The Whitest Article U Read

By: Gavin Mooney

In March I happened along a little movie called “Miss March.” For a recap here is a link to the previous article, Movie Week: 3/14/09 to 3/20/09. One of the guys who really caught my eye was Trevor Moore. I thought he made the movie and had the best part. Turns out the two main leads, which included Trevor Moore wrote and directed it. Huge detail I completely overlooked when I saw it. These guys are apart of a sketch comedy group which can be seen on IFC called The Whitest Kids U’ Know. I am sorry to report I have only just heard of these guys. If you have seen this show you know I’m right when I say they are Hilarious!!!

That was the first video I saw of these guys ever. When I first saw it I instantly recognized Trevor Moore because this character is much like the character he played in the movie. After that I continued to laugh my ass off. I watched this clip literally over and over for about two days. On the third day I decided it was time to geek out on these guys I started watching everything they have on Youtube. After a day of that I came upon a great skit among so many funny ones that envisioned a world where playful school yard antics still held relevance in the real world:

I laughed for a day. I couldn’t get over it. The history behind these guys is they were all drinking buddies in college at School of Visual Arts in New York City and formed a club in order to sort of pay for their beer and smokes. Out of that a drama comedy group formed. There was quite a few guys in the group in college and it was whittled down to five guys: Trevor Moore, Sam Brown, Zach Cregger, Timmy Williams, Darren Trumeter. These guys would do the bits on stage around the country at colleges and were eventually approached by the Fuze channel and then later picked up by the IFC. These guys are great! The humor is clever and lightly twisted. The skits are well performed and very well written. For most of these bits, it wouldn’t matter who acted; they’re just hilariously written. But for a few like two before and most importantly this next one, these guys shine as top performers and make the sketch.

Like Monty Python status. I think this is one of if not “thee” funniest and well performed skits I have had the pleasure to watch. I cannot get enough of these guys. I play this clip ALL the time. Zach Creggar, who is the lead in “Miss March” and does the pitch in the clip, is priceless. He plays this character great and perfectly straight. I want to buy RC Glow after that pitch. Talk about determination.

Some other greats I have found:

Makes you wonder about those innocent bystanders

Hilarious!!! And best viewed high off your ass!

Sort of nails my outlook on having babies right on the nose. Can’t wait till they grow out of that stage.

Not even zoos are safe from these guys! The secret zoo underworld revealed!

Overall I think these guys are great! It has been a long time since I have seen a consistently good sketch comedy group. SNL is a roller coaster of show with up seasons and down seasons. Also the endlessly turnover cast does give the show longevity but for years at a time only its clout has sustained it. Personally I was never a fan of Mad TV and most sketch comedy shows usually featuring a single rising comedian, most notably on Comedy Central, barely have enough gas in them to make them consistently funny let alone long lasting. The best of those to date was The Chappelle Show. Before that I think one of the best comedy troupes was The Kids In the Hall. That was another 5 cast sketch comedy show that never got old. Funny that a great new rising comedy show features the word kids. Coincidence? I can’t wait to see what they have to offer me in the future. I really hope they are able to stick around for a long time and keep pumping out hilarious material. I also look forward to any other movie ideas these guys come up with. Movies are a bit harder to write and keep interesting so I won’t hold it against them if they don’t. Personally I love watching these skits and I’m sure you will too. Check out other great videos on youtube or go to their site Also be sure to check them out on the IFC if you get that channel. Check your local cable provider (HAHA!).

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