Social Commentary

"Creepy old men and the letters they send to my work."

Rob Whang and the Gregarious Graying Geezers

"Once again I compile a list of ranked objects. This time I gripe about the problems with making friends in the internet age."

The Top 5 Problems with Social Networking Sites

"As a different change of pace, I make commentary about a line of comics that were made to spread the word about Jesus the Christ."

Tract Marks: Making Fun of Fundamentalists

"The Top 5 Dumbest Predictions of 2008 (That May Actually Come True) - A list of asinine predictions about this year."

Rob's List | Josh's List

"Do too many drugs and you're an addict, follow religion too closely and you're a fanatic..."

Cool Thought: 'Dope' Thoughts (By - Ron Basilio)

"When there's something strange, in the neighborhood. Who ya gonna call? Guest writer Steve tells us who he'd call and it isn't the Ghostbusters."

Badguys Beware: I Don't Dial 911 (By - Steve L.)

"A different look at why production studios love to pump out sequels. Is it because of thei laziness or is it what we secretly ask for?"

Sequels Suck II: The Revenge

"Josh and I do another commentary on the evangelical Christian tracts that try bring you to the family of Christ by singling you out."

Tract Marks: Making Fun of More Fundamentalists

"Again, Rob digs deep into his creepy side and speaks about a hot little nerd of a J-Pop star and her love for cosplaying."

The Top 5 Hottest Cosplays of Shoko Nakagawa

"While I normally hate TV, I catch myself watching Saved by the Bell every morning before going to work. Join me as I explore one of my favorite episodes of all time."

Saved by the Bell: Mystery Weekend

"Another retrospective on one of my favorite Saved by the Bell episodes. This one stars our teen movie/sitcom favorite character, Marijuana."

Saved by the Bell: No Hope with Dope

"Sometimes, too much of a good thing is bad. However, when you mix ample amounts of 2 really good things like Saved by the Bell and Christmas you get a whole lot of awesome."

Saved by the Bell: Home For Christmas

"Once again, Rob pokes fun at those evangelical Christian tracts. This time Jack Chick tries to reach out to and insult the African American community at the exact same time."

Tract Marks: Making Fun of More Fundamentalists - The Revenge

"Since Christmas carols are practically public domain, they're often remade at a sickening rate. See Gavin's opinion on people retooling classic carols."

Just Because It’s Christmas Doesn’t Mean You’re Creative

"Even though I'm a huge fan of Saved by the Bell, this one episode always manages to piss me off."

Saved by the Bell: 1-900-Crushed

"Since every episode of Saved By the Bell is riddled with: plotholes, continuity errors and non-sequitors; we decided to list the best of the best."

The Top 5 Most Non-Sequitor Aspects of Saved by the Bell

"Ron brings up the gripes he has with Oddly enough, those gripes don't seem to stop him from commenting on every page and playing that Mafia Wars game."

Cool Thought 3: Facebook Frustration

"After seeing countless ads on Facebook and Myspace for online dating. I decided to rank those semi-slutty ad models according to their attractiveness."

The Top 5 "Hawttest" True/Mate1/ Ad Girls

"Rob does a semi-poignant article about 4/20 and why it's even a special day in his eyes (aside from getting super toasted)."

What Does 420 Mean to Me

"Up until late 2009, Ron's brother and I will be piggy backing off of eachother's internet popularity and play with a Ford prototype."

Ford Fiesta Movement Coverage (Agent #82, Ryan Basilio)

"Due to the heavy media response and public criticism to this controversial coloring book, I decided to throw my 2 cents in."

A Scary Thing Happened - A FEMA Book

"A more personal article... Rob shares his love for ALF and also talks about his credibility in telling you what you should be watching/eating/playing."

“ALFa Consumer” – An Account of the 80’s and Trend Setting

"An article about the major difference between the original Star Wars trilogy and its prequels (not counting the special effects)."

Han Shot First and Other Short Stories

"Gavin does a non-movie week article about a comedy troupe that's from the New York area. Not only are they really funny, but they're also really white."

The Whitest Article U Read

"It's almost as if this anime was made for me. It's about a group of cute High School girls that love anime and video games."

Lucky Strike – Why I Like Lucky Star

"A more personal story about the RwN staff. Perhaps this is the 1st of many personal anecdotes such as: the day Josh tried to eat the world's spiciest ramen or the night Ron passed out."

Trying to Remember, Dying to Forget

"An RwN tribute to one of the greatest musicians and entertainers that ever lived."

Last Night an MJ Saved My Life

"Because all the world is a buzz with stuff about Michael Jackson, I figured we have an open invite to obsess about him too."

The Top 5 Bizarre Michael Jackson Post-Death Events Predictions (That Might Actually Happen)

"No matter who you are, what you do, or how uneducated you may be. Deep down there's something about you that makes you a nerd. I have proof."

We’re All Nerds

"Because Rob has little respect for girls that act dumb, he'll be starting a series of articles based on girls that try to get ahead by being slutty. Come see our first subject, the star of High School Musical (not Zac Efron) and the stupid cell phone pics she takes."

Hoe School Musical - The Dumb Girl Revue

"My favorite scenes from an awesome anime about high school girls and not one of them is a sex scene."

My Top 5 Favorite Moments in Lucky Star

"Josh reviews a truly dark episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The episode is like some sort of crazy Orwell written fan-fiction starring the 4 reptilian brothers."

Sodios: "Same as it Never was" TMNT (2003) Episode 73

"More TV fun with Josh. Join him as he talks about an episode from a British sitcom that's a huge hit in the gamer/tech nerd circle."

Sodios: "Calamity Jen" The IT Crowd: episode #102

"Aside from the large groups of obnoxious teens wandering around and the awesome booze filled parties teeming with slutty girls in sexy garb, I can always count on random Simpsons Halloween episodes all throughout later October."

The Top 5 Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Segments (Pre-year 2000/Pre-Season 10)

"Rounding off our Halloween updates, Rob couldn't help but to make fun of those Fundamentalist Christian tracts. This time he pokes fun at a comic that pokes at Halloween."

Tract Marks: Making Fun of Fundamentalists - Halloween Edition

"In this installment of Sodios, Josh talks about an episode of a news show that's hosted by a former presidential candidate (not Ross Perot)."

Sodios: The Colbert Report airdate: October 14, 2009

"Through a strange bit of coincidence Josh unintentionally does a Sesame Street version of Sodios right in the midst of the show's 40th anniversary celebration."

Sodios: Sesame Street: "What's the Name of that Song" airdate: 1974

"The first of our Christmas articles, Rob does commentary on commentary about potentially dangerous toys."

2009 "10 Worst Toys" List with Commentary (pt 1)

"The second part of the toy commentary commentary, be sure to check out the first article (or not since they're not really dependent on eachother)."

2009 "10 Worst Toys" List with Commentary (pt 2)

"Rob always has a strange obsession with the must have holiday toy of the Christmas. This time, his fascination turns to disgust as he talks about a ridiculously over hyped toy pet."

The Holiday Hype: Zhu Zhu Pets








