the Movie Week article and be sure to stop in tomorrow night for the video (and I'll pique your interest by telling you it's done in puppet show fashion).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 6th, 2009 | Broken Title Phone

Man, I feel like that one story arc in Ghost Writer (that PBS show with the "retina floater" that used to spell words and solves crimes) where the one hispanic kid was doing dope whenever I do a short update like this. But honestly, I've had way too many beers and am pretty faded on the dodie; and I really don't feel like doing a full news update right here and now. But anyhow, today I did a seriously unexpected article, as I didn't expect to get into this game/website. But it's straight up amazing! Anyhow, check out the article and be on the look out Friday since I'll porbably be doing the conspiracy article or some video game article, if I can't get my life together.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 4th, 2009 | FEMAMA

Due to a lot of odd happenings this weekend I had to delay the FEMA article. It's here and it's pretty funny. I might add my own colored pages to the lot, but we'll have to see as I've been a bit busy with non-RwN stuff lately.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 29th, 2009 | Getting Questy

Today we're back in the classic RwN groove... Actually, I don't know if that's entirely true, since Ron and I were trying to define classic RwN the other night to no avail. Either way, I posted a video game review and I think that's what we were doing before I started obsessing over that Ford. As for Friday, I'm going to post a top 5 list on a rather unusual topic (if you're part of VC-Forums.com and have been talking to me there, you'll know what I have in mind). Just be on the look out, since it's going to be "interesting" to say the least.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 27th, 2009 | Multimedia

Again, we have more Ford Fiesta stuff... I figure, since Ryan gets points for each article and other form of media we do about the car, we should be doing all we can. Keep in mind, I don't love Ford or have some sort of crush on Ryan Basilio (as the dude is literally gay). I just hope that if he wins some sort of cash or electronic gadget prize, he'll remember his good friend, Rob (yes, that's a less than subtle hint).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 26th, 2009 | Fording

We have our first Ford update up, and I must say that I'm really stoked to be doing this car project with Ryan. I think it's a good opportunity, since I felt myself slowly falling into some rut. Hopefully, this will allow us to not only write about something new, but also get some great ideas to incorporate into future RwN articles and videos. I'm going to try to make the Ford thing a decently sized part of our site through weekly Ford updates, so I hope you enjoy this kind of stuff.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 22th, 2009 | Earth Day

I did a review on Mirror's Edge, but that's not what this update is about... My main concern, thought and question today is what the hell is Earth Day? I mean, I understand the premise of it, but it's like the Christmas/winter holiday season. Being Earth/ecologically aware for one day isn't going to be any more helpful than everyone putting a smile on around the last week of December. We're all going to throw our cigarette butts and beer bottles in the street 364 days out of the year. Either way, happy Earth Day... Maybe watch that Disney Earth film, since I heard that was a trip out. Or actually, go grow some plants!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 20th, 2009 | Four Twenty

Blazing... Enough said! See you Wednesday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 19th, 2009 | Sk8!

I found out Youtube changed their stupid upload page recently and failed to fully upload the video last night. Either way, it's now officially up so feel free to check that one out. I chose to play Skate It on the Wii balance board after a few beers and the results are hilarity.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 15th, 2009 | The Mirror's Edge

As the update title suggests, I just got the critically acclaimed first person platforming game and I must say, it's pretty fun. I'm now led to believe that I wasn't much of a fan of FPSs because I have shitty accuracy (since Mirror's Edge focuses more on evasionand escape).

Today we have another "Movie Time" (just kidding, Gavin) and he covers a movie I've been kinda curious about, Dragonball. Admittedly, no matter what type of reviews that movie got I really wasn't going to see it in theatre (and I really don't know why).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 13th, 2009 | Whatta Bitch! Whatta Weekend!

As you can see there was no update for Friday/last weekend. For that I apologize, since sometimes you're sick and you don't feel like sitting up except to play Uno on Xbox Live; and then you wake up and it's Easter and you find yourself sitting infront of a plate of Korean food and honey baked ham during brunch. Well, that may not happen to you, but that did happen to me and that's what counts. Today, we're back in full swing with that other facebook article (the one with the girls). Wednesday, Gavin will be updating with another movie week and let us congratulate him for getting back in the groove and doing actual movie weeks again (since I honestly was about to just call them "Movie Article" /"Movie Corner"/"Gavin Time"). Friday, I'll probably be doing some video game article, since my real focus is going to be for 420 (and that day's update).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 8th, 2009 | Adelante

Gavin's movie review is up. And I must say he really shocked me with his 2 sidebar topics in his article, since I really liked that Fast and the Furious comparison (a theory that he constantly mentions when we hangout) and I'm one of the morons that really doesn't know who Rush is. Friday's still looking good for that Facebook article (I'll give you a hint, it has something to do with girls and Facebook), so be sure to check that out then.

Though this is about 2 weeks away, we're going to be doing some extravagant for the 4/20 update. What were doing exactly, I'm not sure yet. However, we're going to give a better 4/20 showing than we did last year (where I think Ron, Gavin and I went to the beach to do a 4/20 article and we just ended up getting loaded and eating a bunch of bar food).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 6th, 2009 | Plans

This weekend Ron and I got totally baked on some magic fungi and I must say, it was amazing! During the weekend we had played some pretty epic games of Bit.Trip Beat and I felt it only right to write about that game today. As for Wednesday, I'll be posting another movie week by Gavin (I think he saw the Fast and Furious movie, so I'm super psyched for his thoughts on that). And as for Friday, I'll be posting a Facebook themed article (this one is pretty funny, so stay tuned).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 3rd, 2009 | It's the B-A S-I L-I OHHH!

Today we have a short Facebook article up from Ron. It's actually been sitting in my inbox for a few days, I just didn't know when I should update with it. However, I felt it would be a good time to start adding some more social commentary articles to our ranks and I also want to do a Facebook themed article sometime next week. Also, thanks for all the cute IMs, chat discussions and emails about the Let's Play/Let's Drink... When my liver shrinks back down, you can bet I'll be doing tons more for you guys! You guys have a great and safe weekend, I'm off to buy Dead Space and House of the Dead: Overkill.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 1st, 2009 | Happy Birthday Josh

Today was co-editor Josh's birthday today and what a birthday it was. We drew stuff with crayons and drank a bunch of beers, all in all it was pretty cool. I also got to finally do the video project which is up on the site right now. As for Friday, I think I'll be doing something not game related (maybe like a movie review or something) or might actually keep to my word and play more Madworld for us.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 30th, 2009 | You Shot the Zombie Flanders

So in keeping up with the not writing about Madworld pattern we've established, I've decided to do another curve ball article review that Teenage Zombies game. Hopefully, sometime this week I'll get on the stick and actually do that review on Madworld, we'll see though. Aside from the Madworld article that we keep talking about, I hope to add some sort of video project I've been working on during these last few days (and yes, it is Legends of Wrestlemania related). If everything goes to plan (or actually doesn't go to plan in this case) we'll be looking at a hell of a week for RwN. See you next crime, player.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 27th, 2009 | WWF, FTW!

Got the Legends of Wrestlemania article up and about to play an epic online tag team match with my newly made Hardy Gay character and Rick Rude. Short news update today!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 25th, 2009 | I Am a Real American

It's funny, I haven't owned a wrestling game since Tag Team Wrestling and Pro Wrestling on the NES. However, I just got that Legends of Wrestlemania and I am straight addicted. Aside from having one of the most kick ass rosters in a wrestling game (42 top billing wrestlers from ca. 1980-1999), the game has an amazing character creation function.

I'll probably do a full review on this game soon, since Madworld just isn't getting played (I know, it's kinda blasphemous). I'll most likely do either a review on Madworld or Wrestlemania on Friday, since today's update is another movie article by Gavin (which is great, as it gives me an extra 2 hours to make some custom characters in Wrestlemania). Until Friday, be safe and have a happy hump day.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 23rd, 2009 | Residential Evil

Again I switched the release order because I still haven't gotten enough Madworld in. However, I will post the review here sometime this week, I promise. Today I posted the Resident Evil article, since I've been playing the hell out of the series. As for Wednesday and Friday, I'll be posting the Madworld review and maybe an article on that recently released Final Fantasy game on Xbox Live Arcade.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 20th, 2009 | The Miszombification of Robert Whang

What's up, everyone? If you joined backloggery.com like I told you to do you a few weeks ago, you'd have seen that I started a campaign to beat all the zombie video games in my collection. This will probably result in me talking a lot about spooktaular stuff and the undead for the next few updates. This also means that I'm probably going to buy RE5 in the next week or so and do a review on it, since some people here are led to believe it's terrible.

Like I mentioned yesterday, I did an article on the most non-sequitor moments of Saved by the Bell (and as much as I love that show, it is riddled with plotholes). I've been working on Madworld in between sessions of Left 4 Dead and the Resident Evil REmakes, so that'll be up on Monday. Wednesday, I'll be posting another article about how a classic game series took a terrible turn, but I'll leave it a surprise as to what it is (and maybe I'm actually looking for a game that fits that cirteria as we speak).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 19th, 2009 | Rob's About to Get Ill

Hey guys, I still got the flu, but today I was well enough to sit up and do the update. Today, I did a surprise review on the newest GTA game, Chinatown Wars. I'm probably going to push the Madworld article to early next week, since I haven't made any progress in the game due to being bed ridden. As for tomorrow, I'll be doing a top 5 article on Saved by the Bell so stay tuned for that. Until then, I'm going to lay back down and put another wet rap on my forehead, since I seriously need to get better for Sunday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 16th, 2009 | Thai Specialty

So I found out I didn't have allergies this weekend. I actually have the full on flu. I really lucked out today, as Gavin turned in another movie article and thus I get to just do the front page update and goto sleep.

I think I'm going to put the Madworld article up either Wednesday or Friday, whenever I get through enough of it to write on it. And on that other day I'll probably do a food or another Saved by the Bell article, since you European kids seem to like when I talk about Zack and Kelly.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 15th, 2009 | Allergies, Enlightentment, and Life

I know I'm a little late with the article, but I had so many epiphanies about my life; I just needed to focus in and meditate upon them. However, the Barbie article is up and the game actually surprised me (I'll let you read the article to see what I meant). As for Monday, I might do a review on Madworld or rely on some clown around here to submit and article ::knocks on wood::. As for now, I'm going to take a brief nap, since I'm kinda stuffed up from the Spring colors and very tired from my spiritual journey this weekend.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 11th, 2009 | Burnout the Day, Burnout the Night

So, I've still yet to bring home the Barbie game, I think my subconcious is trying to do me a favor by deterring me from playing it. However, I have the box with the Harry Potter, James Bond and Barbie game sitting on my lap, so there will be no excuse for forgetting it today.

I'm very excited for today's update because we're back in the video game updating groove and we're covering a game that's become a new favorite of mine (I like this game so much I actually cut down my alcohol intake significantly to excel at it). As I've mentioned about 4-5 times before, this Friday we'll be presenting the Barbie article with all my perverted commentary. Until then, I'm going to alternate between rounds of Burnout and Barbie maybe even inspiring me to make my in-game Corvette pink for a few rounds.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 9th, 2009 | Comix Zone

So like a fool, I left that Barbie game on my desk at work over the weekend and thus never had a chance to play it. Luckily, Gavin saw Watchmen over the weekend and did a review on it, saving you from having to hear me talk about Burnout Paradise. However, I'll probably be talking about Burnout in the new future, since it is an amazing game.

I'll actually be taking the Barbie game home tonight and will be playing it throughout the week, so rest assured we'll have the review up on Friday. And on Wednesday, we'll have the Burnout article up (since I think I let enough time go between out last video game related article).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 6th, 2009 | Taxing Difficulty

I'm going to take a moment to be serious for a second. If you live in California, you know that we recently got a new state budget drafted and signed. But did you know that your taxes are going to raise significantly and you're not going to see nearly any benefits from such? And are you aware this is the biggest state tax increase in American history? Well, if this angers you and you want to do something about it, there's going to be a rally in Orange County, CA. The good people at AM 640 are having an event at the Slide Bar Cafe (yes, the one that Lit owns) located at 122 E. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton, CA, 92832. It'll be going on Saturday the 7th from 3pm to 6pm. I highly suggest that you come and make it a point to tell the media and the legislators' reps that are going to be there that you refuse to pay more taxes in light of this heinous recession. Especially, since we as the private citizens of the state didn't do anything wrong to deserve higher taxes. So come on down and show some support or don't come, but don't bitch when you're getting taxed up the rear.

Today, I decided to do a top 5 list on my favorite burger places. I chose this because I noticed that aside from Josh and Dan's beer reviews, we haven't had a food related article up in awhile. As for Monday, I hope to have gotten through that GBA Barbie game so I can review it for us (since I know you're dying to see it). As always, I don't really know what I'm doing for Wednesday and Friday but we'll figure it out.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 4th, 2009 | Yatta!

Having not been to the theatres since the release of Hancock (July 2008), I decided to go out and check the newest Street Fighter movie. First of all, I want to do a mini-rant here. Why has AMC dropped its student pricing? This is ridiculous! I mean, after all my friends spend money on books, gas to get to school, and loose singles to eat at the overpriced campus cafe; they barely have enough money for weed and games, let alone a feature film in the movie. Also, stop constantly raising the prices of tickets! Do you know why I stopped going to the theatre? Aside from my ADD, it's because buying the DVD is often cheaper than seeing it on the big screen.

Now that I got that out of my system... As you may have noticed we've been talking about Street Fighter quite a bit, so I figured what's one more article about this franchise going to hurt. Thus, I present to you my full thoughts on Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li. As for Friday, I honestly have no idea what I'm going to write about. However, I'm sure I can figure something out or pressure one of the staffers to complete an update.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 2nd, 2009 | Rock 'em Sock 'em Ogres

It's a special day today! Ogre Battle came out on Wii's virtual console. So after you read today's article on Retro Game Challenge, be sure to get your hands on some Wii points and download Ogre Battle tonight. Even though I really sucked at this game as a kid and had no idea as to what I was supposed to be doing in the game, it's one of the games I was secretly hoping would come out on VC (mostly because I want to do what my ADD junior high self couldn't do and actually beat the game).

On Wednesday I'm going to do something not game related or it might be semi-game related as I'm going to see the new Street Fighter movie with one of the RwN staff's hot sister. So there might be a review on that. However, I might just throw out another Saved by the Bell article, we'll see. I'm going to try to finish playing Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus (YES, you read that right) by Friday so we can have a review on a bad game done by me (along with all my inappropriate sexual commentary and jokes).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 27th, 2009 | Hadouken

So we got the Street Fighter home edition article up. While I do point out a few faults in the game, I still think it's great (so don't go emailing me about how you think I'm wrong or should learn to like Street Fighter). As for Monday, I'm going to post a review/you really should be playing this game on Retro Game Challenge. Wednesday will be movie, food, or social commentary based (basically something that doesn't have to do with a video game)... And on Friday I might submit a video, we'll see. Until then, I hope you guys have a great weekend. And be sure to check out that new Street Fighter movie (I am on Sunday)!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 25th, 2009 | Cool Kids

Today we have another Josh and Dan S. video up. I chose to hold the Street Fighter 4 article off for a couple reasons. 1) I got some sort of dirt/chemical thing in my eye at work today and really don't feel like doing some extensive text editing. 2) I haven't played enough Street Fighter 4 at home, since I got Retro Games Challenge and Dragon Quest 5 (both games gave me a play my DS again). 3) I noticed our videos are the weakest part of our site, I really want to remedy that and get some quality video stuff going (since you guys apparently do watch the good ones such as the PAX vids and their 1000's of hits). I may even do a video thing over the weekend (and don't worry Ron, it won't be about my balls). Like I said, this eye thing is kinda getting to me, so I'm going to see you Friday when I do my review on Street Fighter 4 (home edition).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 23rd, 2009 | Shamestop

Well, the Street Fighter tourney ended up a bust. Due to Gamestop matching up brackets in the order they signed up, the dysfunctional ninja family was forced to fight themselves in the early rounds. This lead to only Daryl D. (irl and online friend of RwN) advancing to the later rounds.

Today, we have the last half of the Team Fortress 2 article where I go over the cast of the game. Wednesday should be the Street Fighter 4 update and Friday is a toss up, since I might get lazy or way in too deep with Dragon Quest 5.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 20th, 2009 | Beerquest

So I've gotten some actual rest since Wednesday... And I think Ron and I primed to kick some ass at the local Street Fighter 4 tournament tomorrow (well, I'm ready to lose). Either way I'm sure we'll have a good time, maybe we can do some sort of article based on that for next week.

I was about to post the Street Fighter article today, when I checked my inbox and saw that Josh had made a video submission. It's another beer review with friend of RwN, Dan S. and it has that same Josh and Dan dynamic you guys seemed to like in the last review. I felt I had to post it today, since we may have more stuff to say about SF4 after the tourney and I honestly thought Josh was dead or hating on me (since I hadn't seen or heard from that clown in over 2 weeks). Actually, I think we talked via gmail chat a few days ago about my gf/ex/girl I kinda date still (I have no clue where we stand anymore).

As for next week, I'll be doing the second part of the TF2 article on Monday. On Wednesday I'll have the Street Fighter 4 article up and Friday may be another bad game review done by me. We'll see...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 18th, 2009 | Street Beat

Unless you haven't been living, you probably know Street Fighter 4 recently came out (well, then again Ron was shocked to know it came out yesterday). And that's what I've been doing here, playing Street Fighter 4. Now, I'm not going to lie to you; I haven't gotten a wink of sleep last night (thanks to beer and this one asshat on Xbox Live that would refuse to quit challenging my Ryu) and am struggling to stay alive at this point. However, the good thing about that is I've been Team Fortress 2 free for over 24 hours (meaning I probably wasn't addicted after all).

Speaking of TF2, part 1 of the TF2 two parter is up. I may post the second part on Friday; however, at this point I kinda want to do a home to arcade comparison of Street Fighter 4. But part 2 is coming up within the week, since that article cannot stand alone as a single part article.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 16th, 2009 | President Evil (aka Mr. Whang Goes on Vacation)

Where did the Friday update go? I wondered this too... However, I found 2 major snags in trying to write about Team Fortress 2. 1) There's quite a bit to talk about in this game, so I decided to break it up into a 2 part article (part one will debut Wednesday). 2) I caught myself booting the game just to "make sure" I wasn't pulling information out of my ass. Part one is pretty much done and is written more as a background piece (I talk about what the game is about and also my career history with games from the FPS genre).

Today, Gavin steps up with another movie article. This time he talks about Bruce Campbell (who I honestly know nothing about). In fact, I'm dragging this news portion out because I have no clue as to what I'm going to put in the article's "description blurb." Anyhow, I'm honestly glad Gavin bailed me out with an article, since I think I hump TF2's leg a little too hard and felt another once over and revision was due.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 13th, 2009 | Temporary Update

Hey guys! I'm not going to lie, I feel kinda crappy today and will be doing the update late tonight or early tomorrow after I shake this malaise (probably after a couple beers). I'll see you all later!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 11th, 2009 | Theatre Hopping

After a brief hiatus, Gavin's back with a movie week. Can you believe that Gavin hasn't done a movie week since 08? If that dude was a little less private with his email address, I'd ask all of you guys to write to him and urge him to get out there and make more. As for Friday, I think I'll be writing an article on one of my new favorite online games, Team Fortress 2 (yes, I know this game is 2 years old). So be sure to stop by then and check that out.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 9th, 2009 | The Last Starfighter

This is a semi-automated message from PoisonRamune... Hey guys! I'm playing through my Sexy Shooterfest Mini and seaking rounds of Team Fortress 2 in. The shmup article up, so be sure to check that out. End Transmission
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 6th, 2009 | Decivilization

Short update today. I just want to let you guys know that the Conan article is up and give you guys a sneak peak of next week. Due to a mini shmupfest I'm doing on backloggery, I was thinking of doing a bunch of articles about space/plane shooters. Monday I'm probably going to do a piece on bullet hell and manic shooters. Wednesday will be about Triggerheart Exelica (one of my favorite shmups, even beating Ikaruga). And hopefully on Friday someone will submit an article (I'm looking at you Ron and Vivian, since you both stupidily admitted at the bar that you owe me an update).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 5th, 2009 | Emergence From the Emergency

I just realized I didn't change the date for Monday's update, but rest assured it was updated 3 days ago. A lot of you asked if something happened yesterday, due to the lack of an update... And honestly something did! While drunk and running around late Tuesday night, I had managed to get a rusty nail stuck in my heel. From the urging of friends and family I went to the hospital Wednesday morning. After getting a tetanus shot and some medication, I just didn't feel like being up and about to update the site (it could have also had much to do with a thick piece of metal driven into my foot the night before, but I honestly didn't mind it that bad when I was drinking).

As for tomorrow, I honestly have no idea on what game I will be writing about. However, I'm sure it will be something Xbox related, since I haven't done a 360 article in quite a bit. Also, on Saturday Vivian and I will be having a very belated birthday celebration, so if you're really interested and not crazy (otherwise Ron and Gavin will sock you in the face, I might kick you when you're down... But I'm not going to do much pounding, since the 2 giants of RwN will be there) hit me up and I'll give you meet up info.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

February 2nd, 2009 | Alley Cats

I decided to put the console wars article on hold, again. Mostly because I noticed that by the end of my article I sounded like someone who had learned to hate video games. This is clearly not the case, so I want to do another rewrite before posting it here. I could also be lying about this and could have easily spent the weekend playing The Maw and Conan. Maybe, it was a little bit of both factors.

Either way, Haricot Vert has another review of a bad GBA game... Honestly, I don't know how he's going to top this one since it is the worst rated game in the GBA's arsenal. As for Wednesday, I'll probably be posting the console wars article then, since I don't want it to drag out like the proposed Lost in Blue review. Friday, I'll probably lighten the mood and review Conan or The Maw, since they're both really good games!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 30th, 2009 | Bulletproof Monkey

Today, I decided to put the console war article on the shelf and update the site with a game review instead. I chose a bargain bin shmup I got last night and all I can say is this game is ridiculous (read to find out what I meant by that).

As for Monday, I'll be releasing the console war article and my choice for the potential winner will shock you. Sometime in the near future, Daniel will be back with another review on a bad GBA game. I feel I need to buy that guy a case of handi-snaks pudding or something for all the torture he's been through. Hopefully, he doesn't read the news here and will never call me on that.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 28th, 2009 | Shogun Assassin

Despite having a semi-uneventful birthday, it was remedied by the purchase of some awesome games. I'm sure in the near future we'll have reviews on Tenchu Z, Bioshock and Bladestorm (yes, that game about the 100 years war and Joan of Arc). Also, thank you to everyone that emailed, facebooked, or texted me a birthday greeting. And a special thanks to my gamer friends, since I know how drunk I was last night and there was no way I should have one those last 2 times (but I still really appreciate the gesture). On Friday I'll post the article about why all our consoles suck (and essentially why you need a PC and a DS).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 26th, 2009 | Year of the Ox, Day of the Ramune

Another short update today, since I'm still rocking with the Ox and tomorrow is my actual birthday, so I want to get a head start on my "me" day. Lately, I've been playing Conan for 360, and despite being low rated by the critics, this is actually a very fun game. I'd call it a poor man's Ninja Gaiden (even though that game is going for under $30).

I haven't been talking to a the other members aside from Vivian and Ron (and when do they ever submit content?), so I'm not sure if Daniel will be doing another review on a bad game or not. And I think Gavin is going to try to get a movie week done. However, if that falls through I got another bad game in the archives that I can review. And this Friday I'll be posting an article on why EVERY current gen console sucks. See you Wednesday when I become 27 and very depressed about almost being 30...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 24th, 2009 | Fly Me to the Moon

So we have a curveball article out today. I actually got the idea for it from Gavin and my homie on Xbox Live, since we were talking about the TMNT games. Yes, today's article is about good licensed based games. I'm going to be doing another short update today, because it's the 1st day of the lunar week. Therefore, Monday will be the Oriental new year (and I'll probably pass out drunk early and miss getting laid like on the 1st). Well, I guess I can make the joke again, see you next year!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 21st, 2009 | Hot Hot Heat

Short update today, since you knew I was going to do the Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble review... And quite honestly I think I can beat the Conan game tonight, so I want to get going with that soon.

In more personal news I discovered an amazing website called Backloggery.com (well, I knew of it for some years now, but finally decided to sign up last week). I must say, if you have a good sized collection of games; this is really the place to be (aside from RwN, reading the newest content). It's basically a progress log you can make for all your games, I found that it really helped me get motivated to beat those games just gathering dust on my shelves. When you do choose to sign up, don't forget you're good pal, PoisonRamune (because I want all the friends I can get on that thing). Until Friday!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 19th, 2009 | Down, Down, Down the Rabbit Hole

I noticed, if you make an update plan the week before; you can pretty much get as wasted as you want over the weekend. Not only did I drink more this weekend than the last one, but I actually stuck to the plan and got the Portal article done. Which just goes to show you what a little foresight can do.

Speaking of foresight and planning, we might not have a movie week update this week. I forgot what excuse Gavin gave my the other night, but it seemed valid. So perhaps, I'll do something movie related on Friday. Either way, I'll see you Wednesday when we hit you with a review on a terrible game!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 16th, 2009 | Shooting Stars... Dead

This week was pretty weird... I get too drunk to make a Monday update and Haricot Vert comes through with the He-Man GBA article. I get so swamped at work on Thursday and Friday (today) that I'm drinking Ensure for lunch to save time eating; and Gavin comes back from the proverbial dead with a movie week, giving me time to catch up. It's amazing how the fates and friends make things totally work out.

As for next week, I actually have every update planned to some extent. Monday will be an article on Valve's first person puzzle game, Portal. Wednesday will be another review of a bad game, but this time I'm going to be taking the wheel. And Friday was... Well, I forgot what I we had planned for Friday, but we're 2 steps better than we were at this point last week. Until then, have an awesome weekend, I'm off to trip out and play some games!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 14th, 2009 | Why Why Why Why Don't I Miss You A Lot Forever?

It's funny how things work out... I've become semi-obsessed with the anime Luck Star (a cartoon that's seemingly marketed to 12-17 year olds; however, the way these girls are drawn tells me this cartoon really isn't made for kids). And because of this obsession I caught myself looking up "video games with female teens characters" and the like via google. Sad that I couldn't find any good suggestions, I felt it was my duty to my perverted otaku brethren to make today's article. And yes, it's a top 5 list of under aged girls in video games.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 12th, 2009 | Blaster Masters of the Universe

So I screwed up this weekend and ended up getting drunk and playing a bunch of games these last 3 days. This isn't a bad thing, but in order to do so I did forego any plans to make an article for today. However, the fates work out in RwNs favor, since Daniel Wang (Haricot Vert) is back with his review on the He-Man GBA game.

And because I didn't plan for the week over the weekend, I'll admit that I don't have a definitive "what's coming up" to chare with you guys. Hopefully, another miracle unfolds and I get an article from some other staffer in my inbox (hint hint). Anyhow, I guess I can share some personal stuff with you guys. After hating first person shooters for 4 years because of the Halo series, I finally got the joy of busting caps in a digital world back. And I owe it all the Valve, thanks for making Left4Dead... Sidenote: if you play Left4Dead add my gamertag: PoisonRamune (and please let me know you found this from RwN so I don't think you're some random Xbox Live player and reject your request). Hopefully, we can dust some zombies or play CtF in Team Fortress 2.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 9th, 2009 | Duffless

Instead of the video game article, I decided to update the site with Josh and Dan's beer reviews. Mostly, because I just want to play Saints Row 2 and take down the Ronin Gang tonight without having to worry about writing to o much. However, next week we should be bringing you more video game related articles, including a Game to Play While Drunk/High where I play a game on magic mushrooms. And in the more distant future reviewer of bad games, Daniel Wang will be back with a review on He-Man for GBA (at least I hope he's reviewing that game and not just playing it for fun). Have a great weekend and twist up a fatty for me sometime before Monday!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 7th, 2009 | Spiritual Sweat

As mentioned on Monday, today's update is a top 5 list. We chose to list out weird religious references in video games because of the general obscurity of the topic. And if you haven't figured it out, our articles are supposed to be the articles you wished someone would have written a long time ago.

Josh and friend of RwN, Dan S. has submitted a beer review on video, so that might be up on Friday or sometime next week. I've yet to check it out myself, since I don't have speakers here. But knowing those guys, I'm sure it'll at least be pretty funny. Anyhow, hopefully you guys are doing well to get over "the hump." And if not, you should consider drinking a beer or something to kinda numb you.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 5th, 2009 | Crashing for the Night

Today we got another 360 product review. This time we're review Castle Crashers, a downloadable game available on the Xbox Live Arcade service. During the next few weeks expect a lot of video game related stuff, since we're sick of visiting friends and family and ready to start gaming again.

Next week Josh should be in with a Wii game review and possibly something on Bangai-O (when we do our week of Treasure, look for that late January/early February). This Wednesday I'll either do a Top 5 article or another "You really should be playing this game." Either way, see you then!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

January 2nd, 2009 | Xboxer Rebellion

As promised, I did a little article on an accessory set for the Xbox360. If you're new to getting the 360, are considering getting one, or have a Live Gold subscription that's about to run out I highly suggest that you check this article out. As for Monday, I honestly have no clue as to what we're going to post here. So I guess we'll both be surprised at the start of the week. Gavin should be back with more movie weeks or insulting musicians sometime soon or at least that's what I think he said on his birthday (we were all pretty wasted, so I'm not 100% sure). See yah next crime (why did I just quote Carmen Sandiego?)...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

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