PAX in Pix

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

While you can find photo galleries all over the web covering Penny Arcade Expo '08, only on Running with Ninjas can you find the asinine commentary of Rob Whang. Come see that weekend through his eyes, as he presents his pictures from PAX.

"While my trip didn't start here. I thought we'd use this pic to show how weird the city of Seattle actually is. They apparently have markets that are totally unsanitary in this town, though I'm glad they blatantly tell you which is which."

"Here I am with my full press kit. Wait, Josh has just informed me a press kit is actually a booklet you give to people telling you what you're all about. If that's what a press kit is, then what the hell is all this gear I got on me?"

"So here's the outside of the main exhibition hall... I know I took this pic to show the epicness of the main hall, but now it's looking like a non-sequitor picture our friend Carlos would take."

"I wish I could have shaken these kids' parents' hands... They're totally being trained in the ways of the ninja."

"This pic alone made Josh wish he came to PAX. Too bad they didn't have an actual game to go along with that box. Wait, they kinda do..."

"While I do hate MMOGs... This one did seem pretty damn sweet with customizable Gundamesque robots. And I did get drunk with the Korean guy who ran the booth during the CCP/White Wolf party."

"While I meant to just take a pic of the Nintendo marquee. I guess the 'Damnation' above it does make a sort of political gaming point."

"This was one of the coolest booths here. Not only was their crazy zombie game really bad ass, but they traded me some schwag for cigs and RwN paraphernalia."

"Speaking of cool booths... These morons took last place in the cool booth contest, as it was: constantly packed, filled with unhelpful booth reps, and generally smelled of BO (which may be a product of the 1st and 2nd points)."

"I don't know where this guy is from... But I'm going to take a guess and say Fallout, since he was right at the edge of that booth. PHers back me up on this one."

"Rockstar had a dancing devil thing at their booth... I just thought I had way too much too drink at this convention."

"This was actually a pretty cool concept, you could play a driving game while in these cars they drove into the convention center. Unfortunately, the cars started smelling like nerd body and got really hot after awhile, therefore making it pretty distracting."

"Break Time: Where's Waldo?"

"This thing is called a... Fuckin' thing from WoW. Shit, I remembered the name the other night. Ron! What the hell is this thing?"

"'If there's a place you got to go... I'm the one you need to know... I'm the Map!' Dammit, now I got that Dora the Explorer song stuck in my head."

"It originally read: Gamecock Arcade. The sign was flickering... I had to take a picture."

"Ron would have came his pants here."

"I totally wanted to pick one of these "White Trash Life" games up for Steve and I... However, our last 'learn a new board game' endeavor (WarHammer 40k) didn't go over so well."

"They were giving away temporary tats there. I really thought that fad had died 13 years ago. Then again it could have just not been cool to me anymore"

"I was surprised to learn that Upper Deck is making a World of Warcraft card game... Perhaps, Josh's prediction of gamers becoming jocks is truer than we think."

"There were a lot of MMOGs on display at the show. And while one based on LoTR sounds really cool... Do we honestly need another virtual world to dwell in?"

"Champions... A game that everyone in my party was psyched about, yet I had no idea on what this game was about. Guess what? It's an MMOG based on superheroes."

"I forgot why I took a pic of these dudes... I think we were all drinking together in the convention center bar and then hit the main hall real quick together."

"Like a huge Acme anvil looming over Wile E Coyote's head... The Sony logo was ready to crush Rob Whang for all his spiteful remarks against it."

"I think I was supposed to take a pic of something off in the distance, but Dolby blinded me with science."

"They're making another Rayman Raving Rabbids game... And guess what? No one cares about them."

"Break Time: Where's Waldo?"

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