News Archive

December 31st, 2008 | New Year's Eevee (and Flareon)

Yesterday was Gavin's birthday and we had an awesome time celebrating with him (except for Ron, who almost died at the bar). Parties like the one last night really make me wish I rolled with the RwN camera FOB style.

In real RwN news, we have a new guest article up by the lovely Daniel Wang. In fact, I believe he's working his way up to staffer by making his "Reviews of Bad Gameboy Advance Games" an article series. His first review is pretty hilarious as he covers the Drake and Josh game I warned you about in the gift buying guide article

Have an awesome and safe New Year's Eve!! Party hard, but don't be a statistic. You want to make sure you're around in '09, since we're going to making some big changes and big choices (again).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 29th, 2008 | Wrighting Wrongs

Now that we have all the Christmas updates out of the way, I felt it right to come back and finish up some RwN stuff I've been promising to bring you for the last few months. Today, I decided to upload the final Top 5 Girls of Phoenix Wright article, so we can move on to covering Apollo Justice (and the hot and legal Ema Skye). Though I mentioned it last week, RwN West HQ has an Xbox360. So expect our game coverage, reviews, and news to cover an even wider range of franchises and products. As for Wednesday, I think I'll post a guest article by an all new writer (who wrote about a shitty game we mentioned here earlier), so stay tuned for that. Until then, have an amazing New Year's week and make sure you do a little year end reflection before the 1st comes around.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 24th, 2008 | Christmas Eve

It's really nice that Christmas Eve falls on a Wednesday. Now, I don't have to do work on Christmas. Anyhow, we have our Chick Tract article up today. While the topic isn't as ridiculous as the others, comments still are. Hopefully, you guys are having a wonderful holidays. We'll see you on Friday with non-holiday RwN fun.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 22nd, 2008 | Bah-Humbug

We have a short news update today. In fact, I'm just here to announce that we have our Top 5 Christmas Carol Adaptations article up. Wednesday will be our last holiday article, so stay tuned for that. On a sidenote: Tiki Towers came out today on Wiiware. Be sure to check RwN on Friday or early this week for the review on that game, since we got a free copy this morning from RealArcade.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 21st, 2008 | Carolsmith

This weekend's update is a Gavin article. Instead of giving us his thoughts on recently released movies, he decided to do a holiday related social commentary. Read on as he talks about people who ruin classic Christmas carols.

Don't forget to check back with us tomorrow, as I bring you another Christmas article (most likely movie related). Until then, be safe and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 19th, 2008 | Sonicare

Though it didn't come out quite the way I wanted, we finally have the Sonic Soundtrack collaboration article up. Despite, the fact that we're a few entries short, I still think we had some awesome opinions on the music from the Sonic the Hedgehog games.

In other news, RwN will soon add another facet to it's gaming section as I'll be purchasing an Xbox 360 or PS3 by the end of the year. And I can assure you, we'll be writing about games and products for that system when the time comes.

This weekend Gavin will be back with an article about the holidays and I must say that it's pretty hilarious. As I mentioned earlier this week, we'll finally be wrapping up our holiday updates next week (which may or may not be a good thing depending on how much you love Christmas). But either way, stay tuned for all the snarky RwN sarcasm as we'll be bringing you more stuff to read while bored at work.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 17th, 2008 | Presenting the Present in the Present

Today we have another article about shopping for presents. However, this time we talk about how to get your hands on one of those Tickle Me Elmos/Nintendo Wiis/Turbomans type gifts that never seem to be in stock during the holidays. Hopefully, you don't need it this holiday season. But if you do, you know where to find it (and remember where it is, since you might need this advice for a birthday or even some lame holiday like Valentine's Day).

As I mentioned last update, we have a lot of stuff coming up during the next 2 weeks. And honestly, most if not all of it is really kick ass (even for RwN). So check out today's article and make sure you're back on this site on Friday when we bring you the Sonic the Hedgehog collaboration article.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 15th, 2008 | Just Kicked Ass Outta Double Dragon

As I promised last week, today's update has nothing to do with Christmas. Instead, I did a review on the cult classic "The Wizard." If you never seen this movie, you must be under the age of 20 or really not much of a gamer. It is the classic video game movie!

Later this week you can count on us bringing you the Sonic article, whether the last 2 writers are ready or not (I hope they're reading this). Also, we'll be bringing you one other holiday related article (probably on Wednesday). And be sure to check out RwN next week as Josh and I have a couple collaboration articles in the works (one is another Chick Tract commentary and the other has to do with Bangai-O). So check back often as we bring you more: reviews, commentaries and think pieces for your view pleasure. See you next update...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 12th, 2008 | You Better Watch Out

Keeping up with the stream of holiday related articles, I posted a top 5 list of Santa cameos in video games. This Monday we'll be changing gears from our holiday updates and will be presenting a video game article that has nothing to do with Christmas. Also, later next week we should be ready to post the Sonic collaboration article, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Until then, have a wonderful weekend and keep warm (unless you live in the Southern Hemisphere. And in that case, keep cool).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 10th, 2008 | Love in the Club

Big news Nintendo fans! If you check out the Wii Shop, you'll notice that there's now Club Nintendo information available. Does this mean we're going to be like Europe and get frequent buyer points that translate into Wii Points? And does this mean we'll be like Japan and get exclusive spin off games, like Tingles Balloon fight? I'm not sure yet, but I'm really hoping the answer is yes to both. Either way, we will be keeping you updated and informed as more news becomes available to us.

In RwN news, we have the Saved by the Bell: Home for Christmas retrospective up. They're pretty fun blast from the pasts, so I suggest you read them when you have a free chance. As I've mentioned during the past few weeks, we're in holiday mode. So if you miss the game reviews and normal commentary here, just sit tight! We'll try to pepper in some regular RwN content in along with the holiday stuff.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 8th, 2008 | Jingle Bell Rock

Getting back on groove, we have another holiday article up. This time I chose to do a review about one of my favorite holiday movies, Jingle All the Way. If you have a free minute I suggest you read the article. And if you have a free afternoon, the movie's not that bad either.

As for Wednesday we'll be bringing you some more holiday fun with my thoughts on a holiday episode of Saved by the Bell (or possibly some other holiday related fare, we're not entirely sure yet). While I normally send you off telling you to check out something on Nintendo's download service, this week's fare was pretty horrid (so spend those spare points on a friend instead and spread some holiday cheer).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

December 6th, 2008 | Sick Styles Crew

NO! Running with Ninjas is not closing, thanks everyone for asking over these last few days. I was just deathly ill and couldn't find the strength (and more importanly the coherency) to update the site. However, we're back and on a non-liquid diet (well, I'm still drinking a lot of gatorade and soups). And will be trying to pump out more than regular updates to make up for this loss of a week (I came up with all kinds of weird think pieces while just laying to rot with my thoughts in bed these last few days).

So join us later today or tomorrow for another update. We'll be doing quite a bit of holiday stuff as Gavin has a social commentary regarding the holidays and I've been watching a lot of Christmas episodes of old TV shows recently). Until then, I need to go update my facebook and assure everyone that I'm not dead.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 26th, 2008 | Thanks!

Since we're one month away from Xmas, I decided to make today's update a guide on what NOT to buy a gamer. And I know most, if not all of us visiting play video games; however, do the people who would most likely be giving you presents play games? You may consider having them check this one out...

Either way, show them... Don't show them. Just be sure to come back on Friday, where we'll bring you more holiday fun! Enjoy the long weekend, my American brothers. And if you're a reader from another country; enjoy just another Thursday... Until Friday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 24th, 2008 | The Good Times Are Over

Today's update is Josh's video of him playing the Toejam and Earl song on the bass. I think it's pretty cool. Be sure to take a couple of minutes to check that out.

As I mentioned yesterday, this week is going to be a week of holiday updates, starting with Wednesday where I do a Thanksgiving article and on Friday I'll be doing some sort of holiday gift guide. And don't forget, next Monday will be the Sonic article and that one is going to be full of win! With that being said, have a great week and don't burn yourself on one of those fresh from the oven holiday goodies.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 23rd, 2008 | Toejamming

Like clockwork, Gavin submits his weekly movie corner. He talks about a couple films out now and his general thoughts on movies that were once books. Be sure to check it out, as he has some pretty interesting points about the both film and literature.

As for tomorrow's article, I'll be posting a video of Josh playing the Toejam and Earl intro on bass. It's pretty cool! Wednesday and Friday will be holiday related updates. And next Monday will be our Sonic the Hedgehog super collaboration article. Keep coming back regularly, since we'll be updating hard throughout the week!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 21st, 2008 | Kingdom of Loathing

As promised we have the Dokapon Kingdom article up. If you have a lot of real life friends and a PS2 or Wii, you really should check this article out. It may save you $40 or it may make you a little poorer.

Aside from the obligatory movie week this weekend, we'll be coming back on Monday with a holiday related article. It may have something to do with Thanksgiving, it might have something to do with X-mas... We haven't decided yet. Until then have a safe weekend and don't party too hard.

Sidenote: If you guys have Animal Crossing: City Folk, I'm desperately looking for Japanese and Cabana themed decor. Let me know if you have some, I'll pay good bells for them (email at poisonramune(at) for friend codes).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 19th, 2008 | Great Skate!

We're going to have a really brief update today because I'm too enthralled with Skate It and the Wii Fit board right now. Today we have an article by Vivian covering the PC game, Bookworm Adventure Deluxe (which works out well, since I've been talking about a lot of DS stuff lately).

As for Friday, I'll be putting up that Dokapon Kingdom article up and next week we'll have some holiday related stuff (so be sure to check those out). And as always Gavin will be in during the weekend for another movie week. Anyhow, off to skating on a big plastic toy...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 17th, 2008 | Chillin', Illin' and Grillin'

Despite the recent fires around RwN HQ, we still managed to have an awesome weekend. Josh and I got in quite a bit of Smash Bros. Brawl in on Sunday and we weren't drunk (well, we did drink later that day, but who cares)....

Today we have an article up on a DS game that you probably never heard about. The game is amazing so make sure you check out the article and the game. As for Wednesday, we'll probably be doing a review on Dokapon Kingdom, since Josh and I got a lot of play time on that as well. Until then, take care and don't hurt yourself playing Skate It (which is due out tomorrow).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 16th, 2008 | Smoke on the Water

Southern California got torn up by the fires. We had a fire in Santa Barbara and at least one in each of the 3 major counties in the "Los Angeles" area. It was pretty crazy... Streets were packed, dogs were barking, it was general insanity; however, to lighten the mood Gavin has another movie week up. Be sure to check that out.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 14th, 2008 | I Can Do It 9 Times

We finally have our Mega Man 9 article up. And as I said before we always try to follow through here at RwN, even though we're kinda late sometimes. This weekend we'll be putting up Gavin's movie reviews, so be sure to look out for that. And expect some really cool stuff on the game Skate It next week... It's going to be awesome, especially since we got a Wii Fit to skate on.

I also want to remind you guys that there's only 1 week left to turn in your applications for the contest. So if you want some free stuff, I'd seriously get to emailing. Be sure to check that out since you're only a couple clicks and a costume away from at least getting some stickers.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 12th, 2008 | Mega Hi!

Today we have the Mega Man primer article up. And to contrast all the praise that we'll be giving Mega Man 9, I decided to talk about a recent Mega Man that wasn't so great. Therefore, I bring to you a look at Mega Man ZX. Though it was a good game in itself, it failed to be a good Mega Man game (which is really a shame). In non-article related RwN news, Ron and Vivian finally turned in their staff bios. Ron's is up as of now and Vivian's will be up in the very near future. Go staff!

Don't forget to join us on Friday as we cap off the week with our thoughts on Mega Man 9. Until then, I hear that the new World of Warcraft expansion is coming out this evening/tomorrow morning. So if you have no life or lady maybe you should head down to your local game store and pick this one up. You too can be one of the millions that are paying to see their friends one month at a time.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 10th, 2008 | Capt. N

Like I mentioned before, we have the Nintendo Power update and it was pretty damn fun "going back in time" and reading through that book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. As for Wednesday's update, I think I may do a Mega Man article of some sort, since we're finally going to post the "Mega Man 9 - Staff Review" on Friday (6 weeks after release, classic RwN style).

Anyhow, I'm going to keep this one short, for Mega Man 3 is out on Virtual Console and I have a destructive date with Dr. Wily.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 9th, 2008 | W-EE-K-E-N-D L-O-V-E, We Were Meant to Be

As always Gavin comes through with a weekend movie review thing. Come check it out, since this time he leaves a bit of previews as well. Tomorrow, I doubt will be doing the Lost in Blue: Shipwrecked piece (again) because I found a really cool book that I'd like to share with all you guys. It's the "Nintendo Power's Pak Source: The Comprehensive Game Pak Source For the NES" and we'll be putting it up here along with some funny comments, RwN style.

Aside from that, there's not too much new news in the RwN circuit. But do join us tomorrow and all throughout the week for some great updates and articles.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 7th, 2008 | We're All Stars Now, In the Dope Show

Again there's no review on Lost in Blue: Shipwrecked. Yes, I actually have the game. However, we've been doing game stuff for the last 2 weeks, so I decided to add a social commentary article to the site. Thus, today we present another article on Saved by the Bell.

Since I know you guys are itching to see my thoughts on an obscure niche game. I promise to bring you the article on Lost in Blue for Wii on Monday. Until then, check back this weekend since Gavin'll be doing more movie stuff and I will finally add the link page to the site. And be sure to come by later in the week for a collaborative article on Mega Man 9 written by Josh, Gavin and me.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 5th, 2008 | Ripley's Believe It or Not: Aliens

So unfortunately there's no Lost in Blue: Shipwrecked review here. However, I felt that I haven't played it enough and would be doing us a huge injustice to share my thoughts about today. With some marathon gaming tonight and tomorrow, I'm sure I can get it out for you by Friday.

Up today is an article about regarding my thoughts on Alien Crush and Alien Crush Returns. Be sure to not only check the article out, but also the game... It's fricking sweet!

Whatever you choose to do, be sure to come back Friday for new RwN fun and excitement...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 3rd, 2008 | Psycho Crusher

If you're a Hudson fan, then you know that Alien Crush R is out on Wiiware right now!! If you're a pinball simulator fan, then you should know the Crush series is the pinnacle of console pinball simulators. This version looks terrific with it's 3-D board and effects, so check this one out!

This update I uploaded the article on ad hoc/single cart download play, so check it out and rally to get downloadable demos of all handheld games.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

November 2nd, 2008 | Ha-ha-ha-ha Staying Alive

So today Gavin submits a short movie review article covering that Kevin Smith movie "Zack and Miri - Have Sex on Tape." I mean, "Zack and Miri Make a Porno." I understand Gavin's articles have been getting shorter each installment, but that's because he clobbered us with a database of all the movies he ever saw in his life or something during his first article. Don't worry, he's not falling down a path of drugs like that one kid in Ghostwriter (man, that was a great PBS series).

In none update related news, I recently bought Lost in Blue: Shipwrecked for Wii because I was drunk at the Gamestop. And I must say it's turning out to be a game that I like, but don't like at the same time. I think I'll be writing about that one on Wednesday. Anyhow, see you Monday when I do an article on single cart download play, ad hoc, and downloadable demos.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 31st, 2008 | Happy Halloween

It's October 31st and one of RwN's favorite holidays. HALLOWEEN!! We really dig a holiday that encourages kids to do exactly what they've been trained not to do; walk around the town at night and accept a bunch of food from strangers. Such social hypocrisy is so ludicrous it's hilarious (and sometimes endearing).

To celebrate this special day I did a review on Castlvania: Order of the Ecclesia. In fact, it was a pretty big week for this game, as we've been doing articles about it all week. But hell, the franchise deserves it since all of the games are great (except for Castlevania: Judgement on the Wii).

Anyhow, have a safe and fun Halloween! And we'll see you in a couple days...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 30th, 2008 | Dracula: The Musical

Today we're just doing a quicky update to catch up on the article releases. I put up the Castlevania soundtrack article that we mentioned earlier. Also, join us tomorrow as we're going to put the Order of Ecclesia review up just in time for Halloween.

With that being said, be safe and have fun tomorrow. Enjoy that exotic candy and remember to BUY NINJATOWN!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 29th, 2008 | Drive In Movies

This week is full of surprises as Gavin came through after all with his movie review for the week. I figured I'd better showcase his, since his is dealing with more time sensitive material than my article. However, I'll be posting the Castlevania music article tomorrow and it has a new twist as opposed to a cut and dry review of the CD. Friday, we're still having our Castlevania: Order of the Ecclesia review and let me tell you it's going to make you want to buy this game in a no bullshit sort of way.

And in other news... Ninjatown is out today... Get it! And if you have any doubts about this game, dive into our archives and check out what he had to say about it here
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 27th, 2008 | Doing a Good Jorb

This weekend, we didn't get a movie review. But that's ok too. However, Josh did cover the newest Strong Bad game out on PC and Wiiware. So be sure to check that article out.

As for this week, we'll be continuing on again with the Castlevania themed articles in light of the Halloween season. Keep checking back as I'll be doing some sort of music themed article on Wednesday and the review of Order of the Ecclesia on Friday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 24th, 2008 | Five Alive

As you can see we got the Top 5 list up. This time it's the Top 5 Most Challenging Castlevanias. So if you like a good challenge, check out the list since we may have mentioned a game you forgot about. Even if you're not a fan of hard games, check the list out since it might save you from buying a tough one. And if you take a look at the top of this page, you'll see we're running a contest. So sign up and win some prizes!

Hopefully this weekend Gavin will be supplying us with some new movie reviews. However, I didn't get a chance to speak with him this week, so I'm honestly not too sure. Take heart though, since we'll have another collaborative article in the works (2 actually). One is going to be a review on Mega Man 9 by: Gavin, Josh and I (which should be interesting as we all have varying thoughts about the game). And the other is so epic that we can't reveal it to the public yet. Lame, I know. But seriously, this one is going to be kotaku/1-up/destructoid worthy! Either way have a great weekend. And I'll see you guys next update.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 22nd, 2008 | Dracula Man I'll Get My Fangs

So yesterday Castlevania: Order of the Ecclesia was released. And I must say I'm going to take back every bad thing I said about the Gamestop/EB Games corporation. Even though I didn't preorder my Castlevania, the nice gentlemen working there were kind enough to see that I got a preorder bonus. My warmest thanks to you guys!

The game is top notch so far and one of the first Castlevanias in awhile that had me gritting my teeth as I played. This game is no easy Dracula hunt.

In RwN news, I bring you an article about one of my favorite games, Disgaea DS. If you're a fan of epic games, check out the article since I have a feeling you're going to like this one. Anyhow, I'll see you guys Friday where we'll be doing something video game related (I'm thinking a 5 or 10 list, but we'll see).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 20th, 2008 | Inductive Reasoning

Today is really big news in the world of RwN. We have a new staffer and they actually have their own bio and article division up now. Learn more about Gavin at his bio and be sure to read his movie reviews (they're everything I can't do due to me hating the theatre). To celebrate this event we'll be having an RwN BBQ (or mini-Q, depending on who comes by) this Saturday. Remember, if you're a cute asian girl named Audrey or Amy, then you're totally allowed to come over without beers. Everyone else better bring a 6 pack (at least).

Along with the new Gavin pages I also modified the layout just a bit. While most of the stuff was minor format tweaks, the most noticable change is the addition of a 4th article spot up on the home page. Since we're now up to a mighty 4 updates a week, I felt it appropriate to add that 4th spot so they all have a chance to spend a full week on the front page. Finally, expect some more big layout changes tomorrow too.

In other news... Be sure to check out the Wii Shop channel, as Tetris Party was just released this morning for a semi-steep $12 (but that's not going to stop me from buying it). And tomorrow is a big day in handheld gaming as the third Castlevania for the DS will be in stores. From what I played at PAX and read online, the game really does mix a good amount of the stuff that worked in Simon's Quest and Symphony of the Night (Gavin, this may be a good time to invest in a DS) making it one of the best 2-D Castlevanias in a long time.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 19th, 2008 | Dokapwned

This weekend has been dominated by me playing Dokapon Kingdom on the Wii. And I must say for being a party game, it has a really deep RPG element to it. I highly recommend you pick it up if: you have a Wii/PS2, have at least one friend to play with (just a suggestion, not mandatory), and are a remote fan of RPGs (this even counts Josh and his love for the Shining series). Today's update is the movie week update by Gavin. And now you have a reason to come by on the weekend, so you can read the movie reviews and check out what should see on your days off.

Tomorrow we'll either have a video game related article posted by me or another Saved by the Bell article posted by our new guest writer.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 17th, 2008 | King of Queens

Instead of the Gavin movie review today (since he wanted to do something covering a movie released today), I bring you an article I was going to brign out next week. Today we have a retrospective on my absolute favorite Saved by the Bell episode.

Also, if you're wondering on why the update is so late today. We recently got Dokapon Kingdom for Wii and have been exploring its RPG board game goodness... Check back soon as we'll have more Saved by the Bell stuff in the next week (with a new guest writer) and possibly some of the new games we got.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 15th, 2008 | Your Mana!

If you haven't heard by now, Secret of Mana is available for download for Wii's virtual console. If you've never played this game I highly suggest that you check it out. It plays like a mix between a Final Fantasy game and Zelda and is absolutely superb.

As for the RwN update we bring you another think piece. This time we did an article exploring Oregon Trail. You read right, we wrote about that classic edutainment title. And don't forget, on Friday we'll be posting the rules to the contest (or tonight if you're on Facebook) and Gavin'll be back with another multi-movie review.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 13th, 2008 | HR Kirby Puff

Today's article is more of a think piece/retrospective on Kirby Super Star (Ultra) rather than a review. We chose to bring this article out of the archives, since I'm still sick and didn't feel like drinking over the weekend. However, I'm sure sometime this week that video will be turning up on this site. Speaking of videos, I'm pleased to announce one of our videos got over 1,000 views (just to let you know it was the Iron Chef one, so why the fuck are you guys looking up bad games)... I just wanted to take this time and thank all of you folks who come visit and check that stuff out. Because if you weren't coming around, I probably wouldn't be doing this.

In really big news, we've finally accumulated enough random prizes in "the RwN big box of shit," so we'll be giving away over $100 worth of prizes during our RwN anniversary contest. So if you like FREE: T-shirts, stickers, video games, comics, toys, and other fun stuff; then keep checking out the site regularly (especially in the next 3 weeks). Also, if you want an extra advantage, people who are part of the Facebook group will have a significant edge against those who aren't. So even if you're not the Facebooking type of guy, would you become one for a better chance at winning a copy of good Gamecube game? We thought so, prize whore.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 10th, 2008 | Sick Days and Movie Nights

If you had money on the fact that I wasn't going to post the video today, then consider yourself a little bit richer. However, there are a couple reasons for doing so. Immediately after posting the update on Wednesday, Broc Samson (general friend of RwN) emailed me an article with various movie reviews. Since these movies are all in theatres now, I figured it would be best to put his article up first.

I also developed one really bad case of the flu and didn't feel like drinking at all (which is a first). Though, I'm sure I'll be well enough tomorrow or Sunday to want to play some games while drunk (or so I say). Either way, have a great weekend. And remember not to get too drunk on Sunday night, since World of Goo is coming out bright and early on Monday (to PC and WiiWare)!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 8th, 2008 | Snow Bros.

Like us on a dope spree, the cocaine article is up! Ron will shortly be making his way up to staffer as soon as he gives me his bio. That reminds me, I need to bug Vivian for hers too.

We may be finishing off the week with a special video treat (shit, how many times have I said that before). But this time the video is easy and something that naturally occurs at the RwN HQ. We'll hopefully be doing some "Let's Drink, Let's Play"s and you guessed right, those are going to be drunken let's plays.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 6th, 2008 | Dress You Up In My Love

So I figured out how to do it... If you put someone on blast here on the front page, they get all angry and send you the article that you want. And yes, this means what you think it does, Ron finally came through with the Top 10 Cocaine Scenes in Modern Film article. But where is it you ask... I'm going to be putting that one up on Wednesday, as he didn't have any youtube or google vid clips to any of the scenes. So these next 2 days will be spent searching for such. To tide you over, I found a hot little dish of J-Pop singer who's also an otaku and listed her 5 best cosplays.

Sidenote: if any of you are Disgaea fans, I rencently got Disgaea DS and am straight addicted to this game in the same way I am to alcohol and nicotine. If you ever want to chat about the game you know where to email us... Or you can use AIM to contact PoisonRamune. See you in the Netherworld.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

October 3rd, 2008 | X-Men

After 2 months of hyping it up, we finally have the 2nd Chick Tract article up. And how ironic after I bash sequeling, we decide upon featuring it. Anyhow, hope you enjoy it and may it be a lesson to all you regular readers. We really do follow through with what we say we're going to post, albeit sometimes pretty damn late... Now if only Ron could email me that movie article.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 29th, 2008 | Getting Bombed

That's right, it's Monday and the must get game hitting the Wii Shop is Bomberman 8 Person Online Battle (sorry, I only know it by the Japanese name). You can find the RwN crew playing the famous competitive action puzzler starting tonight online (I'll post the friend code up here when I get it). Will we be drinking, of course! Will we be blazing, of course! Will we be kicking your ass despite our dimished reaction times and judgment, of course! But probably not as effeciently as we would if we were sober.

Also, today we have a new article on a classic Sega Genesis game, Comix Zone. The game was amazing 13 years ago at its release and is still amazing today. Check out the article with our full thoughts and "insights."
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 26th, 2008 | Street Fighter Four The Win

We got a new article up doing a quick review/initial thoughts on Street Fighter 4. I must say that game might make Ron and I poor men in our efforts to become "decent" at the game. Well, there's always the home version, I guess.

Next week, we'll be posting the 2nd Christian tract commentary, another review in altered states (and we'll be going back to true classic games), and probably a spread on the 3 2-D games that came out on various Nintendo platforms a few days ago.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 24th, 2008 | They Thought Wii Were Cool

Today, I do more of a think piece and rant about the last 2 years of the Wii. While, I don't hate the console, I definitely have some gripes with it. I think I'm going to keep the news short today, as I drank some questionable energy drinks given to me by a client today and feel totally cracked out. So to save face and prevent any sort of bizarre posting, I'll see you guys Friday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 22nd, 2008 | 2-D 2day!

By the time you read this, I'll be dead... Just kidding, that's kinda creepy. But seriously, by the time you read this news update, the state of gaming will have drastically changed. CAPCOM releases their classically designed current gen game today, MegaMan 9. And thus, starting a landslide in the 2-D retro revival. While many retro games have been remade in the recent (ie: Bionic Commando - Rearmed), this is the 1st time I've seen a game company releasing a game with a more primitive design than its (true) prequels.

As for the site, we added the cereal review last week and are now featuring a review on Arkanoid DS. I'd like to do a quick video about my initial thoughts of MegaMan 9 when I get home tonight and actually play it. Either way, we're pretty psyched and can't wait for the rest of the awesome 2-D releases coming out this week, including Wario Land - Shake It and Kirby Super Star Ultra hitting stores on Tuesday.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 16th - 17th (it's late and I don't know), 2008 | Moving Right Along Now

So as I feverishly try to edit, I've come to a startling revelation. My digital voice recorder doesn't work with Vista. Now, before you go reaming me about compatible devices and being a smart consumer, I have to tell you that I stol this recorder from Ron. So what does that mean about the interviews? As much as I hate to delay them even further, I'm going to work on them this weekend on my parent's XP box. However, we're not going to just sit on our thumbs until Friday with no updates. We'll be coming back and doing all the fun stuff we were doing before the convention. On deck we have: another games to play while faded, a cereal review, Chick Tract commentary, and a new segment about places that made you wish you lived in Los Angeles (we'll probably be talking about Jerry's Dogs first, as it's a favorite with RwN West).

So once again my apologies. And we'll be working the remaining PAX videos in BY SUNDAY OR BUST. Well, I imagine "or bust" means "or not at all," I was never quite sure what that meant in terms of hitch-hiking... Hitch-hikers should just use the George Carlin methodology "Will Give Head For Ride," it's 100% clear what everyone needs in that situation.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 15th, 2008 | Max Media

I've mastered most other software in the Adobe suite, but Premiere is giving me a bitch of a time... I'll for sure have the interviews by tomorrow night. In the mean time, we got the PAX photo gallery up and a whole slew of vids that don't belong anywhere.

Aside from that, if there's anyone in the So Cal area with FFTA2; I really need new gear for my troops... Email me at poisonramune(at) to set up a trade loot play date.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 12th, 2008 | Taking a Fat Rip

Today, I upload a video with some game footage that looks like game footage I saw over 10 years ago. I'm also pleased to annouce that I received a reviewer's copy of Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People ep. 2 in my email box earlier this week and will be doing a collaboration review with Josh (and possibly Sherlan since we'll be using his computer). In more personal news, the RwN staff is anxiously awaiting the release of my bowels. Just kidding, we're really psyched about Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, coming out in just a couple more days. I got my pre-order and may have to take a sick day the day it comes out.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 10th, 2008 | Still Conventional RwN

Sorry for the lack of a front page update last night. I just wanted to add the newest PAX article (a preview of NinjaTown for the DS) and get on to playing Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2. While I was reluctant to buy the game, someone at PAX got to show me how much the job system improved and I picked it up near immediately after arriving in Los Angeles.

After the all our PAX content is dumped out into the public eye (by the end of the upcoming weekend), well be back to slacking and jacking off. Actually, we’re going to try to do the every other day series of updates (since I got myself into some content adding groove) with some mini-content featurettes and one big weekly feature. Anyhow, I’m off to try to get my Blue Mage to learn more monster spells… Until next time.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 7th, 2008 | Cooking Up Something

This update we have more video footage on an upcoming Wii game. This time it's about a game no one at the RwN HQ wants to buy or even play again. We unveil today's theme ingredient: Iron Chef America Supreme Cuisine.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 5th, 2008 | I Left My Heart (and Balls) In Seattle

I've been in Los Angeles for 2 days now and have been trying to get you a PAX update at least once a day. So far we have the DS game preview, booth babe gallery (which I'll be updating as I go through my pictures), and a new featurette about games we can't wait to buy.

So check back often as we have a lot more amazing stuff coming up. Especially, the videos (which will be uploaded this weekend after I do some editing).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

September 1st, 2008 | PAXing It All In

As you know PAX is officially over. And we got tons of articles, videos and pictures coming up. Since I'm still in Seattle and away from my main computer, I'll give you a little teaser article for now (a preview of Lock's Quest for the DS). However be on the look out as we'll be adding all the PAX related stuff within the next few days...
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

August 27th, 2008 | I’m About to Lose Control… And I Think I Like It!

Tonights the night we’re gonna make it happen… And while I’m not going to be putting all my other things aside, we are anxiously awaiting PAX. We have several things that we’re planning to do at the event and you’ll be watching it all when I get back (I anticipate having limited resources while in Seattle, but I will try to do semi-daily news updates here). There’ll be interviews with HudsonSoft, EA, and Tell Tale Games; just to name a few. I’ll also be giving you video of all the game the developers let me play. And as I mentioned before, I will still be doing “Trolling IRL” where I heckle game company’s PR people and watch them squirm as I scrutinize their press drivel.

Anyhow, hope you folks have a great week… Because when I come back, RwN will never be the same.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

August 19th, 2008 | Preparing for the X-po

Due to Rob Whang spraining his wrist last week at work (and if you want to make a jacking off joke, then you're just as original as many of my friends... And therefore, not creative at all) there was no update last week. However, this week we have an article by Josh and as mentioned before it's the Moonwalker article.

As we're offically just a little over a week away from PAX, there's still quite a few things we need to handle down here in preparation for the event. As we'll be doing that I'm also going to let you in on my preparations. I'll be posting my interview schedule and am even asking that you guys write in with some questions for me to ask your favorite developers (Capcom's not going to be there, so don't ask... But SEGA will be and I have a lot of question about Sonic and this turn he took in the recent years). Also, this weekend Ron and I will be making a video after a 4 month hiatus. The content is a surprise as we're honestly still trying to figure out exactly what we'll be doing.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

August 6th, 2008 | Where's the Beef?

As you may have noticed there is no article update this week. However, not to worry as we’ll be having 2 awesome articles coming up in the near future. Josh is on the brink of publishing the Michael Jackson: Moonwalker article and guest writer Ron will be making his step from guest writer to staff writer after he submits “The Top 10 Greatest Cocaine Scenes in Cinema.” Perhaps, I’ll talk about some retro cartoon show, as I recently bought the 1st seasons of Ducktales and Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers.

This week’s update I’d like to talk again about this past year and spending a full 365 days running with ninjas. So here are some fast facts/stats to take up some space (I guess, you’ll probably learn something new or find something interesting about us too).

Fun Facts

- Most Played Current/Recent Gen Game – Super Smash Bros. Melee (GCN)
- Most Played Retro Game – Ghosts n’ Goblins (NES)
- Favorite Beer – Bud Light, Bohemia, or Sea Dog Blue Paw Blueberry Ale (3 way tie)
- Favorite Food – Tommy’s or Little Ceasar’s Hot and Ready Pizza
- RwN has been published on a Compaq Presario laptop, running the Ubuntu Linux distro
- Super Friend of RwN - Sherlan Abesamis... Not only did he help us develop the RwN logo (the chubby jogger with the ninjas). He also proved himself to be the most popular friend of RwN, as nearly every one of my friends and acquaintances know him from: church, school, work, other. And finally, he's a cool guy with "Sherlanic Armor."
- Biggest Inspiration -, I really wanted to be like these guys with their funny articles about their childhood and MLB.

Video Gaming News as it Happens... From PAX to Me to You.

And for the biggest news of all… If you’re one of the few people on the RwN Facebook page, you’ve probably seen that I’ve put in an application to be part of the press at this year’s Penny Arcade Expo. The good people at Penny Arcade actually want us to come. So as I prepare for a weekend of video game convention antics, production on the site might slow a bit (we’ll still be making articles and doing updates, but I want to give myself some planning room). However, join us in September when we come at you in full force with interviews with SEGA and EA (as they both confirmed with me so far), a segment called “Trolling IRL” (where I heckle product developers as only I can), and drunken debauchery before & after each event day. It’s going to be a blast!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 28th, 2008 | Firing Retrorockets: A Year in Review

As RwN celebrates one year of being on the web, I felt it appropriate to use this update as a sort of retrospective. Running with Ninjas was originally an idea for a social commentary website I had back in late 2006. I had planned on starting it with guest writer “Ken Barrens;” however, we both found that it was hard to organize a site with another person that lived on the other side of the country as you. In March of 2007, big changes were going on in my life. I had recently bought a Nintendo Wii (getting mine before pro basketball star, Gilbert Arenas), started to go back to school, and joined a writing club that was hosted by Josh Adachi. At the time, Josh was working on a comedic musical about the land of Oz called “Wicked” (just kidding, it was called the “Jinglist” and was about a man that wrote songs for commercials) and I was drafting out the series outline for a comic about suburban stoners in their 20’s (semi-autobiographical).

As my near constant distracting and our penchant for herbs and beers made it hard to stay on task; the writing club became a taco/pizza, Xbox/Wii, and idle chat club. However, in one of our conversations about starting a commentary website; maybe Josh just wanted me to have something other than a comic that was filled with stupid staging and gags or perhaps we were really drunk at the time, but starting that website seemed like a good idea. We had goals of making the site much in line with “” (who were secretly our internet heroes at the time), a sort of dumb website that you’d find yourself reading at work to kill time.

In the summer of 2007 Josh and I were ready to start brainstorming about what we’d be putting in our site, in terms of content. As we approached mid-summer I got the brilliant idea to do media coverage at the San Diego Comic Convention under the Running with Ninjas name. Though, due to poor planning (which seemed somewhat typical between both Josh and I that year). We were unable to go to Comic-Con and ended up with a web domain with a “Coming Soon” splash page. 3 months later, we finally got a decent idea for an article to post, “The Top 10 Games to Play with Your Girlfriend” and the rest is RwN history (well, actually the rest is pretty recent… I guess you can say the entire story above is history).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 22nd, 2008 | Little Twin Star

So after a two week wait, I’m proud to announce that we have a new guest writer. This time around we have Vivian Tam writing for us (who Josh claims is like the female version of the pokemon PoisonRamune). Not only do we now have a game review written from a female’s point of view, but Vivian was also gracious enough to write about a PC game. Also, Thursday (the 24th) marks the 1 year anniversary of’s presence on the web. Even though we actually put real content several months after registering the domain name, I still plan on doing something somewhat special. So expect a new article or maybe 2 (if I can collaborate with Josh in time for a 2nd Chick Tract commentary) … Most likely just 1 new article and some sort of retrospective update though, as I’ve been playing a lot of Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon on Wii.

Hai-Keeba! Have no fear, Dungeon Hero-X is here!

In terms of the RwN staff updates, I’ve mostly been playing Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon and various games on the DS. Josh is seemingly missing in action as I haven’t seen his face in over a week (I believe it was last Sunday, where we both ended up smoking herb behind the local Round Table Pizza with guest writer Ron). As I mentioned before, Josh and I have another commentary on Chick Tracts in the works and he’ll also be doing an article on Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker. And I’ll be posting my article on Animal Crossing on the date of our 1 year anniversary.

In other site news, we now have a links page. If you want to get in on that, just submit a link and what you want us to say about it. Please note that all links are subject to review before we post them and we do ask that you link to us on your site in some sort of accessible spot as well.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 8th, 2008 | Neanderthal's Club

This week I’m proud to announce that I finally figured out how to make a Facebook club/fan-page. Now, you can now find your old friend, RwN on Facebook and get to meet some of our other readers (well, the 5 who aren’t Josh and I that have signed up so far). This week’s content update is another drunk/high video game review; however this time I chose to review some contemporary games rather than ones from the classic genre.

I finally get to say it... Find Us On Facebook!

Next week (I think) RwN will be turning 1 year old. Well, the domain will be; however, due to initial farting around and not knowing what we were going to do, the actual content is only about half a year old. In light of our upcoming anniversary, we’ll be having some sort of prize giveaway/contest. So be on the look out for that, check often and tell your friends; as you could very well win: RwN stickers and other paraphernalia, a graffiti mini-poster drawn by me (PoisonRamune, Rob W), or even video games (it’s true, we have at least one disc based game to give out and perhaps a couple Wiiware/Virtual Console games too).

And in the semi-distant future, guest writer Ron and I (along with some other friends of RwN) will be throwing an Iron Chef style BBQ or dinner banquet charity drive. We’ll be raising money and having a used video game hardware and software drive for (a charity that donates video game equipment to children’s hospitals and to children that are terminally ill/have prolonged bed stays due to illness or recovery). More details to come as we work out a more finalized game plan.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

July 1st, 2008 | Walking On, Walking On Broken Glass

This is a special announcement brought to you by Running with Ninjas West:
Hi, I'm Rob Whang star of Running with Ninjas: The Movie. All of the stunts in the film were executed by professionals in controlled environments. With that being said, be safe and drive smart.

As you may have noticed we have another guest writer this week, this time it's Steve L. (the man who supplies RwN with its server space) writing for us. He chose to write about something on the more serious side and that's ok. The thing that I found kinda weird is a few people in my previewing circle didn't get it. That in itself is ok too. I mean, if every article here was to cater to you, then they probably wouldn't be liked by some other reader. And that's the beauty of having someone other than me writing articles here, as my ultimate goal is to make this like the Wii of commentary sites (no we're not going to make ourselves hard to find or start dumbing down our content for non-gamers). Where even your mom can find something to like here (even if she doesn't think much of that obnoxious Robert fellow).

This is a good time to invite you to be an article previewer. By signing up you'll get to see preliminary drafts of the articles and even get to see finished articles days before we post them as updates. You can also give us feedback as we write them and thus influence Running with Ninjas (well, not really)... Anyhow, if you want to join up, let me know via AIM: PoisonRamune or Email: PoisonRamune(a)
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 23th, 2008 | Tonight I Want to Dance with Someone Else

Yes, it's been awhile since we last updated here. And while there are many valid reasons as to why there has been no content added, there are also a myriad of horsecrap excuses. However, we do have quite a few articles in the works and some in the archives, so there may be 2 updates in one week here (which would be a first).

Co-editor Josh has once again changed his place of dwelling to beautiful Monterey Park. I feel this is an advantageous move as his house is literally right around the corner from my work, thus making the RwN circle a little wider and tighter at the same time.

As I mentioned before, there's an article coming up in the very near future, where I poke fun at the Christian tracts by Jack Chick. I'm also writing an article about social networking sites again, but in a more anecdotal way.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

June 7th, 2008 | Here Comes Daredevil! (Heaven or Hell, Let's Rock)

As mentioned last update, we now have a new guest writer showing his stuff. Let's welcome Ken B. to the RwN squad. Hopefully, we'll see more from him and perhaps he can even submit his way up to staff writer (hint hint, jk).

Ken's article (which is a comparative review of Speed Racer and Iron Man) couldn't have come at a better time (well, maybe when the films first came out, but it's all good too). As I am super busy for the next 5-7 days working on final exams, my first realty listing paperwork, art stuff, and this weird round robin comic I signed up to do a few months ago.

Not to fear, I'll still be submitting an article or video this coming week (or both). I'd like to do a commentary on Chick Tracts (those Christian comics that have a really hard message about being a sinner and deserving hell). And I'm also thinking of a video that's actually less of a vLog and more like those wacky skits and weird situations I ramble on about while drunk
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 31st, 2008 | Streetwalking

These last 2 weeks were spent accumulating the rest of the games for WiiWare so I could finish my review. Admittently, a lot the time since had been playing Dr Mario Online Rx on the Wii and Super Dodgeball Brawlers on the DS. Like I mentioned in the last update, we'll be having some really fun summer stuff going on, so keep those schedules kinda free and check here often.

Once again, I'm online with another game, Dr Mario Online Rx. Email me your in game friend code. Or if you don't have the game we can trade our 16 digit Wii Console #'s, so I can send you a free demo.

In other RwN news, Ron is transposing the music from the Commodore64 game "The Last Ninja," so we should have at least part of that hip-hop project done sometime in the early summer. Also, Josh, Ron and I will be doing some sort of Mystery Science Theatre 3,000 type project in the next month or so. Finally, we got some new folks coming on as guest writers, so be looking for articles by them in the near future.

If you haven't heard we're starting a Running with Ninjas street team and we need you to advertise for us!

Add the above banner to your: Myspace page, personal page, forum signature, etc. Click here for the html code to make it a banner link.


Add the above banner to your: Myspace page, personal page, forum signature, etc. Click here for the html code to make it a banner link.

And on a personal sidenote: Happy birthday to RwN friend, Mike V. Whose birthday is this weekend, don't get too drunk today buddy!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 14th, 2008 | Growing Wii'd

It was kinda nice to take a break and not have to make any real content last week. However, there's something about updating this little site that's almost addictive to me. This week's update is actually another top 5 list ranking the girls of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All. I'll also be posting another article reviewing a couple Wii Ware games, hopefully by the end of the weekend. I must say, that with the launch of Nintendo's Wii Ware (downloadable independent retail games) I can really see Wii entering its golden age. The 3 games I got at launch have all been giving Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart a run for their money. The greatest part about those games was the fact that they cost between $5-$15!

Though the service has only been out for 5 days... I can totally foresee myself buying Wii Ware games exclusively. They're so much better than the "budget titles" you find in the game store's bargain bin.

In the coming months we'll be starting our Running with Ninjas "One Year Anniversary Celebration." Join us for: food, fun and fornication (if you're in California's LA/OC area). As we'll be having BBQs (where I yell at Josh), fun road trip style outings, beach trips that turn into pub crawls, and smoke outs. And nearer to July we'll be having a Running with Ninjas contest/triva game of some sort where you can win physical prizes. So stay tuned, visit often, and drop us a line if you feel compelled.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

May 3rd, 2008 | Continental Drift

Add My Friend Code For Mario Kart Wii: 1762-3284-3889 (please email me yours too)

This week there will be no content based update added to the site. Rather, I just wanted to pop my head in and mention the fact that the entire RwN staff has been playing Mario Kart: Wii. While I was originally not very interested in getting this game, I must say that the motion sensory controls are amazing. I thought that this would be a sort of unpolished, yet theoretical good idea like the "mock steering wheel" controls in Need for Speed (Wii) and Excitetruck (Wii). However, I was quite surprised to find myself wanting to play this game more than I wanted to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Perhaps, it's the fun of out racing your friends with a toy steering wheel. Or maybe it's the fact that there's many more options and gameplay modes offered for the online portion of this game over Brawl's multiplayer options. Either way, this game is flying down straights and hugging turns all the way to the winner's circle, see you on the tracks!
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 26th, 2008 | Housing Projects

This week's update is an article by Josh. And I got to hand it to him for willingly eating all that stuff from the AM/PM.

I may be making myself a bit more scarce in these coming weeks, as I want to start on a total graphics overhaul of the site. But I'll still be posting the weekly update as always, as well as a random video and/or maybe a top 5 list.

I'm also working on some other RwN projects. One being an MTV "Made" type article/documentary, which started as a bet between Steve (the guy who supplies RwN with server space) and me over Wingstop hot wings. Steve and I will competing head to head in an effort to groom 2 of our more socially awkward friends into date worthy individuals. I'm also doing a hip-hop video/mp3 project where I rap to classic game soundtracks.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 19th, 2008 | Two Scoops

As I said in the last new update, it's sort of been a hectic week for us at RwN. Despite the busyness of our schedules, I managed to post another "Ask the Editor" video and a review on Forbidden Kingdom (the recently released Kung-Fu film, with Jackie Chan and Jet Li).

I felt it would be nice to give you folks two things to check out this week, especially since the "holiday" is coming up on the 20th. Speaking of 4-20, I'm going to be toking it up at the local beach while documenting the holiday with pictures and videos. I'm sure something view worthy is going to come from that.

While I hate drinking holidays like New Year's Eve, St. Pat's, and Cinco de Mayo... I can never say no to a hazy holiday.

In other RwN news, our good friend Dave's birthday is this weekend. While, he's not a contributor to the content of this site. I felt we needed to give him a shout out, as he is one of the original fans and supporters of RwN.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 12th, 2008 | Video Nomo

VIDEOS ARE UP!! After 3 weeks of hyping these guys up, we finally have the 3 camera tests up. And I posted a special "video blog/article" about pirates and ninjas. However, I must apologize for my annoying voice. Many people who I know solely through the net were quite surprised that such a suave and witty writer was cursed with a voice that's the hybrid of a puberty bound boy and a bothersome baffoon.

Today we had our official Running with Ninjas spring BBQ and a special thanks to everyone who showed up, even Ron and Josh... This coming week is going to be a little hectic for me again. I got a huge event coming up for the city this weekend, so I'll be quite busy making signs (as I've worked with the city before I'm sure most of these are going to be ordered at the very last minute). I also have a huge project due in a class of mine and have put off all the work until the very end. With all that being said though, I do have another video sitting in the archives so I may use that as a "cop out" update next week.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

April 1st, 2008 | April Foolin' Around

As we bid farewell to a lackluster March, I feel that April will bring some needed change. While today is April Fool's day, I'm somewhat at the age at where the jovial jokes and pranks of the past are no longer humorous or pleasing. However, today we celebrate Josh's birthday (I find it quite befitting that such an odd one as he was born on April Fool's Day). As for myself, I was hit quite hard with 2 exams in my classes and also had semi-large scale project. Though, I won't bother to waste this update with the ramblings of my academic life.

We're still playing Smash Bros. Brawl down here (at least I am, but I'm near certain Josh is using mutual friend of ours in order to play). This past week I inadvertently found that I like the Mystery Dungeon series (at least the Pokemon subseries), as I was recently asked to “grind” and do some sidequests for a cutesy Japanese girl. I'm probably going to buy the upcoming one for myself. Even though I doubt this game has a true co-op wi-fi dungeons, we can at least hope...

I got my reserve for this game... Being the precocious 13 year old I am, I reserved this game for the preorder comic that's coming with it.

For the site I'll be changing up the bios shortly (at least mine) and adding the second article in the cereal reviews (I'm not going to reveal what cereal it was, but I'm sure you can guess). Also, if you haven't noticed I added those little article preview pictures to the article site (just in case you really liked Josh's pic of Alvin drooling blood, you know where to get it... And I admit it, I thought it was clever).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 19th, 2008 | Where the Hell Have You Been?

While I’m sure you can guess where we’ve been, I’ll flat out say it. I’ve been playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl and thus had near no interest in being creative or laying down any significant content for the site. I could easily go on and make this news update 3 paragraphs on how much I like playing Brawl online, but I won’t. Mainly for the fact that I’d feel compelled to write about how much I dislike the single player aspect of the game as well.

Add My Friend Code For Super Smash Bros Brawl: 1075-0400-4707 (please email me yours too)
It'll be like playing in the Running with Ninjas' office, except you don't have to smell my laundry and bong water while playing.

Getting the game was an experience in itself, as I went to the midnight release party at the Gamestop by my work. Waiting along with me were bevies of other anxious gamers who I named “the congregation of people uglier and nerdier than me (and that’s saying a lot).” Perhaps, you’ll see an article about the latino kid with stringy long hair and glasses that looked like a male “Ugly Betty” who argued with me in line about pinball machines and their history.

As the novelty of making Super Mario headbutt a Pokemon in the face slowly drifts away… You can expect the same type of mediocre content to be churned up like always. In fact, I think we have an article about being unhealthily obsessed with video gaming (how appropriate) and if they’re not already up I got a couple camera test videos coming up (featuring my ugly face, annoying voice, and spiteful personality coming at you live and direct).
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

March 3rd, 2008 | Shooting the Shit... And Making Sure It Stays Dead

So in an effort to effortlessly add content, I'm going to change up the site's look a bit rather than update with some new articles. The news section is going to be more than just a town crier's call of when I update this barren bit of netspace with fresh content. I want to change it into an editor's blog with what's going on with: the staff, the site, and stuff in general (I guess we'll call this approaching the three S's). I also want a spot where you can check our past news updates for the shear purpose of holding the staff to what they promised you, the viewers. Aside from that, this is basically a long winded piece telling you folks that: the layout's being/been updated, we're going to put more “substance” in our update announcements, and that we are actually doing stuff at RwN & aren't just sitting around smoking pot and drinking. Well, that's still going on, but we're actually trying to make some sort of visual results in spite of it.

As I've mentioned earlier last month, co-editor Josh has moved away from his house in West Covina to the beautiful cow speckled pastures of Chino (temporarily). I have also made a recent change in my time schedule by attending school full time. While these changes will limit the amount of time we have to spend working on RwN, we will still commit to regular weekly updates (maybe not on a set day of the week like other sites, but there will be content added regularly none the less).

Sidenote: I made us a new logo... Well, I'm pretty "psyched." I think it looks better than the one with plain "air milhouse" font.
- Rob W., PoisonRamune

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