PAX in Pix Continued

By: PoisonRamune, the Apathetic Lizardman

The photo fun continues...

"Hey! Even though we're at a gaming convention, I still think that people will doubt that were actually nerds... Fuck it, let's just show off on Guitar Hero in front of 10,000 people, then the world will know our loser credentials."

"THQ the booth of heartaches and dreams... While you're releasing 'de Blob,' you're also releasing 'Lock's Quest' and another 'Destroy All Human's' game. Are you trying to make yourself like a bad girlfriend?"

"Wow, THQ again... I must have really thought highly of them at some point of this convention."

"Kids, this is your standard merch booth... You will be heckled into buying pointless stuff you never wanted before coming here, don't fall to temptation. Self-control is key here."

"The Extreme Gaming Tour... They were like a radio station or snack food company, parking their trailer thing in the convention. They played loud pop music from 3-4 years ago and they gave away worthless junk. But that didn't stop me from stealing schwag from them."

"Looking at this logo always makes me want to cry... They're so good at making games!"

"More people showing off how good acting like a bunch of rockstar posers. Actually, I'm just bitter because I suck at the game."

"This is a beholder, there I said it... I don't know what this thing is and every RPG fan looked at me like I had a dick growing out of my face when I would ask 'What the hell is that thing? And what does it do?'"

"I wish I brought my MtG cards... Even though one of my sister's friends looked at my old beta deck and claimed I could put my theoretical kids through college with them."

"There was a Rock Band contest in the food court... Exactly what I need while I try to choke down a Subway sandwich while not stoned. Plus, douchebag and gf (left) weren't helping much either."

"If I didn't goto the convention as a part of RwN, I'd have set up a tent in that room."

"This is a shot of the convention center from the escalator shortly before I ate shit and fell on some dude."

"Break Time: Where's Waldo?"

"Not only was the main exhibition hall hopping, but there was also bean bag chair lounges to play people DS and/or PSP."

"Another bean bag lounge on another floor... This was the 1st place I ever found a Pictochat room too full for me to enter."

"The really cool Fallout 3 booth... Family happy and hanging out outside."

"The back of the Fallout 3 booth... Who's happy and where the hell did the family go?"

"Codemasters.... You guys are still around?"

"This game may actually force me to convert Linux box to a Win system..."

"These clowns weren't even worth mentioning at the show... I swear their development staff is on coke."

"Some Japanese based MMO-CardG, it confused and demoralized me... And briefly jilted my self-esteem."

"Thanks for giving me free booze, Eve Online. Sadly, that's all I can say about you, period."

"This place was somewhat of a rip-off... But that didn't stop members of RwN and friends from purchasing over $150 worth of goods there."

"Break Time: Find Waldo, Yet Again... This guy isn't even trying anymore."

"And Adam from Mythbusters says 'This gallery is busted...' We meant over."

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